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Improve Your Website In 3 Simple Ways
You may already have thought about the following 3 ways and some of you may already have them in place on your website. If so - congratulations - you're well on the way to having a website that will bring you more business. So here they are then - the 3 Simple Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Website.. 1. You're Fishing For Visitors - You'll Need This To Hook Them. Ever been surfing on a website that held your attention and then the phone rings? You take the call, take some notes, get distracted, visit another website and before you know it you've forgotten all about the website you were viewing. It happens all the time and if you don't have a Bookmarking tool on your website it will be happening with the people that come to your website. A Bookmarking tool is just a simple link or logo that your visitors can click on in order to bookmark your website or add it to their favourites. It is best to have the button located on the homepage but an even better option is to have a bookmarking button on every page so a visitor can actually bookmark each specific page of your website for safe-keeping. Look to the left of this article and you will see the bookmarking button we use - click on it to see how it adds this specific page to your favourites - nifty eh? 2. 'X' Marks The Spot. Visitors come to your website and if you're lucky - they like it and click beyond the homepage. Excellent. But they can't find what they're looking for. Uh oh, you could be in trouble. There's a lot of information on your website and Mr. Visitor doesn't have time to sift through it all to find what he's looking for. You'd better hope that he's either very patient or that you've provided him with a simple map to help him get to the 'treasure' he is looking for. A Site Map is an essential item - particularly on larger websites. There is nothing more frustrating than hunting around for something and wasting time when just a simple one pager that presents a summary of all the information on your website could be used. A Site Map should be reachable from all pages of your website in just one click and should have clickable links on it so that a visitor can zoom straight through to their desired location without having to hunt around. If you don't give them a map your visitors may become frustrated searching around for that desired piece of information and they may leave your website never to return. 3. Don't Make Your Visitors Have To Write An Email To Contact You If you are inviting enquiries or contact from visitors to your website you need to provide them with a way of doing this that is as easy as possible for them. Just posting your email address on the website is not the best solution. Why? Because when they click on it they need to then create an email from scratch. Do you know how busy your visitors are? They hardly have time to read the content of your homepage - never mind create an email from scratch. The solution? You need to use a simple form. A form enables you to standardise the responses that you receive and it also makes it very simple for your visitors to get in touch with you - all they need to do is pop in their name, email address and tick a few boxes and that's it. Making it easy for your visitors to contact you isn't the only reason that using a form is a great idea. Doing so means you can get some information back from each person that fills in the form. You can ask them how they discovered your website, which other websites they like to visit - you can ask them anything! Anything that is going to help you learn more about them, more about who they are and more about what will make them buy from you. You think they would tell you all this if they were creating an email from scratch? No - of course they wouldn't! That's why you need a form. Michael Cheney is Author of The Website Marketing BibleTM. Take the Free 7-Part Course "Internet Marketing Made Easy" and get your free sampler of 'The Bible' here: http://www.websitemarketingbible.com/marketing/
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Is Your Websites Link Directory Even Worth Having? Let's face it, getting (and keeping) a good Google page rank is no easy task and requires constant attention. Not just in getting reciprocal links, but honing your Meta tags, and keeping your content fresh. But we are here to discuss only one part of the pagerank dilemma. In fact this article will focus more on other, and in some cases, more important benefits of a proper links directory. Directory Structure Categorize your directory well- Meaning the more categories you have the better organized your directory is. More categories means your visitors can locate particular links a lot faster. Minimize the depth of your categories- You should not make your directory more than three category levels deep, for instance if you are a travel site and have a category for Jamaica, then the structure example would be Travel>>Caribbean>>Jamaica. Easy navigation for your site visitors is the main reason for this. Reason two for minimizing your directory depth- Search engines will spider each page of your website, they will determine the pagerank of each page based on its content, and distance away from your homepage. Use this as a rule of thumb; each level down from your homepage will cost that page "one" pagerank point. Using the example above, this is what is meant here, Travel>>Caribbean>>Jamaica: the Travel" page would have the highest pagerank being closest to your homepage, let's say it has been give a Google rank of 4, the next level "Caribbean" in all likelihood would have a rank of 3, and so on. No more than 20 links per page- There is not a link partner in the world that wants his/her site to be on your link page as link number 100. I would rather be link number 3 on page number three than link number 100 on page one. This is clutter, and useless to all involved, you, your link partner and especially your site visitor. Keep