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If I Wanted To Sell For A Living, I Would Of Majored In It In College
By a show of hands, how many of you grew up as a kid saying to yourself, "I can't wait to grow up until I become a salesperson"? Why do people go into sales? Here are some reasons people have given to me and sales managers when they apply for a sales position: ? I don't know what else to do in life, so I might as well sell. ? I'm tired of my present job of (you fill in the blank), so I guess I'll go into sales; anybody can do it. ? It's for the money. ? It looks like fun and you get a lot of time off. ? I like people. These people don't understand what selling is all about and will not make it in sales. What do people who are not in sales think about salespeople? They see them as: ? Sleazy. ? Obnoxious. ? A con artist. ? One step above a politician or attorney. No wonder we have such a bad reputation as salespeople. Colleges and universities offer marketing classes and but rarely do you ever see any classes in selling. (Could it be because professors are theorists and don't have a clue about selling?) After all, marketing is at least respectable and you don't have to get your hands dirty. A friend once told me that "If I was meant to sell, I would have been born as a salesman". Babies sell their parents and grandparents on feeding them when they're hungry. On changing their diapers when they're wet. On giving them baths. On rocking them to sleep. On taking hours out of each day to play with them. On giving up a lot of their activities so they can spend them with the baby. On teaching them. On taking their pictures to show to their friends later. Case made. You were born to be a salesperson. You just don't realize it. You had to sell your parents on why you were out late last night. You had to sell your friends in school on accepting you. You had to sell the professor on giving you a higher grade. You had to sell your sweetheart on marrying you. You had to sell your boss on hiring you. You have to sell your customers on accepting terms of payment or shipment. You are always selling. Just don't forget it. Let's look at what a true salesperson, a professional salesperson, really does for a living, and let's see now if it's not a more respectable job than you ever imagined. A professional salesperson: ? Wakes up every day unemployed and starts looking for work. ? Is looking for problems to solve. ? Learns how to be creative in solving those problems. ? Is always available to their company and their (many) customers. ? Is the customers' advocate with their own company. ? Helps both their company and customer profit from their relationship. ? Is a leader. ? Makes decisions that affect fellow employees and their customers' companies. ? Has unlimited courage and fortitude. ? Understands what belief and faith really are; and must practice it. ? Faces fears, rejections, problems, mistakes, and failures every day, but finds ways to overcome them. ? Learns more about herself because of her trial by fire every day. ? Understands and deals with the most difficult objections anyone can throw at them each day. ? Is optimistic when others see only failure. ? Has a "can do" attitude, and will keep working until the job is done, and done right. ? Is well educated and is learning some new skills and techniques from every person they talk to, every book they read, and every seminar they attend each day. ? They care. You are a professional, just as a doctor, attorney, or architect is a professional. You help people solve problems, employ workers in industries, and make profits for companies. Be proud of what you do. Few people have your abilities, skills, and drive. Keep up the good work. Jerry Hocutt, founder of Cold Calling for CowardsŪ seminars has trained over 150,000 salespeople, business owners, and entrepreneurs on how to find, sell to, and retain customers. For a limited time you can get a FREE 60 day trial (instead of the normal 30 day trial) of his nTouch? permission email postcard marketing program that will increase your sales through referrals, cross-selling, and customer retention, if you visit http://www.youvegotcontacts.com and enter the Promo Code WNL05. You can also download his ebook, Rx for Sales, free at the same location.
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Touchdown! Closing Skills for Successful Selling It's early January 2004. The Green Bay Packers are just 72 seconds away from their fourth NFC Championship game. They have a three-point lead over the Philadelphia Eagles, who face an impossible fourth down and 26 yards on their own 28-yard line. All Green Bay has to do is hold Philadelphia to less than 26 yards. One play. That's all. Selling To Your Difficult Person We all have people whom we find difficult. We don't understand them, connect with them, or even talk comfortably with them. But, when we own a one person business, seeing someone as difficult gets in the way of our selling effectively and their buying wisely. The Answers (1 - 5) Are Here !!! - Challenge Yourself - Evaluate Your Selling Skills "THE ANSWERS (1 - 5) ARE HERE!!!"Question 1) List the top five most important steps in the selling process?Answer: 1. Rapport. Help me, the customer, feel comfortable with you. The more comfortable I feel the more information I provide.The more information I provide the more you understand my needs and wants.The more you understand my needs and wants the easier it will be for you to sell me.Be sincere. Nothing will turn a customer off quicker that insincerity. 2. Overview. Help me understand what we're going to do while we're together today (assume this is our initial visit). I'm looking to purchase a new roof, you're the rep for the roofing company. The overview would include the elements or the steps of the sales process.EXAMPLE: "Teri, while we are together today I'd like to better understand what's important to you when replacing your roof - such as the style, the color, as well as the budget you are looking to stay within. Next, I'll measure the roof and show you the different options and packages we have available. And, finally, I'll show you what we need to do while we're together today to get started."3. Qualifying. Using the right approach and asking specific, relevant questions in a non invasive way.EXAMPLE: "Teri, have you ever had a roof replaced? At that time what roofing company did you use? Is there a specific reason you chose not to use that company this time? How soon are you looking to have the roof replaced? Aside from yourself is there anyone else that will be involved in the decision making process? Is there a budget that you are looking to stay within? How would you be paying for the new roof?Cash, credit, or financing?, etc." 4. Presentation. Now that you've helped me feel comfortable, have identified the steps that will transpire while we're together and qualified me on areas of importance, its time to provide a presentation that would include company bio, credibility, service, product line, etc.5. Recap. This step helps pull everything together by assuring you understand my needs and wants. Also, it gives you, the salesperson, an opportunity to clear away any additional questions or concerns that I might have, touch in on the benefits and features of your products, and allows you to show me why your company would be the best choice. