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7 Must Knows for Measuring Web Site Activities
Record keeping measurements for Internet marketing Record keeping tracks money -- where it goes, when it comes in. Internet record keeping is also required for success. Yet the statistics show that only one out of a hundred people who own web sites do any type of record keeping on how much it cost them to be there A system that works hard for you when you don't still requires monitoring and periodic reviews. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it, then it manages you. The top keys to making money on the Internet are working smart, planning, testing, immediately stopping when something isn't working, reinvest in new techniques and approaches that improve and then keep testing. For every success there are usually 10 to 15 try, sometimes more, that weren't successful. Even prolific writers create a number of drafts to get to the end result that works. Here are nine terms you want to become very familiar with and that you want to use to measure your success. As a past CPA, these terms aren't just for an Internet site, they too are usable in other services or brick and mortar operations. 1. Cost per action, sometimes also called, cost per acquisition. How much does it cost you to get a visitor to take a specific action beyond just clicking around in your web site? How many click-throughs does it take for visitors to make a purchase? Another way to apply this to ezines subscribers -- how many clicks were made before the subscriber registered for your eNewsletter? You take the total expenses for running your web site and divide by the number of clicks measured. Example: If the cost per click is $0.50 and it takes 30 click-throughs to get one person to register for your eNewsletter, the cost per action is $15. If you write articles, how many registrations do you get for each article? If your measurement is 10 for each article and it takes you about two hours to produce and deliver the article over the Internet. If your estimated hour rate is $100 per hour, then each registration is costing you $10 plus your web expenses. 2. Cost per sale. To measure, divide the marketing expenses by the total number of transactions to come up with the cost per sale in a dollar amount. 3. Return on Investment, also known as your ROI. Divide your gross sales, this is all your sales coming from your web site, whether it is from affiliate, commission, advertising, or items sold, by all your marketing costs. All that you have invested in its production. You come up with a percentage amount which is the bottom line on how successful your marketing was in terms of sales. Refunds or credits are also taken into account. If you gave away a number of products you need to count these as part of the items sold even though they didn't land any money in the bank account. Giveaways are a frequent overview in this calculation and can be a huge eye opener. Example for service professionals. If you provide a service where you give away the first session as complimentary, give a presentation for a sale, or prepare a proposal, these costs also need to be included in your ROI calculations. If you provide this service in person you need to also add in your travel time and an average cost for car expenses (not just gas). This is why it is so important to prequalify. For coaches, this is why I recommend only performing complimentary session over the phone or in your office unless you're fee is built in and high enough. 4. Pay per sale, also called a referral fee for closed transaction . This is typically a percentage of the sales generated by the advertisement. A commission is paid when a sales is made by the advertiser and not by the number of click-throughs. Advantageous to the advertiser not to the publisher. Example: Someone places an ad in your eNewsletter with an agreement to pay a higher percentage fee for each sale but zero for any nonsales. The responsibility of success for the sale falls mainly on the advertiser. If you enter into this type of agreement, make sure the advertiser delivers on their promises, and has a structurally sound sales processing system in place. Not to mention a means for reporting to you what was sold, when and where too. 5. Customer lifetime value. Stated in dollars, this is the average length your customer remains with you divided by net profit of that value. If you are new in business or don't have the actual figures you will need to estimate. Example: If you are a coach and average of 22 steady clients per month for an average agreement of six months. Your net profit for six months would be $46,200. You then divide the $46,200/22 = $2,100. What this means is that every client that you acquire for six months is worth $2,100 to your business. 6. Cost per click, also known as cost per click-through (CPC). How much you have to pay for every time someone clicks on your ad -- clicks from that point to the next point, usually your web site. Example: You purchase a banner space on someone else's web site for your product or service. That space costs you $400 for the month. There were 225 click-throughs from that banner to your site during that month. $400 divided by 225 = $1.77. You paid $1.77 for each click-through. 7. Cost per lead, also known as pay per lead. This usually occurs when you purchase prospect lists. These are specific lists from people who have already given permission to someone else that they are interested in this type of product or service. In other words, they have opt-in to a similar request, and they are the target market you are looking for. The leads can be limited to just providing the e-mail address or in great details. Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com