this in mind as well, when the search engines spider your site they will also notice more pages on your site thus determining that you offer more content. Your link partners will also appreciate it. Relevant Links Do your visitors really care if you own a travel site and have links to recipe sites? Of course not. Although locating good quality link partners for your site will take more time, it will be well worth it in the long run. If you have a travel site, seek out rental cars, vacation spots, travel accessories, and the like. Your visitors are on your site because they (at that moment in time) are interested in what your site has to offer, do not change the visitor's train of thought into anything other than what you want them to think about, in this example, traveling and things associated with traveling. Make Money from your links? Of course! Reciprocal linking is a great way to help your website's search engine ranking, but making immediate cash from your links is a whole level up from that. Join affiliate programs like Commission Junction and add some affiliate links to your directory. For our travel site example, you can get offers like travel accessories, rental cars and the like. Have a good mix of links to other sites and affiliate links- You do not want a directory full of affiliate links, this is a major turn-off to your visitors. As a matter of fact, you should have at least a 10 to 1 ratio of regular links vs affiliate links. Advertise in your directory Since you now have a well organized directory with an excellent structure, limited to 20 links per page, and a lot of pages with good advertising space, it's time to place some banners. You can advertise some of those good sites that you are affiliated with and place a banner or two on every page. Keep it neat- You should have quality space on the left or right side of your directory add a Skyscraper banner to either side (only one per page though), it is well known that the bigger the banner the more clicks on that banner you should receive. A skyscraper is usually 120 x 600 in size. Add a single banner at the top center of each page as well; make it a different ad, offer something different than your skyscraper. This is the most valuable banner location on any page, use it for banners. Sell banner spots- Now that you have a well categorized directory, you can sell ad space to vendors whose products or services appeal to that particular category. You can even offer the top spot on a particular page for sale or as a trade for the same kind of link for your site in someone else's directory. Exceptions to the rule There are those sites that do not fit into any category of your site that have that HUGE Google page rank, and you want them to link with your site. Here is a tip for you to keep those sites happy and get that top rank. In addition to you're regular links directory, create a separate smaller reciprocal links directory. This may be only 1-3 pages in size. This directory must have a direct link from your homepage (most top rank sites require that), and title it something like "Special Link Partners" or "Recommended Links". Add only page ranks of say 6-7 or higher to this special directory. This will ensure your most important link partners that you will not be burying their link inside your link directory. We have quite a large selection of software in our downloads directory at http://www.bullmarketer.com that can help you automate the process of managing your own links directory. One program in particular is Arelis by Axandra. This software is not only VERY user friendly but offers tons of features. There is a free lite version available for download. Derek Arnold Promote Your Website Using Articles Promote your website using articles - Internet is all about information! At any given time, majority of web users surf the Internet in search of some kind of information. That's why it is only natural that marketing with the help of providing sought after information to web surfers should be a key method in your online marketing strategy. There are various ways of exploiting this effective and low-cost method of web marketing. One of them is to write articles related to your business field and distribute them for free! Unique Selling Propositions - USPs Got one? Two? Three? 3 Fast Ways To Get Free Content For Your Home Based Business Website Is your website looking alittle bare? It's okay, you're about to learn 3 of the fastest ways I know to get free content for your home business website. Keeping Focused: Marketing Your Site During a Tough Tourist Economy In the current competitive climate, tourism-dependant businesses in Coastal Maine are looking for every possible edge to set themselves above their competition. The internet has quickly become the ubiquitous marketing venue for tourism and travel, and our local businesses have jumped into this venue with both feet forward. How to Get Targeted Web Site Traffic from Other Peoples Sites Getting targeted web site traffic from other people's websites is not a difficult task as long as it is part of your website marketing plan. Once you include this in your marketing plan and research how to carry out these types of advertising, you will be significantly more successful in getting traffic directed to your website from other websites on the Internet. The following tips should be of great help to you when you are developing your Internet marketing campaign. 