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Program Your Biocomputer For Sales Success
Selling isn't something you do to people, it's something you do for them. If you feel as though you're being pushy or twisting arms when you are interacting with prospective customers or clients, you might be doing just that. To be successful in sales, you do need to be in control of the sales process and you do need to ask important questions, but you don't have to be obnoxious, overbearing or demanding. Look at selling as an opportunity to create value for prospects. A good salesperson uncovers needs that his customers or clients have-needs they might not be aware of on a conscious level--and helps them meet those needs or find solutions to problems or potential problems. When you sell in this way, you are providing a valuable service to your customers and prospects that they might not be able to find elsewhere. Why shouldn't they value a professional provider of products or services as much as, or more than, they value an investment broker, an accountant, attorney or financial planner? Psychologists teach that when you are unhappy about the circumstances of your life, your job, or your relationships; you can make changes that will reduce or eliminate these negative feelings. You can accomplish this not by expecting other people to change or the circumstances that affect you to somehow be altered, but by changing what you can control-yourself and your attitudes. If negative attitudes are blocking your sales or personal success, you need to ask yourself the following questions: 1. What new attitudes or ways of thinking must I develop to reach my sales objectives? 2. What negative attitudes must I convert to more positive views? 3. How should I look at myself and my present situation or assignment with my company or firm? Formulate honest answers and write them down. This exercise in self-examination can be painful since your ego may feel discomfort at being questioned. Unless you are willing to ask these questions and honestly explore the answers, your old attitudes will continue to block your professional progress and enjoyment. Once you determine what your new attitudes will be, you need to write them in the form of a positive, present tense affirmation. (EXAMPLE: "I look forward to finding products that will meet my customer's needs.") Then you must read them aloud at least twice a day preferably in the morning and before bed at night. Repeating this process on a daily basis will help you reprogram your subconscious mind until the new attitudes become an integral part of your values and self-image. To receive detailed instructions on how to program your mind for sales success, check out my new manual at: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/Organizing.htm VIRDEN THORNTON is the founder and President of The $elling EdgeŽ, Inc. an Ohio consulting firm specializing in sales and sales management training, personal coaching, advisory services and publishing. Clients have included Sears Optical, Eastman Kodak, IBM, Service Linen Supply, Bank One, Jefferson Wells International, and Wal-Mart to name a few. Virden is the author of the "best selling" Building & Closing the Sale, Prospecting: The Key To Sales Success and Close That Sale, a video/audio tape series published by Crisp Publications a division of Thompson Learning. He has also authored a client acclaimed Self-Directed Learning series of sales, coaching, telemarketing, and personal productivity manuals. To obtain a substantial discount on two of Virden's latest books, 101 Sales Myths or Organizing For Sales Success, go to: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/book1.htm. NOTE: You can contact Virden at: virden@TheSellingEdge.com or check out his detailed biography at: http://www.TheSellingEdge.com/bio.htm
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How Sellers Can Take Control For centuries ? at least since the serpent convinced Eve to eat the apple ? sellers have assumed that getting the right information about a product into the right hands would offer a good chance of a sale. Prepare to Sell! Sales is a critical part of any business, including non-profits. Sales is not complicated or difficult, but requires preparation, consistent action and a plan. Before completing any preparatory work in sales, consider asking yourself some tough questions. Business Lessons Learned At The Mall Normally in this column I dispense highly-intelligent small business advice in response to thought-provoking questions submitted by future and fellow entrepreneurs. This week, however, I have a couple of questions for myself, one of which makes me wonder how truly intelligent I really am. What is Lead Generation? Lead Generation is vital to all businesses. All companies try to attract new customers, and this is a kind of lead generation. Sales Copy Tips Writing good sales copy is not an art, it is a science. There is no reason to get creative here. You want to follow the formula that has been proven to work. First, Fast, And Foremost . . . First - being before all others. Fast - moving or able to move quickly. Foremost - first in rank, order, or place. Wouldn't you like to be first, fast, and considered foremost in your business. Obviously, the correct answer is yes. Here are nine tips, hints, and practical ideas to get you on your way. These sales tips work. Selling Against Goliath Selling Against Goliath? Three Big Ol Tips for Better Sales Letters Growing up in the South, I used the phrase "big ol'" a lot. Big ol' truck. Big ol' house. Big ol' party. The phrase was one we used when the word "big" just wasn't descriptive enough. How A Simple Greeting Or Post Card Can Turn Into Cash ? Guaranteed I've been using a technique that has helped me to get business I otherwise wouldn't. This will get you more business also. It's so easy you're going to kick yourself for not thinking of it sooner. 