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Why Are Customers So Indecisive?
Do you know why your customer won't buy? You've given her the best price, possibly even the best options. Yet she fidgets. Maybe, maybe not, she ponders. You stand by the wayside and sweat, praying the sale will go through. Then almost inexplicably, it slips out of your hands, and you don't even know why. You curse, rant and rave silently at her indecisive nature. Yet ironically, the fault is all yours. Don't agree? Hold your horses and you'll learn a simple, fundamental psychological factor you've been missing in your marketing strategy, and how you can rectify it in a flash. Why The Trees In Our Front Yard Are Still Looking For a Barber Let me tell you a story about our front garden. Any time now, I'm expecting Tarzan and a couple of chimps to swing merrily by. Like something out of a horror movie, the foliage has spread its tentacles, and now hangs menacingly over several parts of the house. Yes I know we need an arborist to lop off those branches. And yes, we have called in at least half a dozen. Incredibly, we haven't made up our minds on whom we should choose. Like deer caught in the headlights, we've been frozen in indecision. One itty-bitty factor would have made it easy to decide, but it has eluded us completely. I Know What You're Thinking, And It's Not Price? Oh boy! We have estimates up to our ears. One quote is as high as $800 (aaargggh!), while the other one blushes at $250, and all the rest do a merry dance in between. You'd think the cheaper quote would get the thumbs up right away, wouldn't you? Well it didn't. In fact, it has added to the confusion because we can't understand why there would be such a huge difference for what is essentially the same job. And Here Is The Reason Why We Can't Decide... It's a factor called the Full Story. While every single one of those arborists provided us with quotes, not one of them gave us a single reason to choose them. Any reason would have been better than none. Ten reasons would have clinched the deal, even with a higher price. This is one of the main reasons why most deals seem to disintegrate before the eyes of most business owners and sales people. We fail (and fail miserably) to educate our customers about the unique advantages of working with us. It's An Impossible Puzzle If It Doesn't Have The Pieces People need to be gratified psychologically. Our brains are dying to know more about the companies that bid and all we get are terms and prices. The arborists should have educated me about the quality of their cutting, their comprehensive insurance policies, their warranties, their skills, and their service guarantees in detail. I needed to know anything and everything that would help me decide in someone's favor. Not one of those bids included that kind of information. Look at yourself. Let's say you hire someone for your firm. How little would you like to know about him? Or say you go out on a date. How little do you want to know about your partner? Every piece of the puzzle is absolutely necessary. Don't forget to give your customers a reason to buy from YOU. Tell them about yourself. Provide all the juicy details, and you will leave your competitors crying in their beer. What Is The Psychological Reasoning Behind The Whole Story? The strong, silent type is the one our mamas told us to watch out for. We instinctively trust people less who tell us less. Even if we do like the person, we want them to open up. If you want people to trust you, you have to tell them about yourself. This instinct of distrust is hardwired in our brains, and you'd do well to pay attention to it. A lack of adequate detail doesn't help to build trust, which is why customers go from hello to sayonara very quickly. Once you have their attention, stop saying stupid things like, "Buy from me," and start giving them all the reasons WHY they should buy from you (read the article on The Power of Why). Add spices to your marketing strategy curry, and your customer will be captivated by the aroma. Churn the gastric juices in their brains. Make them salivate. Get them to drool. And when they're ready to eat, feed them well. Ta-Ta Risk Telling the Whole Story eliminates a big hurdle called risk. The less your customers knows about you, the more they are frozen in indecision. When faced with this scenario, they resort to the only thing they know-price. Just like you, they make a decision on the cheapest, trashiest option available? because that's all you gave them! Abolish the hazard of your customer choosing to buy solely on price. Give her a first class education about why she needs to buy from you. The worst thing you can do is leave her hanging without sufficient info..... ŠPsychotactics Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Wouldn't you love to stumble upon a secret library of small business ideas?Find simple, yet electrifying ideas, on copywriting, public speaking, sales conversion, marketing strategy,psychological tactics and branding. Head down to http://www.psychotactics.com/ today and judge for yourself.
