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5 Reasons Why Link Swapping Is Killing Your Website
I created my first website in 1995 - it was so long ago I built it out of rock and wood, not HTML. Shortly after it went live I realised that nobody apart from me could see it and it started to dawn on me what this 'Internet thing' is all about. It is not about having a stand-alone website plonked somewhere that nobody will ever see - it is about being part of an INTERconnected NETwork of other websites. INTER-NET. The penny dropped - I needed to start getting connected to other websites. Much has changed since then (my hair got longer, shorter and has since started to recede further up my head for one thing) but it seems the desire and pressure you face as a website owner to exchange links shows no signs of fading. But link swapping is killing your website! Here's 5 Reasons why... Reason No. 1 - It's Addictive! It's true. You might not be that far down the link-swapping path yet but I promise you it will happen sooner or later. One day you'll find yourself laughing like a maniac as you run a report to see how many in-bound links you have and start rubbing your hands gleefully as you reach that magic milestone you set yourself six months ago. You'll start mainlining reciprocal links: "Just one more link. Please - all I need is one more link!" Take a deep breath, step back from the precipice and think for a moment. Why do you want all these links pointing to your website? No, honestly - why do you REALLY want all these links pointing to your website? To improve link popularity? You're falling into the trap. Do you want it to boost that little green bar that Google assigns to your page? (see toolbar.google.com) Wise up! Reason No. 2 - It Is Eating Away At Your Time Like A Hungry Hippo! Just take a look at the last time you went out looking for a link and got it. How long did it take you? Not long? Well, let me put this another way - how long did it take you to find the right type of websites, look through those and find ones that even have a links page, find the contact information for the websites you wanted to contact, create the email, send the email, respond to the email, place their link on your website, check that they reciprocated with you, email back and forth a few times more and so on...? If you add up all the minutes that each of these elements takes you could be looking at half an hour per reciprocal link established - maybe even longer! And don't think you're cutting corners if you're using software. It might be quicker to find possible linking partners using software but it's a false economy as, to my knowledge, people are still cleverer than machines. What I mean by this is I can tell if you email me using software rather than using your own fingers. If you go looking for reciprocal links using software you are FAR less likely to get a response so the whole process will probably take you as long in terms of time spent per link established. Reason No. 3 - You Are Spending More Time On Other People's Websites Than Your Own If you spend a lot of your time researching and creating reciprocal links you'd better make sure that your website is perfect. Remember - all that time you're spending developing reciprocal links could be spent adding new content to your website, sending out an up to date newsletter to your mailing list or even sitting down and writing out goals for your website. If you spend all the time on improving your website, adding great content, providing excellent service, keeping it up to date, testing different headlines and homepage layouts INSTEAD of spending the time building links guess what? You will magically find that more people link to you anyway! In fact - your website will become such a great resource because of all the time you're dedicating to it that people will go OUT OF THEIR WAY to link to you! How ironic is that?! You go hunting for links and your site suffers and therefore hardly anybody links to you. You spend time on making your website THE BEST IT CAN BE and everyone starts linking to you as, shock horror, you have a brilliant website that is worth referring to.. Reason No. 4 - You Don't Have A Multi-Million Dollar Budget To Beat The Boffins Those white-cloaked geeks over at Google towers and the like have millions of dollars at their disposal to create the latest technology that can sniff out the merest whiff of dodginess when it comes to link swapping. If they think something is suspect you might get penalised. First you started to see sites that used the same phrase for their inbound links get penalised. Then it was sites that engaged with link farms. Who knows what's next? Ultimately you can bet your bottom dollar that the search engines will change their tack with reciprocal links and their importance - some of them are already starting to look at the words that appear before and after each link to make sure it is on a relevant page and not just created as part of a reciprocal linking deal. It's a risky game we're all playing and my money's on the guys with the white coats and millions of dollars.. Reason No. 5 - You Are The Weakest Link, Goodbye! When push comes to shove this whole 'game' of website marketing is about balance. Imagine you are a tightrope walker. Fifty metres beneath you is a huge vat of boiling hot lava. To help you across the rope from the podium of "website launch" to the podium of "website success" you get a balancing rod. Spending too much time and effort on reciprocal link building is like having a large sack on one end of the rod. This sack has an elephant in it. The elephant is wearing boots. Made from concrete. Get the picture? Michael Cheney is Author of The Website Marketing BibleTM. Take the Free 7-Part Course "Internet Marketing Made Easy" and get your free sampler of 'The Bible' here: http://www.websitemarketingbible.com/marketing/