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Is Your Websites Link Directory Even Worth Having? Let's face it, getting (and keeping) a good Google page rank is no easy task and requires constant attention. Not just in getting reciprocal links, but honing your Meta tags, and keeping your content fresh. But we are here to discuss only one part of the pagerank dilemma. In fact this article will focus more on other, and in some cases, more important benefits of a proper links directory. Directory Structure Categorize your directory well- Meaning the more categories you have the better organized your directory is. More categories means your visitors can locate particular links a lot faster. Minimize the depth of your categories- You should not make your directory more than three category levels deep, for instance if you are a travel site and have a category for Jamaica, then the structure example would be Travel>>Caribbean>>Jamaica. Easy navigation for your site visitors is the main reason for this. Reason two for minimizing your directory depth- Search engines will spider each page of your website, they will determine the pagerank of each page based on its content, and distance away from your homepage. Use this as a rule of thumb; each level down from your homepage will cost that page "one" pagerank point. Using the example above, this is what is meant here, Travel>>Caribbean>>Jamaica: the Travel" page would have the highest pagerank being closest to your homepage, let's say it has been give a Google rank of 4, the next level "Caribbean" in all likelihood would have a rank of 3, and so on. No more than 20 links per page- There is not a link partner in the world that wants his/her site to be on your link page as link number 100. I would rather be link number 3 on page number three than link number 100 on page one. This is clutter, and useless to all involved, you, your link partner and especially your site visitor. Keep this in mind as well, when the search engines spider your site they will also notice more pages on your site thus determining that you offer more content. Your link partners will also appreciate it. Relevant Links Do your visitors really care if you own a travel site and have links to recipe sites? Of course not. Although locating good quality link partners for your site will take more time, it will be well worth it in the long run. If you have a travel site, seek out rental cars, vacation spots, travel accessories, and the like. Your visitors are on your site because they (at that moment in time) are interested in what your site has to offer, do not change the visitor's train of thought into anything other than what you want them to think about, in this example, traveling and things associated with traveling. Make Money from your links? Of course! Reciprocal linking is a great way to help your website's search engine ranking, but making immediate cash from your links is a whole level up from that. Join affiliate programs like Commission Junction and add some affiliate links to your directory. For our travel site example, you can get offers like travel accessories, rental cars and the like. Have a good mix of links to other sites and affiliate links- You do not want a directory full of affiliate links, this is a major turn-off to your visitors. As a matter of fact, you should have at least a 10 to 1 ratio of regular links vs affiliate links. Advertise in your directory Since you now have a well organized directory with an excellent structure, limited to 20 links per page, and a lot of pages with good advertising space, it's time to place some banners. You can advertise some of those good sites that you are affiliated with and place a banner or two on every page. Keep it neat- You should have quality space on the left or right side of your directory add a Skyscraper banner to either side (only one per page though), it is well known that the bigger the banner the more clicks on that banner you should receive. A skyscraper is usually 120 x 600 in size. Add a single banner at the top center of each page as well; make it a different ad, offer something different than your skyscraper. This is the most valuable banner location on any page, use it for banners. Sell banner spots- Now that you have a well categorized directory, you can sell ad space to vendors whose products or services appeal to that particular category. You can even offer the top spot on a particular page for sale or as a trade for the same kind of link for your site in someone else's directory. Exceptions to the rule There are those sites that do not fit into any category of your site that have that HUGE Google page rank, and you want them to link with your site. Here is a tip for you to keep those sites happy and get that top rank. In addition to you're regular links directory, create a separate smaller reciprocal links directory. This may be only 1-3 pages in size. This directory must have a direct link from your homepage (most top rank sites require that), and title it something like "Special Link Partners" or "Recommended Links". Add only page ranks of say 6-7 or higher to this special directory. This will ensure your most important link partners that you will not be burying their link inside your link directory. We have quite a large selection of software in our downloads directory at http://www.bullmarketer.com that can help you automate the process of managing your own links directory. One program in