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How to Buy Wholesale Store Fixtures for Your Business
It may sound funny, but honestly, if you're opening up your own retail store the last thing you'll ever want to do again for the rest of your life is buy anything retail -- especially if it's for your own store. Buying your store fixtures wholesale is not only mandatory it's a last resort after you've tried buying antique fixtures at a fraction of the cost. Even if you've hired a top-notch retail store designer, he or she should be buying your fixtures and other materials at prices even better than wholesale. The designer should be charging for his services and not making a markup on the raw materials. If you're setting up your store by yourself, you have to shop around to know the best wholesale prices to pay for your fixtures. But expect to pay full price for the design and manufacture of items that must be custom-made for you. For example, if you want a certain look imitated in a new material you can expect to pay a premium for that service as well. But if your tastes are not too esoteric and if your product can be handled tastefully in a variety of attractive displays you should have no trouble finding the right fixtures at the right wholesale prices to fit your budget. Research and flexibility is the key here. After all, whatever it is that you are selling, you wouldn't pay retail for it, so why pay retail for the fixtures? There are numerous store fixture wholesalers in and around every city in America. There are enough stores in existence in any major city and enough new ones opening up to make the wholesale market for fixtures a healthy and competitive one. Visit them, get their catalogues when you are planning the look of your store and ask them about closeouts and discontinued items for sale. Their business, like yours, changes with the seasons, the trends and technology. Give yourself time to make your purchase and you may end up getting the fixtures you've been wanting at prices even better than you expected. Store Fixtures Info provides detailed information on metal, antique, wholesale, and used store fixtures and store fixture parts. Store Fixtures Info is the sister site of Mannequins Web.
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Doomed Before You Dial? Several weeks ago, I conducted a "Mastering the Cold Call" seminar for the Printing Industries of Connecticut and Western Massachusetts. At the end of the seminar, a participant came up to me and said, "Thank you! I learned so much! I learned 'Don't Take No for an Answer.'" Another participant standing to his side exclaimed, "No! What I learned is, 'Don't Make No Your Answer!'" Obtaining Self-Confidence A reader recently asked me the following: Everyones Favorite Topic - 3 Tips for How To I believe that everyone understands that no matter what business you are in- Real Estate, Financial Services, Teaching, Auto Sales any other profession, we are all in the PEOPLE BUSINESS. It's been said that fully 85% of your success in life is directly related to your ability to effectively work with people. So I wanted to pass on a little tip that will make all your dealings with clients or co-workers much more effective. Hate Follow-Up Phone Calls To Hot Prospects Who Won?t Call You Back? Stop Calling! We all learned in Sales 101 we must follow up with our prospects until they buy. Unfortunately, while we're busy trying to make all these follow-ups, some very fine prospects who are ready to buy now are flying under our radar. Plan For Your Next Trade Show Appearance To Be A Success Most people who consider trade show planning think of it in terms of logistics planning. In other words planning for details like finding an exhibit, producing graphics, shipping the exhibit to the show, ordering services, etc. Sales People have an advantage as entrepreneurs Zig Ziglar use to say in seminars and on tapes that nothing happens until someone sells something. I had never really understood how absolutely true that was until I got into franchising and saw how one franchise sale could add jobs to the economy, provide great service to a community and change the quality of life for the franchisee and their family. Sales people have an advantage over other folks in business. Our top performing franchisees were always the best sales people. Our toughest competitors, well their founders were great sales people too. To this point I would like to recommend a book to you, that makes this point: Selling To Your Difficult Person We all have people whom we find difficult. We don't understand them, connect with them, or even talk comfortably with them. But, when we own a one person business, seeing someone as difficult gets in the way of our selling effectively and their buying wisely. Lazy Man?s Way To Get Customers No matter how big or small your business is and no matter how high or low sales are right now, there is something you need, badly. And that is a selling system. How To Get Your Mail Past The Gatekeeper And Into The Hands Of The Decision Maker GUARANTEED There are several ways to get your information into the decision maker's hands. Do You Know When You Are Being Sold To? Britney Spears has recently caused controversy with suggestions that the ad campaign for her new fragrance range uses subliminal or hidden messages in its efforts to convince potential buyers. Advertisers have long been aware of the power of appealing to our subsoncious minds, so what methods exactly do they employ, and how widespread is the practise? How to Set Appointments The Importance of setting appointments is crucial to running a business. They are the key to a successful business. If I Wanted To Sell For A Living, I Would Of Majored In It In College By a show of hands, how many of you grew up as a kid saying to yourself, "I can't wait to grow up until I become a salesperson"? Building Relationships A conversation: How to Write Effective Selling Proposals Depending upon how much you enjoy writing, writing sales proposals can be a joy, purgatory, or something in between. However, if you sell a complex product or one that involves the delivery of professional services, learning how to write effective selling proposals can be critical to your success. Health Insurance Lead and Health Insurance Leads Health insurance lead generation systems provide a stead stream of potential clients for health insurance brokers. Health insurance leads are considered to be people who may need health coverage to supplement the health coverage provided by their employer. A health insurance lead can also be someone who is self-employed and needs to obtain coverage for themselves or their entire family. Health insurance brokers rely on health insurance leads systems to supply them with enough potential clients to keep their business going. There are a large number of people who either need additional coverage or are in business for themselves and need an individual or family health insurance plan. The Basic Secrets of A Million Dollar Sales Letter "Accepting the consequences, good or bad, will free you; take a risk, but be aware that things sometimes turn out differently than you expected." -Marcia Wieder Selling Services Selling a service isn't the same as selling a product. Your prospect is buying an intangible. There are no shiny buttons to show off. You and your company are the visible representations of the service. You need to live up to them in your image. (marketing) And in how you "court" the prospect. (sales) Packaging Maketh the Person The multi million pound cosmetics industry is acutely aware of the value of packaging. You'll know this if you've ever bought anything from those glamorous ladies whose counters are always just inside the front door of Department stores. What Are Car Boot Sales? If you live in England then you will already be familiar with car boot sales but I will still offer some valuable tips on how you can make money or find a bargain. However, if you are a resident of any other country then you are unlikely to know what car boot sales are and I hope to enlighten you as to these weekly events. Gatekeepers When I ask salespeople to define what a gatekeeper is, I generally hear: "Someone who keeps out people who will waste the boss's time." ![]() |
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