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Web Site Promotion: Use Web Site Awards To Increase Your Credibility Web Site Awards are given from other sites to reward your site for a specific reason. Why The One-Pronged Website Promotion Method Doesnt Really Work Would you attempt to use a cell phone with a dead battery? Or drink from a cup with no liquid in it? Drive a car with gas but no oil? Search Engine Submission- Don?t be a cheapskate! Submitting your website to the main search engines should be handled with care. Do it right, and the rewards can be great. Driving Traffic to a Crafters Web Site Ok. So you've got your website done and stocked with your crafts that you have put your heart and soul into. So you sit back and just wait for all those millions of people out there to come and buy. You check your email, check your stat counter and still nothing. Then, you start checking your competitors sites, and look at how many you have to compete against. It just makes you want to scream. Now it's time to get some of the world to look at your site. There are plenty of internet shoppers to go around. How To Acquire One Way Inbound Links How can one get a good ranking in the major search engines ? This is a question, I'm sure, agitates the minds of every newbie as well as professional webmaster. Even those that are doing well are fighting to keep their place. But isn't there a way to consistently appear in a good position at the major search engines? I think there are ways to achieve this enviable position. One of the ways is what this article is all about. That is, consistently build one way inbound links to your site. Getting other webmasters to link to your site without you linking back. 10 Website Blunders Guaranteed to Send Your Visitors Elsewhere When you build your website you need to have a plan first. The reason for this is if you do not have a plan you will likely make mistakes, forget to include information, and overall have an unorganized and not a well thought out page. While you might read the page and completely understand everything, remember that your website visitor did not design the page and needs a little more direction. Read the following 10 website blunders that are common and will make your visitors head to another site quickly. Competition Freebies and Sponsorship For Free Advertising and Link Popularity How many competitions are there running on the net at this time? 1000 maybe? Nah, 100,000 is more than likely and when they pass their closing date there will be just as many to take their place. Is Your Websites Link Directory Even Worth Having? Let's face it, getting (and keeping) a good Google page rank is no easy task and requires constant attention. Not just in getting reciprocal links, but honing your Meta tags, and keeping your content fresh. But we are here to discuss only one part of the pagerank dilemma. In fact this article will focus more on other, and in some cases, more important benefits of a proper links directory. Directory Structure Categorize your directory well- Meaning the more categories you have the better organized your directory is. More categories means your visitors can locate particular links a lot faster. Minimize the depth of your categories- You should not make your directory more than three category levels deep, for instance if you are a travel site and have a category for Jamaica, then the structure example would be Travel>>Caribbean>>Jamaica. Easy navigation for your site visitors is the main reason for this. Reason two for minimizing your directory depth- Search engines will spider each page of your website, they will determine the pagerank of each page based on its content, and distance away from your homepage. Use this as a rule of thumb; each level down from your homepage will cost that page "one" pagerank point. Using the example above, this is what is meant here, Travel>>Caribbean>>Jamaica: the Travel" page would have the highest pagerank being closest to your homepage, let's say it has been give a Google rank of 4, the next level "Caribbean" in all likelihood would have a rank of 3, and so on. No more than 20 links per page- There is not a link partner in the world that wants his/her site to be on your link page as link number 100. I would rather be link number 3 on page number three than link number 100 on page one. This is clutter, and useless to all involved, you, your link partner and especially your site visitor. Keep this in mind as well, when the search engines spider your site they will also notice more pages on your site thus determining that you offer more content. Your link partners will also appreciate it. Relevant Links Do your visitors really care if you own a travel site and have links to recipe sites? Of course not. Although locating good quality link partners for your site will take more time, it will be well worth it in the long run. If you have a travel site, seek out rental cars, vacation spots, travel accessories, and the like. Your visitors are on your site because they (at that moment in time) are interested in what your site has to offer, do not change the visitor's train of thought into anything other than what you want them to think about, in this example, traveling and things associated with traveling. Make Money from your links? Of course! Reciprocal linking is a great way to help your website's search engine ranking, but making immediate cash from your links is a whole level up from that. Join affiliate programs like Commission Junction and add some affiliate links to your directory. For our travel site example, you can get offers like travel accessories, rental cars and the like. Have a good mix of links to other sites and affiliate links- You do not want a directory full of affiliate links, this is a major turn-off to your visitors. As a matter of fact, you should have at least a 10 to 1 ratio of regular links vs affiliate links. Advertise in your directory Since you now have a well organized directory with an excellent structure, limited to 20 links per page, and a lot of pages with good advertising space, it's time to place