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Generating Inbound Links
Content One of the best ways to encourage website owners to link to your website is to provide good quality, relevant content on your website. As the content contained within your website grows, more and more website owners will consider your website a good source of information. As they add content to their own sites they may refer to related information on your site and therefore create an Outbound Link (OBL) to your website. But what content should you add? It is important to keep the content relevant to the overall concept of the website. Most websites however have a core subject matter about which the website owner should have a certain level of expertise.
And the list goes on. Once you have some good quality content, you then need to encourage other website owners to link to you. The first thing you could do, although it sounds counter-productive, is to allow other websites to publish your article. Publishing Articles on other Websites Writing good quality articles and getting them published on other websites can be a good way of generating inbound links and increased traffic. There are many websites dedicated to publishing articles on all manner of topics. Almost all of them allow you to include a brief biography about the author or the authors' business which also allows for a link to your website. Publishing articles in this way is good for your website for many reasons:
Provide a Service Providing a useful service on your website is not only a good way of encouraging repeat visits to your website but is also a way of encouraging other website owners to link to that service. Getting Reciprocal Links. If you have followed the advice above and provide quality, relevant content and services then encouraging website owners to link to your website should be relatively easy. You will find that many website owners link to your website without any encouragement, but a little pro-activity will go a long way. E-mail webmasters of websites which compliment your website and ask to exchange links with them. Most webmasters will agree to exchange links as it will be mutually beneficial. It is often useful to add a link to their site before e-mailing them and then in the e-mail you can direct them to the page that contains their link. You should also mention the connections between the two sites and the mutual benefits of reciprocal linking. Generating, adding and checking reciprocal links can be time-consuming. It is however possible to add automatic reciprocal link pages to your website. These programs allow other webmasters to automatically add their link to your website. A good reciprocal link manager will allow you to verify the links before adding them to your site, will check that the website has included a link back to your site and will also periodically check the links to ensure that they remain active. Submit your Website to Web Directories. There are literally thousands of web directories out there, some like Yahoo and DMOZ are very generic in their coverage, others may be small and very specific. You will be able to find directories related to your websites particular subject as well as regional directories. Most allow you to submit your website free of charge, although some will require you to add a reciprocal link to their directory from your site. Post in relevant forums. One really good way of generating traffic and inbound links is to become a member of and contribute to web based forums. Once again there are forums on almost every subject imaginable. Some forums are very specific in their subject matter others more generic. Find some that are relevant to your website and post in them. You may even find you enjoy the online 'banter'. Most forums will allow you to enter a 'signature' that will be shown at the bottom of every post you make. Make sure that you include your website address in this signature to create an inbound link on every post you make to the forums. Post in relevant Newsgroups. As with forums, there are newsgroups on every subject imaginable. Many newsgroups are also published on the web and can therefore be used to generate IBL if you include your web address in your signature file. Use your e-mail Signature File. Use your e-mail program to set up a signature file that includes a link to your website. Whenever you send an e-mail the recipient will then be able to click on the link to access your website. This won't increase your Page Rank, but is a useful way of encouraging real visitors to your website. Webrings. The importance of IBLs means that there are now many websites dedicated to nothing other than the sharing of links between websites. Webrings work by connecting relevant websites. Each member of a webring displays a small banner on their site which includes a link to another relevant site. In return for displaying this banner a banner directed to your website will be displayed on the websites of the other webring members. If you can't find a webring relevant to your particular subject, it is possible to start your own. Alan Cole runs http://www.pixelwave.co.uk, a one-person web design studio. His aim is to provide cost effective website design production and maintenance by offering professional web solutions that stand out from the crowd.