10 Shocking Ways To Energize Your Sales 1. Start your own internet radio station. It could be related to the theme of your web site and you could advertise your products over the station. The 7 Habits of a Successful Web-Marketing Plan What is web-marketing? Why does your business need it? Web Site Promotion: 10 High Powered, Magical Ways To Make Your Web Site Profitable Are you interested in empowering your website so it will become more profitable? Reciprocal Link versus Value Exchange Most webmasters are familiar with the concept of reciprocal linking. Reciprocal linking is the exchange of links between webmasters with the hope of improving their site ranking with the search engine. However, as more and more webmasters use reciprocal links to increase their site ranking, the search engines are also getting smarter and more demanding. How to Get Hundreds of Links to Your Site If you are website owner and you have begun exchanging links, you know how time consuming -- and time-wasting -- it can be. On the other hand, you don't want to give up on the process because you might actually unearth the occasional valuable link partner. Website Promotion: 10 Insiders? Secret For Writing Profitable Ads Do what I did. Learn these 10 insiders' ad writing website promotion "secrets", and explode your website traffics and sales: 7 Ways to Promote Your Website Locally Now that you've built your new website you can sit back and let it do all the work, right? Well no. Unlike in "Field of Dreams" if you build it, they won't necessarily come, at least not until you ask them to! That's where web site promotion comes in. Web site promotion provides that vital link between that great site you've built (or had built) and everyone that you want to come see it! Methods of Website Promotion Promoting a Website is not an easy task. New Website Developers may have the impression of building a Website and sales are generated. This is far from true. There are millions of Websites. Within those millions, there are bound to be competitors. To rise above, or obtain a portion of the market-share, developers need to utilize an effective promotion campaign. 1 Seldom Discussed Method Of Web Promotion So you've made the perfect web site (in your eyes at least) and that all-important traffic is out there just waiting to visit you. You've done your research and followed the usual methods for making people aware about it, and you're now sat there twiddling your thumbs, regularly checking your traffic analysis tracker in case you get a sudden surge of visitors. Of course, unless you're a big business with a mass of promotion behind you, those days of overwhelming traffic are quite a way off. So while you wait for your search engine submissions to reap their reward is there anything else you can do to help yourself? Whats The First Thing Your Prospects See When They Visit Your Website? I just reviewed a new website and I'm in shock. Or, maybe, I'm just depressed about my failure to convince people to do what I tell them so they can make money. Unlock Your Prospects Mind From The Inside Simply put, it's a fundamental model that you can use as a metaphor to help explain the way prospects govern their inner decision-making. Ten Reasons Why People Dont Buy From You Here's ten simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will help you adjust your marketing strategies...which will have a GREAT effect on everything you sell.1. You don't make people feel safe when they order.Remind people that they are ordering through a secureserver. Tell them you won't sell their e-mail addressand all their information will be kept confidential.2. You don't make your ad copy attractive. Your adlists features instead of benefits. The headline doesnot attract at your target audience. You don't list anytestimonials or guarantees included in your ad.3. You don't remind people to come back and visit.People usually don't purchase the first time they visit.The more times they visit your site, the greater thechance they will buy. The most effective way is to givethem a free subscription to your e-zine.4. You don't let people know anything about yourbusiness. They will feel more comfortable if they knowwho they are buying from. Publish a section called"About Us" on your web site. Include your businesshistory, profile of employees, contact information etc.5. You don't give people as many ordering options aspossible. Accept credit cards, checks, money orders,and other forms of electronic payments. Take ordersby phone, e-mail, web site, fax, mail, etc.6. You don't make your web site look professional.You want to have your own domain name. Your website should be easy to navigate through. The graphicsshould be related to the theme of your web site.7. You don't let people read your ad before they getyour freebie. When you use free stuff to lure peopleto your web site include it below your ad copy or onanother web page. If you list the freebie above yourad they may never look to see what you're selling.8. You don't attract the target audience that wouldbuy your product or service. A simple way to dothis is to survey your existing customers to see whatattracted them to buy. This information will helpyou improve your target marketing and advertising.9. You don't test and improve your ad copy. Thereare many people who write an ad copy and neverchange it. You have to continually test and improveyour ad copy to get the highest possible responserate.10. You don't give people any urgency to buy now.Many people are interested in your product but theyput off buying it till later and eventually forget aboutit. Entice them to buy now with a freebie or discountand include a deadline date when the offer ends. Why You Should Learn HTML Do you have a website or are you planning on creating a website in the near future? You owe it to yourself to at least learn some basic HTML (HyperText Mark-up Language). Even if someone else is creating and maintaining your website there are some basics you should know. What if that person is not available and you need to add or make changes to your website? I've always believed if you have a business, computer, website, or whatever, you need to know how it works. Don't depend on someone else. Besides why pay someone else when you can do it yourself free of charge. Website Promotion - The Stakes Are Rising ? And So Is The Cost Over the past couple of months it has been quite noticeable that the amount of time and effort that is going into website promotion is rapidly rising and therefore so is the associated cost of keeping ahead of the competition. ![]() |
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