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Everything in Life is Selling Robert Louis Stevenson said 'Everything in Life is Selling' and it is. Whether as a child you cry until you get what you want; whether as an adult you provide a service to your employer in return for payment; or whether as an individual you make sure that you look your best before meeting someone on a date, they can all be defined as selling. Do Your Words Betray You? What do the words that you use say about you? What is your basic message? Do your words support that basic message? Cold Calling Reluctance Most salespeople I know consider cold calling a dreadful, but essential activity in our profession. Even those who are good at it rarely like it. Nevertheless, those who are successful in sales do it regularly because without prospects, one does not sell anything. Six Simple Steps for Getting More Applications When I first started out as a loan officer, one of the things I found to be the toughest, was taking an application over the phone. I just didn't seem to have the skills, nor did I have a plan. I was literally calling people on the phone and saying something to the effect of; Hello, my name is Jay Conners, and this is what I do, and this is why I am calling, would you be interested? No wonder I wasn't having any success. Lessons Learned At Gunpoint "If you do anything foolish or try to get out of the car we will shoot you" were the terse words which hung in the air like a bad smell. Breaking the Ice and Winning Over the Client Wherever you turn these days you'll find articles covering every business strategy and tactic available to man from how to make a great presentation to strategies for success all the way to negotiations and prospecting and getting a client to commit. But hardly anyone touches on the subject of breaking the ice with a new client and winning them over. Why Are We All So Afraid? What can strike terror into the heart of even the most successful sales professional or entrepreneur? 10 Incredible Ways To Sell Your Products Now 1. Make your reader visualize they have already bought your product in your ad. Just Ask! Instilling urgency in a prospective customer can make the difference between achieving a sale and losing it altogether. If your prospects cannot vividly see personal benefits from taking action, there will never be the sense of urgency needed to follow your suggestions. Top Seven Ways to Write An Order-Pulling Sales Letter Ready to put your Web pages up? Ready to sell a lot more products and services? If you're not getting the sales, you want you may want to think "makeover." Whether you're just starting or doing a web makeover, you need to Power Write your sales letters. What Successful Sellers Know - Others Dont ... The Subtle Art of Closing Ask any salesperson, "At what point in the selling process does the 'Close' take place?" Eight out of ten will answer, "at the End". To be fair, they are not totally incorrect but they are, nevertheless, more wrong than right proving in principle and in practice, Perado's Law: Twenty percent of the sales force make eighty percent of the sales and profitability. Money Does Talk! When buying something, you can buy in one of two markets. The first is buying on terms in the retail market and the second is buying in the wholesale cash market. This can be illustrated by referring to the biggest purchase we all make in our lifetime - Real Estate. The Wall of Defensiveness: 7 Ways to Tear It Down Have you ever gotten frustrated when you realize that your prospects keep stereotyping you as a "salesperson"? And because of that, they don't give you the trust and openness that you deserve, and that are essential if you're going to help them solve their problems? Dont Be Macho Selling Ice to Eskimos This issue's topic was suggested by a sales rep for a small manufacturing company. I was asked to comment about the impact of excessive optimism on the part of salespeople and sales managers. Closing Sales Is Not A Problem, It?s A Process In my opinion, the most overrated topic in sales training is the subject of closing. In year's past, it seems the object of most sales training courses was to fill the heads of participants with as many closing techniques as possible. The logic was simple, if the "Ben Franklin" close didn't work, you could rummage around in your head for the the "secondary question" technique, the "order-blank" method or the "forced choice" close to tie off your sale. Selling in the old school of training was basically learning 54 or 84 ways to close. The Power of Thank-You When was the last time you thanked your customers? Clear Up Blurry Communication One of the top brewing companies in America is a consulting client of mine. However, during a seminar for a brewery management team, we were jolted by a "communication wake-up call." We discovered that even though co-workers speak the same words, they don't attach the same meanings. Here's what happened. I asked people to write a list of simple words, such as often, sometimes, never, and usually. Then I asked them to put a percentage value next to each. For example, if I say, "He is often late for meetings," what does often mean? 10% of the time? 50%? 75%? Etc. How Can Fundraising Consulting Help Us Raise Money? If you need to hold a fundraiser and don't know where to begin there is help out there for you. It is time for you to seek fundraising consulting advice especially if your fundraising event is going to be on a larger scale. Fundraising consulting will help you organize and take you through the steps to ensure your fund raising efforts will be successful. If I Wanted To Sell For A Living, I Would Of Majored In It In College By a show of hands, how many of you grew up as a kid saying to yourself, "I can't wait to grow up until I become a salesperson"? Selling the Difficult: How to Sell What People Dont Understand How to Buy I'll play a seller, using conventional selling methods, selling something difficult to understand; you be the prospective buyer. As we go through the process together, note your reactions, how your beliefs are being challenged, what 'objections' and emotions come up for you as I try to 'sell' you. Once we're done with that component, I'll review how it would be different using Buying Facilitation; hopefully you'll be able to take that to the bank. ![]() |
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