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The Secrets Behind Hypnotic Selling
Hypnosis has been a taboo word for far too long. And many people see it in a mystical light. Yet what they do not realize is that hypnosis is a naturally occurring state experienced by everyone every single day. And it is only in recent times, that business professionals have discovered the power of hypnosis and boosted their sales and their businesses. So what specifically is hypnotic selling? It is a process to trance your prospect with the product or service you offer as the solution to their need or want. If you are wondering if this is manipulation, it is not. To successfully become a hypnotic salesperson, it is imperative to have the customer's interest at heart. Your focus should congruently be on servicing the customer rather than just closing the deal. KNOW YOUR PROSPECT Hypnotic selling works because it helps you listen and pay attention to the prospect in an entirely new way. You begin listening to not only their word choice, but also the type of language they use. The reason for success with this type of sales approach is because it was modeled after successful salespeople. It is exactly what top performers are already doing. So this takes the guesswork out of it and gives you specific tools and strategies to integrate into your own selling style. YOUR PROSPECT'S LANGUAGE Let's take a closer look at the three possible types of language a prospect might use. Even though I'll explain them as individual types, it is important to note that we incorporate all three styles, just at different times. When you reflect back the client's language, you create immediate rapport. Also, learning a prospect's individual style gives you keen insight into their model of the world, which then allows you to tailor your presentation. "The Visual Prospect" When you hear words like "see, appears, looks," or phrases like "picture this, looks clear, bright future," these are all visual words. This means we are accessing images in our minds to make sense of the words. These images may be still or in a movie-like sequence. They might be bright or dim, clear or fuzzy, in color or black and white. This kind of prospect will probably will move and speak quite rapidly. "The Auditory Prospect" There may be times when hear words like "listen, sounds, clicks," or phrases like "sound okay, listen to this, rings a bell," these are all auditory words. Here we are accessing sounds to make meaning of the words we hear. These sounds may be loud or quiet, clear or muffled, high or low pitched, pleasant or unpleasant in tonality. This prospect will speak more melodically. "The Kinesthetic Prospect" Sometimes you may hear words like "feel, grasp, grip, hold," or phrases like "take hold of, heavy feeling, or gut response," these are all kinesthetic or feeling words. This means we are accessing our feelings to make sense of the words. These feelings may be heavy or light, cool or warm, pressured or tingling, moving or still. This kind of prospect will speak and move quite slowly as he or she feels each word. TEN TIPS ON EFFECTIVE HYPNOTIC SELLING Executives and sales professionals alike always ask me what is the fastest way I can learn these skills aside from attending one of your Hypnotic Sales Trainings. And my reply is always the same; there is no substitute for training and getting the experience under your belt. However if there were ten tips that I would want to impart to you at a training or otherwise, it would be the following: 1. Find your own charismatic persuasion state. Before you ever approach a prospect make sure you are in an optimal state of mind. A quick mental exercise you can do is think of times when you were humorous, highly influential, enthusiastic, and confident, along with times when you were communicating effectively and absolutely certain about yourself. Step into a combination of these states before you take one step towards your prospect. 2. Step into their trance. When you go into a company you are stepping into their world, and their world has its own pace and its own rules. So make sure you meet them where they are. If it is a high energy place, increase your own energy level. If it is slow and laid back, slow down with them. This will allow you to step into the rhythm of their environment. 3. Establish Rapport. Once you meet your prospect, get rapport with them. Match and mirror their movements. Sit like they sit. Speak only as fast they speak. Surprisingly, people like themselves. And more importantly people like to see themselves in others. And by matching and mirroring, you are unconsciously saying to them, "I am as you are." However, be subtle with this process. Underplay it and they won't even notice it. Avoid matching or mirroring anything that is idiosyncratic to them such as a limp or a twitch. That kind of overt behavior might break rapport. 4. Bring them into your trance. When you feel you have established a fair amount of rapport, then it is time to bring them into your world. Get them to focus in on you, so they are no longer distracted by their surroundings. In the old days of hypnosis, a hypnotist would have you look at spiraling wheel. Hypnotic sales professionals create the same kind of trance like state with their presentations. 5. Get them into a good state. As their attention fixates upon you, they might still be in the state of mind of their last activity. If it was a pleasant, that's fine, if not, then make sure you get them into a good state of mind (good mood). People make decisions inside of mental states. It is important to get your prospect into a great state of mind so when they decide to go with your product or service; they will always associate good feelings to that decision. This is the first rule to eliminate buyer's remorse. 6. Find their emotional triggers. People buy with their emotions and justify and rationalize with logic. So it is imperative to discover their emotional reasons for buying. Is it to move away from the pain of not having your product or service (perceived benefit) or pleasure of having it? Or perhaps a little bit of both. Once triggers or hot buttons are discovered, hypnotic sales professionals utilize them to persuade the prospect to buying their product or service. 7. Become a storyteller. We all love stories. Through stories you can convince someone of anything because it is always done in a covert manner. Tell them stories of previous customers and how happy they were for using you or your service or product. Don't say it like a testimonial; instead share it with them like a drama. Watch some TV; drama sells! Hypnotic sales professionals are master storytellers. 8. Be the first to bring up objections. When a prospect brings up a concern, it is called an objection. If you bring up the objection, then you can frame its positive attributes and make your product or service more compelling. Hypnotic sales professionals are quite familiar with the common objections associated with their industry, product, or service, and they prepare themselves ahead of time to inoculate their prospect from these objections. 9. Show them alternate futures. Use your stories to paint them a picture of what it would be like to not have your product or service. This goes back to discovering their emotional triggers. If they are moving away from the pain of not having your product or service, then really be descriptive with this possible future. If they prefer to move towards the pleasure of having your product or service; then paint them a picture of how great it will be when they are using your product or service. This is the second rule to eliminate buyer's remorse. 10. Thank them and reinforce their decision. Always make sure you thank them because without them you would not be there. Customers are the lifeline to any successful business. Plant a seed for their next purchase and while they are still in that great mood, suggest they share their experience with their associates and friends. This is a hypnotic way to ask for a referral. Two things will happen as a result of their sharing of their experience. First, it will reinforce their good decision about using your product or service. Second, they will automatically enter into this great mood every time they talk about you, your product, or your service. And when their friends or associates inquire about the great mood, you will get free publicity. This is the third rule to eliminate buyer's remorse. WHERE DO YOU BEGIN? One begins to master hypnotic selling by starting with the first tip and really getting that down well. The process to master hypnotic selling is the same way you would eat a watermelon; one bite at a time. The key here is to integrate it into your own style, not to become a robot. Add your own flair once you have mastered each skill set. After you practice each tip, you will notice an apparent increase in your sales, improved relationships with old and new customers, and more referrals. Now as you are starting to understand the secrets of top performers using hypnotic selling, consider what it would be worth to you. Calculate the value of the life of a customer. Aren't these skills worth your investigation? If you aren't sure if I used hypnotic selling techniques throughout this article you may want to read it again! As the director of the CORE Changes Institute, Oz Merchant, trains and coaches individuals for personal and professional excellence utilizing cutting-edge transformation technologies such as NLP, Hypnosis, TFT, and EFT to name a few. Get access to the Success Skills E-Letter and remember to get your free copy of his latest e-book "11 Simple Lessons to Manifest Your Destiny," at http://www.CoreChanges.com
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