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Chicken Little And The Disintermediation Myth
If Chicken Little were alive today he wouldn't be running around forewarning us of the sky that was about to fall. He'd be too preoccupied alerting everyone about another potential disaster - which may in the end prove to be just as erroneous as his first prediction. Nevertheless, if the conversations around the office water coolers are any indication, he'd still get the attention of many nervous corporate omni-smarts. So what's the new buzz? Disintermediation! If you haven't heard the word already, you're going to hear it ad nauseum. For those unfamiliar with the term; Disintermediation is a groovy way of saying; "Soon there won't be a need for a Middleman." That is to say, thanks to things like the Internet, e-commerce, global attraction and fulfillment, manufacturers will no longer require the services of the "Middleman in the Channels" [resellers] to reach end users or customers. It would seem today's prognosticating Chicken Littles are quite convinced the death of the middleman is in fact, imminent. But like the chicken that went before them, that doesn't mean they're right! The incredible rise and untimely fall of many of the mighty dot-com's should serve in no small way to highlight much of what we thought the internet was going to do, it didn't and probably won't. And you don't have to bring up the name, Peter de Jager, to know there is no shortage of red-faced futurists still hiding under rocks looking for ways to get out of town. Fortunes were made and lost especially in high-tech resulting from, let's call it; bad information concerning things like Y2K and the forecasted unavoidable changes to the traditional business landscape, thanks to the Internet. But to be fair, de Jager wasn't in a bomb shelter when the clock struck twelve, he was in a plane and as far as I know, he never told anyone to stock up on Tang! We can save that discussion for another time as it is ? at the risk of sounding a little ironic ? history. Nevertheless, the argument regarding whether e-commerce will entrench itself as the 'preferred' way of doing business continues. From my perch, I'll go out on a limb and say, "It won't! At least not totally." Simply put, there are two fundamental transaction-types that culminate in a sale. One is Tactical and the other is Strategic. Few would argue the implementation of a new IT-network or specialized software requires a strategic approach that can only be satisfied in person employing a B2B strategy. Most sales requiring specializations all but eliminate ? at least for now ? an e-commerce solution. Tactical sales, however, are entirely different and Amazon.com is a perfect example. For products like books,a bar of soap or an airline ticket, e-commerce has a far better chance of becoming the time and money-saving fulfillment process of choice ? but even that, as we have seen, has no guarantees! A toy is a toy is a toy. Right? So why did Toys.com go under? Surely their business model personified the quintessential Tactical sale for which e-commerce was designed. It did! Yet it still failed. Why? Why also do studies conducted by US-based firms like Pittiglio Rabin Todd & McGrath report e-commerce has not ? as of yet - replaced or significantly reduced traditional channel operations to any significant extent? I personally am reasonably e-savvy but, to date, I have only bought a couple of small items over the net. Not because I haven't tried to buy more. Giving out my credit card information has never frightened me. My bank assumes all responsibility for purchases by my card should it fall into the wrong hands. [Note: I, like you, pay handsomely for this privilege]. On several occasions I did try to make a small e-purchase. Each went something like this. Step 1: Name / Address / Phone Number / [No problem with that]. Step 2: Date of Birth / [SAY WHAT?] SIN Number / [NOT A CHANCE!] The fact is; I, like most people, will, not - under any circumstances - give out sensitive, personal information over a faceless Internet regardless of how secure the connection is. And therein lies one of the major stumbling blocks for even the simplest e-purchase. Misuse my credit card; I am inconvenienced. Misuse my personal information; I am potentially devastated for life. A few bars of soap or a new toner cartridge for my printer are in the end, not worth the risk. What about larger purchases? Not too long ago, the Auto Industry was bracing for what it thought would be a groundbreaking way to sell cars ? over the Net. After all, it did meet the Tactical Sale Model e-commerce was designed to satisfy. And when that didn't happen, they were quick to ameliorate their expectations by saying; customers will purchase cars in three steps. First: They will shop the net for exactly the car they want. Second: They will physically test drive one. Finally: They will again shop the net for the very best price and purchase. ? So how come so few buyers have done this? There is an obvious [predictable] answer and it isn't so difficult to understand. Educated sales-specialists know there is an Art and a Science to selling. Both the Art and the Science are time-tested and proven and are well rooted in things like Psychology, Human Behavior and Motivation. E-commerce, although quick to offer a potentially new and better way to buy, has fallen miserably short in its ability to offer the human factor still expressly integral in allowing traditionalists to make the leap of faith from the real world to the e-world. In the end, it doesn't matter whether it's a computer part, a bar of soap or a new car. A better strategy is still needed to achieve synchronicity between the two buying-models thereby bringing credibility or a speedy end to the argument about Disintermediation. "Is Disintermediation real? Or is it a Myth? For the answers to this and strategies you can use [already embraced by successful e-managed companies], go to >www.success150.com/theanswer< home of the 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' Paul Shearstone. About The Author Paul Shearstone aka The 'Pragmatic Persuasionist' is one of North America's foremost experts on Sales and Persuasion. An International Keynote Speaker, Author, Writer, Motivation / Time & Stress Management Specialist, Paul enlightens and challenges audiences as he informs, motivates and entertains. To comment on this article or to book the Pragmatic Persuasionist for your next successful event we invite to contact Paul Shearstone directly @ 416-728-5556 or 1-866-855-4590 www.success150.com or paul@success150.com.
