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The Doors Of Opportunity
Alexander Graham Bell once said, "When one door closes another opens; but we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that is opened for us." If you're in sales you gotta remember this one. Right now, during these challenging and difficult economic times, salespeople are facing more closed doors than ever before. Some salespeople are like the news media - they focus on what's negative. In sales, being positive is better. I see this all the time in my sales training programs that I conduct for my corporate clients. It's easy to blame the economy. It's easier to blame a competitor's price. And it's unbelievably easy to soak up the daily headlines and point fingers everywhere. Where's the personal accountability? What's not so easy is to take a personal inventory while looking directly in a mirror. It would seem that everything is wrong with everything else except the person you see in the mirror. When was the last time you asked yourself, "How can I increase my sales," in spite of these challenging times? I'm very proud of the fact that I have had 16 straight years of increased sales and profits. I did not however, experience 16 years of blissful growth. On the contrary, I've had to be feisty, assertive, optimistic, determined, creative, and results oriented in order to increase the size of my business. My first huge mistake was to invest $20,000 in a distributorship that sold videodisc telemarketing training programs. I invested this money in a very small division of GTE. I got off to a quick start and was making money. The only problem I experienced was that GTE decided to get out of the training business. So I searched for a new product and found one. Rank Roundtable, was a huge European conglomerate, and decided to enter the U.S. market with a brand new sales training program. Proudly I became one of their first U.S. distributors. Once again I got off to a very quick start. And once again a very big company decided to get out of the training business - leaving me high and dry. Remember, I'm using this as an example - not looking for your sympathy. These two big gigantic DOORS were abruptly closed to me. Alexander Graham Bell's quote says when one door closes another opens. It will only open for you if you're looking for it. In my own situation I decided I would not build my business around someone else's products. I created and sold workbooks to my clients. I added audiocassette tapes. I've written and published five books. And I could go on. This is not the best of times for professional speakers, sales trainers, and consultants. When you factor in September 11th a lot of people in my industry are singing the blues. I decided to sing a different song. My song is called "My Way." I also decided I wasn't going to participate in this recession so I raised my speaking fee. I also tried new business opportunities. For example, I started doing monthly TeleSeminars. Last year I wasn't. Last year I did not have an eight-cassette album. This year I do. You get the point don't you? Enough about me - what about you? What's the one thing you're fretting over that you can convert into a new selling opportunity for yourself? There are two kinds of doors in the sales world. There are closed doors and there are open doors. The closed doors will find you. You have to find the doors that are waiting to be opened by you. My brother Ray was a New York City fireman who was killed September 11th in the World Trade Center. He perished along with 342 other firemen and several thousand other people. Consider this, no matter how difficult your current situation may be, everyone who perished in the World Trade Center would, if given the chance, be willing to trade places with any of us. YOU CAN DO IT! THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WORDS CAN AND CAN'T IS THE LETTER "T" for TRY! GO FOR IT. Never give up. Never give in. Eliminate the words can't, impossible, and discount from your vocabulary and you will experience a success you never before imagined. Jim Meisenheimer is the creator of No-Brainer Sales Training. His sales techniques and selling skills focus on practical ideas that get immediate results. You can discover all his secrets by contacting him at (800) 266-1268 or by visiting his website: http://www.meisenheimer.com
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The Trusted Advisor Relationship: What Is It, and What Should It Be? For the past months, maybe a year, I've been hearing sales groups talk about the need to become Trusted Advisors (I'll call them TAs). I suspect that the problems cropping up in the sales arena these days ? the increased length of the sales cycle, the increased levels of competition - are leading sales management to base their initiatives on being of true service to prospects, as a way to seem different from the competition. Selling Your Way To Success I wonder when we decided to become a sales person. I know when I was at school all I ever wanted to do was join the Navy and see the world. My best mates wanted to be a truck driver or Fireman, Policeman, Soldier, Banker, Doctor, Pop star, Football player and so the list went on. Your Voice is Your Instrument On an introductory call, your voice is your instrument. During a face-to-face meeting, you have visual cues and body language available to add layers of meaning. On the telephone, you have only your voice and the words that you use. The way that