some banners. You can advertise some of those good sites that you are affiliated with and place a banner or two on every page. Keep it neat- You should have quality space on the left or right side of your directory add a Skyscraper banner to either side (only one per page though), it is well known that the bigger the banner the more clicks on that banner you should receive. A skyscraper is usually 120 x 600 in size. Add a single banner at the top center of each page as well; make it a different ad, offer something different than your skyscraper. This is the most valuable banner location on any page, use it for banners. Sell banner spots- Now that you have a well categorized directory, you can sell ad space to vendors whose products or services appeal to that particular category. You can even offer the top spot on a particular page for sale or as a trade for the same kind of link for your site in someone else's directory. Exceptions to the rule There are those sites that do not fit into any category of your site that have that HUGE Google page rank, and you want them to link with your site. Here is a tip for you to keep those sites happy and get that top rank. In addition to you're regular links directory, create a separate smaller reciprocal links directory. This may be only 1-3 pages in size. This directory must have a direct link from your homepage (most top rank sites require that), and title it something like "Special Link Partners" or "Recommended Links". Add only page ranks of say 6-7 or higher to this special directory. This will ensure your most important link partners that you will not be burying their link inside your link directory. We have quite a large selection of software in our downloads directory at http://www.bullmarketer.com that can help you automate the process of managing your own links directory. One program in particular is Arelis by Axandra. This software is not only VERY user friendly but offers tons of features. There is a free lite version available for download. Derek Arnold DMOZ Editors - Does Absolute Power Corrupt Absolutely? DMOZ editors are supposed to be professionals in the category that they choose to edit and review. They are also supposed to have high standards when it comes to giving the general public quality websites with content that pertains to the category in which they are editing. But, is this really the case or does the absolute power given by DMOZ corrupt these editors into making decisions based on just what they like or as favors to the owners of the websites they are reviewing? Why You Need Submit Articles To E-zines Ezine publishes have large amount of loyal subscribers. If you send articles to ezine publishes, readers have trust their editors' recommendation. In turn, you will get more valued visitors to your website. Every time they publish your article, your website traffic will get boosted. Website Promotion: 10 Reasons Why People Dont Visit Your Web Site If you are not getting traffic at your website and wondering what is the problem, here are a few reasons: Website Promotion ? The Power of Writing Articles I've been operating two small retail Websites for several years with modest success. Recently, I decided to branch out into a different area of e-commerce. I set up five different Websites at once and I wanted to find a way to obtain a lot of links to my Websites in a hurry. I wasn't interested in paying for promotion, and I don't care for the tedious process of exchanging links. On a lark, I typed the phrase "unusual Website promotion techniques" into Google, just to see what sort of search results came up. Keeping Focused: Marketing Your Site During a Tough Tourist Economy In the current competitive climate, tourism-dependant businesses in Coastal Maine are looking for every possible edge to set themselves above their competition. The internet has quickly become the ubiquitous marketing venue for tourism and travel, and our local businesses have jumped into this venue with both feet forward. Are You A Winner Or A Loser? What do you do next! you have been working so hard to perfect your website you are certain there is nothing else you can do to improve it. So why is there no sign of it in any searches? How To Use Banner Ads Effectively It's no big secret that banner ads have become less effective than text links over the years. This phenomenon is called "banner blindness". Banners were so ubiquitous in the early years of the Internet that users simply began to ignore them. How Can You Promote Your Online Business Offline? Many people miss out on some very valuable promotion opportunities by confining themselves to marketing their business online. If you run a business that is confined to one country or area then offline marketing is a must. How to Set Up Your Own Free Ad-Tracking Links and 7 Reasons Why You Want To! Any time you use a URL in an Article, Web Page, Classified Ad, Pay Per Click ad or anyplace else you should always use Ad = Tracking Links. Not only will this Article show you how to build your own Ad-Tracker in 2 simple steps it will also tells you 7 reasons why you should always use Ad-Trackers Accessibility: Is your website causing you to loose potential clients? Accessibility: Is your website causing you to loose potential clients? How Do I Promote My Website? If you are a small business owner with a website, chances are you have wondered how best to promote it. You might wonder if people are going to be able to navigate to it or if it will be popular. Of course, you've heard you need to submit to search engines, but which ones? How many? The more the better, right? Why You MUST Have A My Yahoo! Page Yahoo! allows you to set up your own front page called 'My Yahoo!'. Even if you don't use Yahoo! as your search engine, you need a My Yahoo! page which you log onto every day. That's because having a My Yahoo! page that is set up correctly can do wonders for your search engine ranking. ![]() |
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