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The ?Write? Way to More Sales The sales letter you can't put down?the advertising copy that makes you want the product?the resume that prompts you to call the job candidate this second?all these are examples of exceptional business writing. While you certainly know good writing when you see it, can you write with the same pizzazz the professionals use to hold your attention for pages on end? 10 Amazing Product Selling Formulas 1. Sell your products at a wholesale price to retail web sites. You could sell them individually or in bulk. Selling ? Remember These Ten Rules and Succeed There are thousands of books and seminars on how to succeed. What many don't make explicit is the requirement to be a great salesperson ? even if you're selling an idea! Sealing The Deal Over The Business Meal Doing business over meals is a ritual that has existed for centuries. Taking clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has long been an effective way to build relationships, make the sale or seal the deal. These business meals are essentially business meetings. Knowledge of your product or your service is crucial to the success of the meeting, but so are your manners. Too many people jeopardize an opportunity because they fail to use good dining etiquette. Here are a few basic rules to make the experience pleasurable and profitable. How To Bully Your Prospects Into Buying Your Product or Service Selling is a tough job, and sometimes you may need to appear tough in order to get the sale. Your Best Friend - The Phone We all know that you can't earn your commission until you make the sale. Furthermore, you can't make the sale without the order, and you can't write the order until you have a product presentation scheduled. Finally, you can't have a presentation until you make the infamous CALL to schedule the appointment. Tips for Increasing Your Profits with Gift Certificates Offering gift certificates is an excellent way of increasing sales by solving your customers' gift-giving problems. Often people would like to give your products as gifts, but are hesitant to choose a specific item for someone. The Risk of Being A Yes-Man Sales is all about negotiating. You are negotiating from the first word out of your lips on a cold call, to the moment that you touch the contract with your customer's wet signature on it. Sell With KISS, As In Keep It Simple, Stupid One of the most useful and fundamental communications lessons that has been repeated to me over the years, ever since my earliest days of formal business training, is the fabled, famous, and fabulous "KISS" formula. I Don?t Want To Be Sold; I Want To Buy I went shopping for clothes today. Can You Use Hynotic Like Statements To Sell More Products? As I become more successful with my internet business I have become interested in ways to move my business to the next level. The Biggest Mistake In Selling! Some trainers and sales managers teach that there are prospects that just need a little more time in the decision-making process. They explain that a decision-maker's stall is not always a put off and they just need to think a bit more about their decision, or that they have to sell the idea to someone else. Therefore, many sales and service industry professionals accept the stall, "I've got to think about it." at face value, believing that a buyer truly has an interest in what they are selling and just needs more time to think about the benefits of the offer. However, in their hearts many sales professionals know better, but hope usually wins out in the end and they accept the stalling tactic of a prospect as truth and continue to work with them for many weeks or months in the delusion that something positive will come from their persistence. Interactive Sales Letter Skyrockets Conversions with 2 Simple Questions There are many tactics and techniques that go into converting visitors into buyers. However, this article will prove to you why creating an "interactive" sales letter will be the most critical weapon in your modern marketing arsenal to accomplish this. Your Direct Mail Sales Letters Must Differentiate You For two winters I heated my house with an old fashioned woodstove. I learned the art of reviving a bed of dying coals each chilly winter morning, adjusting the kindling, firewood and dampers just right so that the stove would heat my turn-of-the- century farmhouse for the longest period possible. Talking To A Prospect As If To A Friend While working with a new coaching client, I asked to hear her sound bite. Everyone needs a good sound bite. A sound bite, sometimes also called an "elevator speech," is a 10- to 15-second commercial on what your company does, offers or stands for. Use it when you meet someone new in business, use it at networking meetings, and use it on the telephone as part of your introductory calling script. Can Walmart Make You Rich? Have you ever shopped at Walmart and thought... I need to get my products on those shelves. Did you spot the perfect place for your new product and think, Bingo, that's where my product will go. I think I'll give them a call. Three Ways to Get More Referrals When you are in the business of sales, among the many key ingredients to your success is receiving referrals from as many sources as possible. What is a Pitch? I've been training in countries outside the U.S. recently, and have finally accepted a universal truth about sales people: you love to pitch. 5+5 = Your Dream JOHN DI LEMME ON "5 + 5 = Your Dream" I know your thinking...Okay John, 5+5 does not equal 5 so let me please explain. Let's start with a question. How many times have you heard that you need to have a "long term" goal and be focused for the entire length of that "long term"? In this article, I am going to focus on a 5 year goal and explain how you will know if you are truly on track to achieve your 5 year goal in life. In the equation, the answer 5 is your five-year goal and the 5+5 is the underlying secret to attaining that goal. Instead of Discounting, Back Some Value Out of Your Proposal Last minute discounting has become so prevalent that many companies have come to depend on it as their default sales strategy. Employing a go-to-market strategy of being the lowest cost provider is one thing, but dramatic, tactical discounting on every deal will erode your company's margins and leave you digging a deeper and deeper hole in which your company will ultimately bury itself. I don't want to give you the impression that discounting is never appropriate. I can think of three scenarios where it is required: ![]() |
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