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Selling Is Not A Dirty Word
Selling--a word that strikes terror in writers and professionals. We love to write. We love our work. We love to speak. We hate to SELL. Our print and eBooks may go unread because we don't get the word out. Our products and services don't sell because we don't include enough benefits to give our buyers a reason to buy. Maybe that's because we imagine the used car salesman or the vacuum sales person. They annoyed us because they didn't listen, they pushed, and we felt attacked. We defended our position, and that's what we think others do when we share our books or eBooks. When you think of selling, think of sharing the love that went into your book, product, or service and the unique, important benefits it delivers. Think, "Now that I've planted this garden, I want to reap its harvest. If I don't share the word with others, my garden will die from lack of attention." If you are like me, you will want to put both your attention and intention on your book, product, or service. Yes, use powerful words to describe your products. Follow my lead and let your audience know about your top product or service through an ezine, press release, writing and submitting free articles Online, sending email follow ups, giving freebies to attract folks to your site, or learning how to sell without a Web Site. Book Example: To raise your book "Selling" awareness, check out the acronym below: S - Sharing my book; educating and entertaining people with my unique information E - Expecting positive outcomes; knowing my book's value, living it, and offering it with my short blurb--the "30-60 Second Tell and Sell" L - Listening to other professionals who have shared their books and created ongoing lifelong income, raised their credibility as a speaker, coach, or other professional, as well as living a grand adventure. L - Listening to what my reader's problems and needs are, so I can serve them through the essential "7 Hot-Selling Points." I - Involving people by sending them parts of the book, ask them to vote from 1-10 on each part. They could also add words or phrases that I didn't think of. Always thinking, "does my book suit my audience's needs?" N - Nurturing business relationships through networking as a savvy friend who follows up regularly. G - Gaining enthusiasm from all the people who already love my book--enough to give me quality, specific testimonials. Share your good feelings and good words about your eBook, products, or services with others. Show them how you can help them. It's OK to sell because your book or anything else because you offer value to help others. Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 140 free articles. Email her at mailto:Judy@bookcoaching.com
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The Benefits of Display Mannequins Mannequins are primarily used in stores to display clothing. A display mannequin is usually a full-size dummy in the shape of a person. A display mannequin will normally include all parts of the human body including a head and feet. Display mannequins can be made of several different materials, including fiberglass, wood, plaster, or wax. How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales How do you get people's attention and build their interest to take the time to read your sales letter? Let's face it. If you can't get the attention of prospects and keep their interest your sales letter will just fall flat on it's face and thus not make you much money. The ?Write? Way to More Sales The sales letter you can't put down?the advertising copy that makes you want the product?the resume that prompts you to call the job candidate this second?all these are examples of exceptional business writing. While you certainly know good writing when you see it, can you write with the same pizzazz the professionals use to hold your attention for pages on end? Quotations Tell... Proposals Sell! The traditional "Quotation" was originally devised during the Industrial Revolution of the 1850's and has changed little to the present day. It is a totally Dickensian format and absolutely out of date in a situation where supply so completely outstrips demand. We are now 155 years on, and selling through proposals has gone way past this old fashioned legal junk. Continue to include it if the legal eagles insist ( and they will, but then they still wear stupid looking wigs, and bow to "Hizzoner") - but don't expect it to do anything but harm in terms of helping you achieve the sale. An Introductino to Insurance Lead Generation It is vital that insurance salespeople have a steady stream of leads. Often, people don't even know about a particular type on insurance and it is up to a salesperson to explain it to them. The salespeople must have good leads in order to know who may be more open to purchasing certain types of insurance. The Secrets Behind Hypnotic Selling Hypnosis has been a taboo word for far too long. And many people see it in a mystical light. Yet what they do not realize is that hypnosis is a naturally occurring state experienced by everyone every single day. And it is only in recent times, that business professionals have discovered the power of hypnosis and boosted their sales and their businesses. An Introduction to Store Fixtures Everybody is familiar with the old retail chant, "Location, location, location!" It speaks volumes about making the right decisions from the start to make your retail establishment a success. Once you've decided what it is your store is offering to the general public, the next step you'll take is finding the right location. Once you've found it, the next step is to decide how to dress up your establishment; you'll need to decide what retail store fixtures will properly display your product. At this stage another invaluable cliché applies, "Presentation is everything!" Peddlers, Hucksters, & Empty Suits Ever feel like you were "just a salesperson"? Marketing Conversations, And Conversation Stoppers Where many marketing conversations get off-track are the ones you have with yourself, before you even pick up the phone or initiate the handshake. As independent professionals, usually at the helm of solo businesses, we sometimes find ourselves facing daunting internal obstacles as we try to begin our day's marketing activity. With no one in our office-of-one to help with a confidence booster, an important resource to have in our self-management toolbox is a means of submitting the negative self-talk for an internal Second Opinion. Never Stop Selling The question: "When should a growing company slow down its sales function and focus solely on delivery?" If I Wanted To Sell For A Living, I Would Of Majored In It In College By a show of hands, how many of you grew up as a kid saying to yourself, "I can't wait to grow up until I become a salesperson"? Sell More Products and Services with Testimonials Testimonials are all-important to sell anything. You may already have testimonials for your new book and service, but do you have testimonials for other promotional pieces? Pinging for Success: Creating Search Patterns One of my first internship jobs as a college student was working for a defense company who, at the time, developed a highly sophisticated torpedo for hunting down submarines and destroying them. The operation of the torpedo was pretty fascinating. The torpedo was launched from the deck of a ship or dropped from a helicopter into the water. Sales 101: Handling The Angry Customer I am often reminded of the following true story whenever I encounter a hostile customer or prospect, witness a scene where someone is losing their cool or observe someone getting chewed out for something that they may or may not have done. Going the Extra Mile and Getting Referrals Successful salespeople have the ability to turn the customers they serve into advocates. They don't directly ask for assistance, they do it by going the extra mile when providing service. It is only natural for satisfied customers to refer their friends and business associates to someone they know they can trust to take good care of them. Is Sales Profession an Oxymoron? If you are in Sales, you have probably heard these before: Why Arent They Buying? You've polished your sales page over and over againuntil it's gleaming with benefits. You're gettingplenty of traffic. And still - no sales. The Power of Thank-You When was the last time you thanked your customers? Want More Sales? Write A Barry Bonds Sales Letter I'm not a baseball fan. Never have been. In fact, I hate the sport. However, I am a Barry Bonds fan. Here's why: Barry Bonds possesses the exact same intangibles every great sales letter possesses. He's loyal, consistent, powerful, and hits a ton of home runs, year after year after year! Those are all things that great sales letters do and have done from the very beginning. How Sellers Can Take Control For centuries ? at least since the serpent convinced Eve to eat the apple ? sellers have assumed that getting the right information about a product into the right hands would offer a good chance of a sale. ![]() |
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