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CLOSE? - CLOSING STARTED WITH HELLO!It's not about the close - it's about the qualifying. If you're following a well documented sales process and asking great qualifying questions, the close will become a formality.Question 2) Of these top five, which is the most important? Why?Answer:Qualifying. Qualifying is critical because:if you don't understand my needs or wants;if you don't understand what motivates me to buy; if you don't know who the decision makers are; if you don't know if I could afford what you have; How are you going CLOSE the sale? DON'T FRUSTRATE YOURSELF!Ask great questions and listen for the answers (objections, concerns, fears).Question 3) List the top three steps in the qualifying process?Answer: 1. Identifying the decision maker. 2. Identifying that there is a need or want. 3. Identifying affordability.Question 4) Of the top three which is most important. Why?Answer:Identifying the decision maker. Without identifying the decision maker/s you'll invest a lot of time and emotion only to find there are one or more additional people needed to move forward. Don't get caught in the trap of believing the person or people you are talking to will do a better job of selling than you can. If you're not dealing with all the decision makers you lose. And, if by some miracle you do close the sale, it will be a very lengthy selling cycle.Question 5) What is more important - qualifying or closing? Why?Answer: "If you don't know the answer to this one, WE NEED TO TALK!" How to Sell High Tech Solutions Many companies are looking to improve upon the speed, security, and accessibility of business technologies, especially satellite and broadband connections to the internet. While customers are becoming more savvy, many don't speak 'tech-ese,' and they still are baffled by terms such as routers, IPSEC, T-1s, WIFI, and broadband. While these buyers may have a genuine interest and need for the products they investigate, more often than not their sales experience ends up a frustrating and confusing one. Sales Letters - How to Write Them You could just send out your brochure to potential customers but it's much better to personalise your mailing with a well written sales letter. 9 Ways to Keep Clients Coming Back For More A lot of effort is put into getting new clients. We all know our client base will change. Previous clients can move to a new area, sell their business, close down, or change their priorities. So finding new business is always important - but so is keeping your previous clients. Here are nine ways to keep previous clients coming back for more! Do You Want to Know the 8 Tips to Selling More Products? So often sales men and woman are the very people that prevent themselves from obtaining additional sales and increasing their commissions. It doesn't matter if it's counter sales or door-to-door. Prepare to Sell! Sales is a critical part of any business, including non-profits. Sales is not complicated or difficult, but requires preparation, consistent action and a plan. Before completing any preparatory work in sales, consider asking yourself some tough questions. How To Sell Your Products or Services on Value And Stop Selling On Price Alone Have you ever met with, or talked to a prospect that wasn't ready to buy what you had to offer? What did you do with that prospects? Most sales gurus of the 1980's and 90's wrote books that told you to move on to the next prospect who is ready to buy now, and not waste your time on those that aren't ready yet. Recommending Products Vs. Selling Them Some of the best sales people I have ever met, were able to meet all of their sales goals without ever selling a thing. They simply recommended their products to their customers. A Look at Mannequin Heads A mannequin head is a life-size head that includes all of the features of a human face. Mannequin heads can be used in several different situations. They can be used to model hats, wigs, makeup, or be used as practice dummies by people learning to cut hair in beauty school. Mannequin heads can be made to look like all types of people and are built to scale, giving them a lifelike look that is almost eerie. Mannequin heads are usually made of foam, plastic, or vinyl. Selling Is Not A Dirty Word Selling--a word that strikes terror in writers and professionals. We love to write. We love our work. We love to speak. We hate to SELL. Dont Let Rattlesnakes Scare You Recently I was out trail running along the South Fork of the Yuba River. The Yuba River is in a beautiful canyon running east-west through the middle of Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. The terrain here is rocky, hilly and rugged, and is covered with a mixture of pine, oak, and manzanita trees. How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales How do you get people's attention and build their interest to take the time to read your sales letter? Let's face it. If you can't get the attention of prospects and keep their interest your sales letter will just fall flat on it's face and thus not make you much money. Lock, Stock, and Barrel! The other night I was watching a classic western from 1969, Sergio Leone's "Once Upon A Time In The West". Looong and Boooring Sales Letters You have all seen them,the sales letters that never ends. They go on and on about how this product can do this and that. The product can often be very good and have all the features you are looking for.But I think that many of the sales letters that have the task of selling products,are too long and boring. Secrets to Buying Without Being Sold Have you ever asked yourself, now how did I let that guy sell me on something that I had no real need for at the time? Do you ever get a sneaking suspicion that your probably not going to really use whatever it is that your buying in the way that it was presented? If this is true which is often the case, then why in the heck do we give up our hard earned money for something that until we heard some sales spiel, we really had no need or want to have. Before They buy What You Say - 10 Steps To Selling Yourself You are the product How To Improve Your Voice VOICE Getting Referrals Referrals ![]() |
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