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Website Promotion: 10 Insiders? Secret For Writing Profitable Ads
Do what I did. Learn these 10 insiders' ad writing website promotion "secrets", and explode your website traffics and sales: 1. You can get ad copy ideas by studying similar product's advertising material. Collect their sales letters, classified ads, web ads, e-mail ads, etc. 2. Know exactly what you want your ad copy to accomplish. It could be to qualify prospects, make sales, generate leads, attract web traffic, etc. 3. Make a complete list of your product's benefits and features. Begin your ad with the most important benefit either in your headline or first sentence. 4. Make your ad benefits as specific as possible. Include exact numbers, percentages, times, colors, smells, sounds, descriptive adjectives, etc. 5. List all the ways your product is different from your competition's. Include all the differences in your ad copy that are better than their product. 6. Use graphics, pictures and drawings of people actually using your product to solve their problem. Include a picture that also shows the results. 7. Make a list of your target audience. Write down what reasons would attract them to purchase your product. Include those reasons in your ad copy. 8. Include any proven facts in your ad copy. They could be customer surveys, scientific tests, product reviews, etc. 9. Tell your audience what kind of support they'll get after they buy. It could be free consulting, tech support, free servicing, etc. 10. Ask people at the end of your copy why they decided not to buy. This will give you new ideas on how to produce a more profitable ad copy. May these website promotion secrets help you to make a lot of money. Warmly, I-key Benney, CEO I-key, a Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Secret Cash System",(investing online) program, which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and shining success during the past 2 yrs. Mscsrrr Millionaire Cash System helps you to generate $1,500+/Week for life, from home or office, part time or full time. No large investment or hassles. Win $1000-$2000 free "cash".
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Is Your Website Content Worth Reading or Obvious Search Engine Bait? Webmasters are always looking for ways to increase their traffic and exposure. This is natural and will never change. No one is ever content with their traffic levels. Wasters and Energy Suckers Stop wasting your time and having your energy sucked dry! What do I mean by this statement? You're all over the internet trying to find out where to promote that new business you entered into, or trying to promote your own business. You've been told by so called experts to promote your new business to free classified ad sites or FFA pages. 10 Magic Ways To Multiply Your Orders 1. Use reward programs to keep people revisiting your web site and buying your products. You could reward gifts or discounts for revisiting or buying. Internet Directories to Improve Link Popularity Description: one way of jumpstarting you link campaign is to get directory links. Building links, by listing your website in the search engines and directories, is one way of increasing your link popularity, especially if yours is a new site or one with no inbound links. However, you should choose your directories and search engines well. Ten Tips for Promoting Your Website Well I started out with seven, Free and low cost promotional tips but somehow ended up with ten! Three Cost Effective Ways to Get Bumper-to-Bumper Traffic Using Your Vehicle The following traffic generating ideas do not require costly set-up fees or minimum orders. Two of them can be printed in full color with no extra charge. They all can be given away at trade shows, as free gifts with orders, to new newsletter subscribers, etc. Try one or all three and watch your web traffic increase next time your vehicle is caught in traffic. Internet Promotion: 10 Incredible, Intriguing Ways To Increase Your Profits Are you making money from your website? How to Develop a Local Traffic Base Getting a loyal traffic base for your website is an important way in keeping your traffic high. People who like your website are also more likely to tell their friends about it in e-mails and post your website on other mediums like website forums and newsgroups. Seecrets on Website Promotion: Marketing Plan for Joe Nogood Gift Store Joe Nogood owns a small but thriving gift store. He is middle-aged and he dabbles in the stock market and has survived some major crashes in his time. He is an expert on gifts, having learned the skills over the years. There is only one word to describe him, ordinary. How To Increase Your Page Rank And Web Traffic FREE Google is the most popular and most used search engine that is used in this day and age therefore it is important to increase your link popularity to your website with links that are pointed to your site which will result in increase a of your website traffic and your Google page rank. How do you do this? Is the question you are most likely linking of well is will tell you how and the best thing it is free. Promoting Your Site Off-Line The internet is a wonderful source of information and full of people that could be your customer. But there are many people that you would never meet online. This is why it's important to tap into the offline world. The basis behind any offline promotion campaign for your website is of course to get your website visited more often and if your sales letter is good enough to get more sales from these extra visitors. Increasing Link Popularity WITHOUT Exchanging Links Yes, it can be done. Here are 7 ways that a site can acheiveincreased link popularity without having to exchange links:Directory Submissions - Submit to the Open Directory and othersites like JoeAnt and Gimpsy. These are all human revieweddirectories, therefore search engines will consider that yoursite must be of pretty good quality to be listed in them. Submissionto these sites is free, but there can be quite a wait to getreviewed, since editors are unpaid volunteers. In addition toa link popularity boost, a listing in Open Directory will getyour site listed in the other Open Directory powered siteslike Google's web Directory, AOL's web directory and many others.Tips For Directory Submissions:Editor Check - Is there an editor for your desired category?If not, consider applying. For Open Directory, this cangive you the power to add your site much more quickly.Link Title - Don't try any tricks to get keywords in your titleif they are not in your company name. This will get your listingedited if the listing is approved or rejected outright. Thetitle must be your official website or company name.Description - Again, don't try to insert extra keywords here,it could backfire and your description will be edited or yourlisting rejected. The description should be short and concise.Just tell what your website offers and give some product or service examples if appropriate. Again, keep it short!Be patient! - It may take weeks or months to be reviewed. Ifyou've submitted before and are still not listed, try writinga polite note to the editor of the category to see if therewas a problem.Paid Submissions - Paid submissions to quality directoriesand portals is also a good idea. It is well known that alisting in the Yahoo directory area will give you a good Google PageRank boost. Listing in the Yahoo directory areais $299, so skip this option if your budget is limited.Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Submissions - Google lists theresults of many smaller pay-per-click search engines. Thiscan help link popularity if your site is listed in theseresults for your important keywords and phrases. There arehundreds of these smaller PPC engines that offer a freeadvertising credit just for signing up. Take a jaunt onover to PayPerClickSearchEngines.com for a good list of them.Submit listings under all your important keywords and phrasesand include keywords in your title.Affiliate Program - Having an affiliate program can boost youroverall sales by letting other sites do the advertising for you,but did you know that this can also help link popularity? Forsome affiliate program services like Commission Junction orLinkShare, they use a special link to track clicks and sales,so these may not be effective since they do not contain youractual domain name. The kind of affiliate program I am talkingabout is the type that uses your domain name in the tracking URLyou give affiliates to use. Something like:http://www.yourcompanyname.com/aff?64340As long as your affiliate program uses this type of link, thenyour site should see an increase in link popularity. Just makesure you offer a good incentive for affiliates so that they willadd your link to their site. Even better, you can approve onlyrelated sites or sites with a good Google PageRank or Alexatraffic ranking into your program!Specialized Submissions - What type of site do you have? What do yousell? Chances are there is a directory that specializes in justsites like yours. Have a casino or gambling site? There are manygambling portals and search engines. Submit to all of them.Have a site that sells antique fishing tackle? Yep, there aredirectories relating to fishing, but you can also submit to themany antique and collectible directories as well! Sell weddingdresses in New York? Submit to the many wedding and bridal directoriesand the New York search engines too. Whatever your niche, chances arethat there is a specialized directory or search engine for that area.Find them and submit! You'll benefit from the targeted traffic theysend but also increased link popularity.Create Your Own Directory - Set up your own specialized search engine,directory or portal catering to your target audience. Your site canbe a featured or showcase site on the main page and other pages!To attract users, add interactive content such as forums, have chats,offer contests, the possibilities are endless.Expired Domain Names - Maybe a site in your industry has gone out ofbusiness? You may be able to pick up their domain name and with itall their incoming links and traffic. Increase your link popularityby adding your link to the site prominently, then go ahead and re-direct the user to your site after a few seconds. Don't re-directquickly or you may not reap any link popularity benefits.That's it! 7 ways to increase your website's link popularity withoutmaintaining a links page and without sending your visitors to competitors!Kacey Donston - Submit-URL.net has been promoting online businesses since 1998.Offering search engine optimization, positioning services, pay perclick campaigns, ranking checks, resubmissions, evaluations and more.We offer comprehensive packages for home business owners, small businessesand corporate customers. http://www.submit-url.net Youve Got A New Website, But How Do You Get Folks to Look At It? I took a look at a new Website recently in response to a request for a site review on one of my favorite forums. And, while the appearance was pleasing, there wasn't really much there. Too often, new folks to the Internet marketing world make this crucial mistake. They think that if they build a stay at home job website, customers will automaically show up and start buying stuff. When those customers don't materialize, the site owner often gives up and quits. 8 Killer Ways to Improve the Effect of Testimonials on Your Customers! Every web business should be using testimonials. Testimonials are extremely effective in making visitors take that extra step forward to buy your product because they are given confidence by looking at what other people have said. Testimonials can work everywhere on a website; on the homepage or in the sales letter. Good, believable testimonials on your website can spark a great number of extra sales. Here are 8 ways to make your online testimonials more effective. Web Site Advertising: 5 Innovative Ideas To Advertise Your Web Site For Higher Profitability Hundreds of millions of people have spent thousands of dollars to create fancy websites to promote various goods, products, and services. What?s in a Name? Behind every good web page are codes only the search engines read. These codes help the search engines match your page with requests from their searchers. 10 Highly Effective Ways to Increase Website Traffic and Promote Your Website for Free There are many ways to promote your website for free online. Here are 10 highly effective strategies you can use right now. How One Free Advertising Method Can Trasform Your Income A great way to get the word out about your business in a hurry is something so simple and effective yet few marketers online take advantage of it. Free Traffic From Articles ? Plus A Big Hidden Bonus Writing articles for submission and distribution on the internet is one of the most effective ways of driving free traffic to your site, raising your profile and credibility with your potential customers and giving your website a boost in the search engine rankings. There really is no down side to this activity, some of the more obvious benefits are: How Building a Fanbase will Make You Sales If you've ever been to a popular forum hosted by a singal indivual, you would probably notice that most of the members of said forum take the owner or moderators advice as gold. Allan Gardyne is a good example of this, with his affiliate advice forum. Whenever he posts, people listen and will actively revolve their own decisions around his. ![]() |
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