particular is Arelis by Axandra. This software is not only VERY user friendly but offers tons of features. There is a free lite version available for download. Derek Arnold Has Your Business Hit a Wall? What to Do When Business Slows Down! I doubt that anyone reading this article hasn't at one time or another found his or her business dropping off significantly. For some unknown reason, and without any warning, everything seems to stop. The phone stops ringing, your e-mail box has nothing but advertisements and it appears as if your business has come to an end. What happened and even more important what should you do when it appears as if your business has hit a wall? 8 Killer Ways to Improve the Effect of Testimonials on Your Customers! Every web business should be using testimonials. Testimonials are extremely effective in making visitors take that extra step forward to buy your product because they are given confidence by looking at what other people have said. Testimonials can work everywhere on a website; on the homepage or in the sales letter. Good, believable testimonials on your website can spark a great number of extra sales. Here are 8 ways to make your online testimonials more effective. X-Ray Specs, Turning 30, and Achieving Website Success I was writing the final chapter of my book on website marketing a few weeks ago and was wondering how far I'd progressed with it in the past nine months so I ran a word count. 44559 words. Driving Traffic to a Crafters Web Site Ok. So you've got your website done and stocked with your crafts that you have put your heart and soul into. So you sit back and just wait for all those millions of people out there to come and buy. You check your email, check your stat counter and still nothing. Then, you start checking your competitors sites, and look at how many you have to compete against. It just makes you want to scream. Now it's time to get some of the world to look at your site. There are plenty of internet shoppers to go around. Promote Your Site through Niche Directories Maybe you are a Doctor or a lawyer. You've built an excellent web site that looks good, has the potential to make huge sales and is well optimised for the search engines. You have arranged a large number of reciprocal links, you have submitted to all the free directories you could find and submitted articles wherever you could. Now it's time to sit down, relax and wait for the traffic to come flooding in? NO. Building Online Visibility: A Three-Point Plan For Any Business The latest trend in online marketing focuses on local search. While there are plenty of business site directories that act like online telephone directories, local search is more than a telephone directory or classified ad site. It's a community-oriented, user-friendly approach to finding businesses close to home. How to Promote Websites Popularity? Once your site is launched, half your battle is won. What lies ahead is the interesting and challenging part of the game. Learning the basics of HTML, creating pages etc actually gets boring for some and they leave it at that.. But once you are beyond the basics, life gets better. The next step is promoting your website. There are various ways to do it. Three Ways to Market Your Web Site Effectively 1. Tell people you have a site Complete Novice Builds Business Using Press Releases on the Internet My name is Barbara Mascio. I am the founder of a business that actually challenges the paradigm of elder care. With next to nothing in marketing dollars, I turned to the Internet hoping I could get my message across to as many folks as possible, and it's working! In fact, 68% of all our inquiries are a direct result of web visitors! Increasing Link Popularity WITHOUT Exchanging Links Yes, it can be done. Here are 7 ways that a site can acheiveincreased link popularity without having to exchange links:Directory Submissions - Submit to the Open Directory and othersites like JoeAnt and Gimpsy. These are all human revieweddirectories, therefore search engines will consider that yoursite must be of pretty good quality to be listed in them. Submissionto these sites is free, but there can be quite a wait to getreviewed, since editors are unpaid volunteers. In addition toa link popularity boost, a listing in Open Directory will getyour site listed in the other Open Directory powered siteslike Google's web Directory, AOL's web directory and many others.Tips For Directory Submissions:Editor Check - Is there an editor for your desired category?If not, consider applying. For Open Directory, this cangive you the power to add your site much more quickly.Link Title - Don't try any tricks to get keywords in your titleif they are not in your company name. This will get your listingedited if the listing is approved or rejected outright. Thetitle must be your official website or company name.Description - Again, don't try to insert extra keywords here,it could backfire and your description will be edited or yourlisting rejected. The description should be short and concise.Just tell what your website offers and give some product or service examples if appropriate. Again, keep it short!Be patient! - It may take weeks or months to be reviewed. Ifyou've submitted before and are still not listed, try writinga polite note to the editor of the category to see if therewas a problem.Paid Submissions - Paid submissions to quality directoriesand portals is also a good idea. It is well known that alisting in the Yahoo directory area will give you a good Google PageRank boost. Listing in the Yahoo directory areais $299, so skip this option if your budget is limited.Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Submissions - Google lists theresults of many smaller pay-per-click search engines. Thiscan help link popularity if your site is listed in theseresults for your important keywords and phrases. There arehundreds of these smaller PPC engines that offer a freeadvertising credit just for signing up. Take a jaunt onover to PayPerClickSearchEngines.com for a good list of them.Submit listings under all your important keywords and phrasesand include keywords in your title.Affiliate Program - Having an affiliate program can boost youroverall sales by letting other sites do the advertising for you,but did you know that this can also help link popularity? Forsome affiliate program services like Commission Junction orLinkShare, they use a special link to track clicks and sales,so these may not be effective since they do not contain youractual domain name. The kind of affiliate program I am talkingabout is the type that uses your domain name in the tracking URLyou give affiliates to use. Something like:http://www.yourcompanyname.com/aff?64340As long as your affiliate program uses this type of link, thenyour site should see an increase in link popularity. Just makesure you offer a good incentive for affiliates so that they willadd your link to their site. Even better, you can approve onlyrelated sites or sites with a good Google PageRank or Alexatraffic ranking into your program!Specialized Submissions - What type of site do you have? What do yousell? Chances are there is a directory that specializes in justsites like yours. Have a casino or gambling site? There are manygambling portals and search engines. Submit to all of them.Have a site that sells antique fishing tackle? Yep, there aredirectories relating to fishing, but you can also submit to themany antique and collectible directories as well! Sell weddingdresses in New York? Submit to the many wedding and bridal directoriesand the New York search engines too. Whatever your niche, chances arethat there is a specialized directory or search engine for that area.Find them and submit! You'll benefit from the targeted traffic theysend but also increased link popularity.Create Your Own Directory - Set up your own specialized search engine,directory or portal catering to your target audience. Your site canbe a featured or showcase site on the main page and other pages!To attract users, add interactive content such as forums, have chats,offer contests, the possibilities are endless.Expired Domain Names - Maybe a site in your industry has gone out ofbusiness? You may be able to pick up their domain name and with itall their incoming links and traffic. Increase your link popularityby adding your link to the site prominently, then go ahead and re-direct the user to your site after a few seconds. Don't re-directquickly or you may not reap any link popularity benefits.That's it! 7 ways to increase your website's link popularity withoutmaintaining a links page and without sending your visitors to competitors!Kacey Donston - Submit-URL.net has been promoting online businesses since 1998.Offering search engine optimization, positioning services, pay perclick campaigns, ranking checks, resubmissions, evaluations and more.We offer comprehensive packages for home business owners, small businessesand corporate customers. http://www.submit-url.net Website Promotion: 10 Sure-Fire Tactics To Sell Your Back-End Products A back-end product is a product that you attempt to sell your customers after they have recently purchased a related product from your business. How to use Free Website Submission Services After you have built your website the next natural step is to start promoting it. You can start with submitting your site to the various search engines and directories. Kick-Off Your Web Traffic Virus! Have you noticed lately how savvy webmasters are using simple, content-rich articles to pull-in more targeted *traffic* to their Web Site audience without spending a dime on promotion or advertising? Website Promotion: 10 Phenomenal Tactics To Reinforce Your Profits Here are the website promotion tactics to reinforce and increase your profits: Link Cheating On The Rise Website owners and webmasters who are trying to improve their search engine ranking by trading links with other sites should beware of being cheated. Beware of link cheating. What is link cheating? Streamline Your Training Costs with Streaming Media Streaming Media?now a well accepted Internet technology. Yet streaming is still not being widely utilized by members of corporate training staffs. Why is this? I would venture to guess that lack of direct experience, hesitation to try new methods, and fears about costly "TV type stuff" have all contributed to make streaming seem like something too difficult to attempt successfully. You?ve Created a Business Website: So Now What? Congratulations! You and your designer have just finished creating your business website. It's live on the Internet, waiting for all of those hot prospects to visit and hire you. How To Promote Your Online Store OK. So you took the leap and started your online store. But, oops, there are no customers and your store is lost in the crowd. All is not lost. You just need to be very creative in how you market your site. The key thing to remember as you market your site is "people buy from people, not companies." Sales Marketing: 10 Proven Secrets To Market Your Website Offline Some Internet marketing experts have claimed that the best way to market online is to market offline! ![]() |
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