you use your voice can make or break your conversation. Instead of Discounting, Back Some Value Out of Your Proposal Last minute discounting has become so prevalent that many companies have come to depend on it as their default sales strategy. Employing a go-to-market strategy of being the lowest cost provider is one thing, but dramatic, tactical discounting on every deal will erode your company's margins and leave you digging a deeper and deeper hole in which your company will ultimately bury itself. I don't want to give you the impression that discounting is never appropriate. I can think of three scenarios where it is required: Winning Sales Proposals Your proposal is selling for you when you're not there, so it must reflect your standards of professionalism. How To Profit From Initial Consultations "I'd love to work with you, but?" Now Is A Great Time To Sell! Its official. The news just came out. Yes, we are now in a recession! How to Revive a Dead Lead It's easy to spend days, weeks, or months speaking with a prospect, working up to a decision to buy. This is especially true if your prospects are in larger companies. Telling the Value Story You arrived on time and completed your calculations. You worked up a presentation of all the things you're going to do and items included, going over each item carefully. You've just given the customer the price. They look at each other. He says, "Okay. Thanks for the quote. Well get back to you. Of course, we need time to think about it. It looks good. I've heard good things about you. So there's no need to worry. We never make a decision without thinking it over first." If I Wanted To Sell For A Living, I Would Of Majored In It In College By a show of hands, how many of you grew up as a kid saying to yourself, "I can't wait to grow up until I become a salesperson"? How to ASK for Business -- WITHOUT appearing Pushy -- GIVING Vs "SELLING" Selling - Trade Shows Vs. Regular Sales Calls Remember those school exercises that started "Compare and contrast....yada yada yada". Well, here's an exercise to get your sales brains moving. An Introduction to B2B Lead Generation It is important that organizations find other companies to do business with. Business-to-business sales, abbreviated as B2B sales, are vital to many companies' profit margins and to their standing within their industry. Selling ? Remember These Ten Rules and Succeed There are thousands of books and seminars on how to succeed. What many don't make explicit is the requirement to be a great salesperson ? even if you're selling an idea! Can Barter Help Increase Cash Sales and Visability for Your Small Business? Barter is becoming an increasingly popular method of commerce. The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that 20 to 25% of world trade is now barter. Corporate barter is now a 20 billion dollar industry. It seems as though everyone from the big corporations on the New York Stock Exchange to small home-based businesses are jumping on the barter bandwagon. Sex Sells! An attractive woman has a decided advantage as sales representative over her male counterpart. This "selling edge" is primarily due to the existence of the "glass ceiling" found in most business organizations today. The glass ceiling (women are still arbitrarily held back from leadership positions) means that there are many more men in decision-making positions in businesses than women. Therefore, when cold calling, an attractive woman has a better chance of getting an appointment for a sales presentation, than does a man. Women are also given more attention in their presentations and less resistance up to a point, than a male sales representative or service industry professional (accountants, attorneys, consultants, bankers, etc.). This advantage has everything to do with sex and the physical appeal of a woman. It is clear to me as a sales trainer, coaching sales representatives and service industry professionals in the field, that male decision-makers often use a different part of their anatomy than their head to make their buying decisions. Ten Top Tips for Terminating Telephone Terror 1. Make telephone callsFew things are more terrifying than the unknown. The fear you create for yourself is far worse than the reality of cold calling. Once you start making telephone calls and continue making telephone calls, it gets easier. You overcome fear by doing. The Art Of Cold Calling I know, don't groan. You have to do them if you want to get properties and make money. Believe me, I used to hate cold calling. For those of you that have read our book, "Who Makes It Happen: Back On The Road To Success With Creative Real Estate", remember it used to take me an hour to get on the phone and then after 30 minutes I was ready to hang up. Warming Up To Cold Calls Will you do just about anything, including sending out hundreds of letters, to avoid making cold calls to your potential customers/prospects? If so, you're not alone. Millions like you have started their own businesses, only to find that the thought of making calls to potential customers/prospects leaves them paralyzed with anxiety. Believe me I was one of them. For those of you who know us and have read "Who Makes It Happen", remember what I used to go through before I would get on the telephone to cold call. ?The Power Of Consumer Opinion, & How To Profit From It!? Selling is just a whole lot easier when you know what people really want. ![]() |
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