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Improve Your Website In 3 Simple Ways You may already have thought about the following 3 ways and some of you may already have them in place on your website. If so - congratulations - you're well on the way to having a website that will bring you more business. So here they are then - the 3 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Website.. Build Your Own Online Network Many online business owners and marketers use a variety of tools to make their business successful. Good strategies include maintaining a web site, publishing an ezine, joining affiliate programs, advertising on other people's ezines, and much, much more. As any good Internet "guru" will tell you, getting your name and product "out there" is the most important part of your success. So, the general rule is: Use as many strategies as possible. Banners You Cant Ignore Some "experts" say they don't exist. Apparently we have become so accustomed to seeing banners, we have learned to ignore them. We sub-consciously create little white blocks exactly 468x60 pixels in size that neatly fit over banners so that we no longer see them and NEVER click on them. Visitors Through Search Engines You have your site into the search engines, but where are all the visitors? As a webmaster or site owner, you have probably received the email ads or seen advertisements of "guaranteed search engine rankings and more visitors" and so on. It sounds really good, until you see the price tag, and the rest of this article. Are there other forms of advertising and better ways to get traffic? How to Write Effective Web Copy Writing effective web copy begins with an understanding of what the goals of your web site are. Are you trying to get your visitors to purchase something or have them sign up for your newsletter? Remember you are trying to get someone you can't see and have never met take a step towards building a relationship with you or your company. Cheap Website Promotion in Birmingham People are always wanting to attract more visitors to their website. We all would like to see more traffic, however what are the best ways to promote a website, which does not cost an arm and a leg? The 7 Habits of a Successful Web-Marketing Plan What is web-marketing? Why does your business need it? Building Online Visibility: A Three-Point Plan For Any Business The latest trend in online marketing focuses on local search. While there are plenty of business site directories that act like online telephone directories, local search is more than a telephone directory or classified ad site. It's a community-oriented, user-friendly approach to finding businesses close to home. Driving Traffic to a Crafters Web Site Ok. So you've got your website done and stocked with your crafts that you have put your heart and soul into. So you sit back and just wait for all those millions of people out there to come and buy. You check your email, check your stat counter and still nothing. Then, you start checking your competitors sites, and look at how many you have to compete against. It just makes you want to scream. Now it's time to get some of the world to look at your site. There are plenty of internet shoppers to go around. How to Make Your Website Sticky! Five Nifty Ways to Make Your Site Sticky! Web Site Advertising: 10 Blockbuster Secrets To Make Your Web Site More Profitable Do you want to make your website more profitable? The Power of Testimonials - Unleash the Marketing Prowess of Credibility Creating a sense of credibility for your product and website is very important and if you are successful at it then you will increase your sales by boosting the number of customers you receive. If people do not believe in your product then you can forget them ever purchasing from you because who buys products they don't believe actually work? Now that you know you need to give yourself credibility, you need to think of ways to go about doing that. Providing testimonials on your website is one very successful way to increase your credibility and dramatically boost sales and revenues. Online Advertising: Three Smart Online Advertising Secrets To Promote Your Online Business The shortcut to succeed in business is to do what those who have succeeded did. Internet Promotion: 10 Incredible, Intriguing Ways To Increase Your Profits Are you making money from your website? Benefits of Website Localization Maximising profit today involves reaching beyond national markets. Accessing an international customer base is vital if a business wants to expand and participate in international trade. Web Site Advertising: 5 Innovative Ideas To Advertise Your Web Site For Higher Profitability Hundreds of millions of people have spent thousands of dollars to create fancy websites to promote various goods, products, and services. Criteria For Selecting Good Directories! Directories are the best means for getting related links and targeted traffic. There are a huge number of directory sites present all over the world. Some of them are less useful to users. We need to judge the quality of directory sites before submitting our site to that directory. Some of the directories even charge a good amount, so we need to be very careful before investing our money in the directories. The different types of criteria on which we can judge a directory are as follows:- 5 Successful Tips For Marketing Your Website This could be the most amazing article to ever be released as you read this please keep in mind that the tips I am about to share with you are from my experience with my own successful website HaileysComet Weekly Ezine. The Link Swapping Trap If you want to make money on the web, you must get trafficto your website. If you want to get traffic to your website,you must have a high rank in google's search results. Googleranks websites based upon the number of links that point tothe site. Free Web Site Traffic ? 4 Keys to Website Promotion Web site traffic promotion on the cheap is labor intensive but quickly mastered if you know where to start. Free web site traffic doesn't mean massive submission to search engines or traffic exchanges. Carving out a web site promotion strategy following basic guidelines will bring the targeted web site traffic you need to have a successful online business. ![]() |
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