60 Ways to Increase Your Mail Order Catalog Sales This article is meant to inform. Please don't construe this as legal advice. How to Build A Steady Stream of Customers--Step One The success of a small business depends upon a steady stream of good customers. To build that stream of customer a business owner must examine five critical points in their business operations. This is the first in a series of five articles that examines those critical points. Forgive All Ebay Sins! And did so in this case. But it would have been customer friendlier for this seller to accept my retraction to be replaced with a bid. He would have gotten repeat business from me and my friends. His "Buy Now" price is 30% over the retail price for this item. Lesson learned by me again - that there are way too many sellers on Ebay out to grab a buck and the hell with fair practice.Lesson learned yet again." BobAnn End quote? The operative phrase here is "repeat business from me and my friends". There is no better endorsement of your product or service than word of mouth advertising. Lack of flexibility on the part of the seller, not only cost them one customer, but also destroyed the possibility for future business. Good news travels fast, but bad news travels faster! As an auction seller, (Ebay auction ID: LevelBest77) I would have accommodated her request right away. And while I have never had anyone use "Buy It Now" by accident, I have had several people over the years ask me to retract bids. The number of people who have made that request can be counted on one hand! Some, did not even understand the process, (bid retracting) and I was more than willing to guide them through it. Looong and Boooring Sales Letters You have all seen them,the sales letters that never ends. They go on and on about how this product can do this and that. The product can often be very good and have all the features you are looking for.But I think that many of the sales letters that have the task of selling products,are too long and boring. Whats the Secret to Repeat Business? When you think about ways to gain repeat business from your customers, you probably turn your thoughts to marketing efforts such as advertising, public relations and other means that will allow you to repeatedly be seen. However, without one particular element included in your plan, your efforts to entice customers to buy over and over will fail. Even autoresponders - the "king" of repeat exposure - can't produce the type of loyalty needed to ensure your customers continually send their dollars your way. Sales Training from the Ghostbusters Picture this scene from the 1984 smash comedy movie from Columbia Pictures, Ghostbusters: Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray, aka? the Ghostbusters, are involved in a heated meeting with the Mayor and the Head of the local environmental agency. The city is in shambles because a legion of evil spirits has invaded and is currently wreaking havoc and chaos throughout the land. The perplexed Mayor feels that these Ghostbusters may be his only chance at saving the city, although he is not altogether convinced. Conversely, the Agency Head wants these Ghostbusters arrested and jailed for fraud. Quotations Tell... Proposals Sell! The traditional "Quotation" was originally devised during the Industrial Revolution of the 1850's and has changed little to the present day. It is a totally Dickensian format and absolutely out of date in a situation where supply so completely outstrips demand. We are now 155 years on, and selling through proposals has gone way past this old fashioned legal junk. Continue to include it if the legal eagles insist ( and they will, but then they still wear stupid looking wigs, and bow to "Hizzoner") - but don't expect it to do anything but harm in terms of helping you achieve the sale. Get The Help You Need With Fund Raising Ideas There are many fund raising ideas on the market today for anyone that is looking for them. Fund raising ideas are easy to come up with and are very successful in some cases. Before you start on fund raising there are a few things to do to make it as good as it can be, such as selecting a good leader. This should be someone who is use to organizing and basically used to telling people what they have to do. When fundraising, make sure you have as many volunteers as you can get in all areas that you will need them such as handling the money, setting up tables, advertising, selling the goods, and the all important clean up. Nine Keys to Make your Sales Copy Convincing Would you pay $12,500 to discover the keys to great sales copy? Maybe not, but Brian Keith Voiles did. And he put it to use for Fortune 500 Companies. You may not have that kind of promotion money, so here are the nine keys for FREE. Be sure you cover all of them in the right order. How To Get Your Mail Past The Gatekeeper And Into The Hands Of The Decision Maker GUARANTEED There are several ways to get your information into the decision maker's hands. Restaurant Pressure Washing Many pressure washing companies try to stay away from the restaurant pressure washing business, while other specialize in it. One reason some do not like it is due to the all the grease, which gets on their hoses and equipment, which in itself is difficult to clean off. Another reason is due to the difficulty in retaining the waste wash water. Sometimes the jobs can be tough as I remember one where in a Chinese Restaurant the owner finally leveled with us that the place had not been cleaned for 20-years. Needless to say we killed our share of cockroaches that night indeed. ![]() |
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