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Talking To A Prospect As If To A Friend
While working with a new coaching client, I asked to hear her sound bite. Everyone needs a good sound bite. A sound bite, sometimes also called an "elevator speech," is a 10- to 15-second commercial on what your company does, offers or stands for. Use it when you meet someone new in business, use it at networking meetings, and use it on the telephone as part of your introductory calling script. Here is the sound bite from my client: The idea behind the sound bite or elevator speech is to communicate clearly, easily and effectively what you do and why someone else should be interested in what you do. I asked my client, if a friend asked her to explain what she does, would the answer be "complete marketing solutions"? Probably not. And there's your litmus test. If a phrase would make a friend think you'd suddenly lost your mind, don't use it in a conversation with a prospect! Most likely, it sounds artificial and probably doesn't actually mean anything. That same phrase may be fine in writing, for your brochure or web site, but it is not as effective in spoken language, because written language and spoken language are different. These differences come into play when you are writing an introductory calling script. Write your script down the way that you speak. If your script is in written language, you will sound phony. Real people do not speak with capital letters at the start of sentences and periods at the end. People actually speak more in phrases or fragments, with pauses and the occasional "ah" or "um..." Write your introductory calling script with no punctuation and no capitalization. If there is a point that you particularly wish to emphasize, underline or highlight it. It is imperative that you sound real, so you may want to try talking into a tape recorder, then playing it back and writing down what you've said. Try to stay "jargon-free." Every industry has its own jargon, but you must know and use jargon appropriately. If your prospect does not understand your industry jargon, then she will not understand you when you use it! Instead, become conversant with your prospect's industry jargon-then, she will see you as an expert who understands her industry and her issues and concerns. When you are writing your script, keep in mind a particular individual to whom you will be speaking. Picture this person as a friend, as someone who is open and receptive to what you have to say. Speak to that person as you would to a friend, and not in formal business language taken from your company brochure. I have seen perfectly reasonable, articulate human beings become stiff, formal and uncomfortable while trying to speak in a manner they believe to be "businesslike." They use unwieldy phrases like "complete marketing solutions," because someone told them it sounds more professional. It doesn't. If no one understands what you are talking about, no one will buy your product or service. Be yourself, and speak as you would to a friend. Remember your litmus test: Do not include anything in your introductory calling script that would make a friend raise an eyebrow. The very definition of an introductory call is that you are talking to a stranger. You are telling your story to someone who knows nothing about you, your company and your product or service. You must be clear. For the ultimate test, before you get on the telephone, try role-playing your script with an eight- or nine-year-old. If that kid does not understand what you are talking about-no one else will either.
Wendy Weiss, The Queen of Cold Calling & Selling Success, is a sales trainer, author and sales coach. She is the author of Cold Calling for Women and the recently released Cold Calling College. Get her free e-zine at http://www.wendyweiss.com.
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How To Set Goals and Achieve Them We use only 5% of God's given potential, 95% of them is not used. Why not tap the 95% of our Creative Intelligence and achieve our desired goals. Our goals are limitless because of our creative imagination. You have to commit to your goals. If you don't have a goal , your life will be a failure. You are a goal seeking Organism. You can create your opportunity and you can do it anytime. You have to help yourself to achieve your goals.The only way to reach the top is to have a goal. In order for goals to be effective they need to be big, because big goals create excitement once you accomplish. There is no excitement in mediocrity. The excitement comes when you are at your best. You need to see your life as something big and exciting . The only way to do that is through setting goals. Make a commitment and put it in writing. You have to crystalize your thinking so that you will be able to establish an exact direction for your own life. Goals must be realistic and achieveable. Goals must also include personality changes. Once you set goals and start to achieve them you will become successful.Don't have a goal that is so vague that you can't tell, whether you have accomplished it or not. Have a clear statement of your goals. Write them down. Put deadlines on your goals. Have Short term, Intermediate and Long term goals.When you put them on paper they become tangible and you feel more inclined to do them. As you accomplish your goals, add more ambitious goals to your list.Your goals should be clear and definite.Napolean Hill in his book 'Think and Grow Rich' says that your thinking should be crystal clear. You should know your goals. The purpose of those goals. Make a plan how you are going to achieve them. Be persistent and determined. Finally a burning passion and desire to achieve them.You should give a definite period of time within which to accomplish those goals . 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