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How To Stop Your Site Disappearing Into The Void
Repetition is the key to getting your adverts and promotion efforts noticed but when does repetition become over saturation which inevitably leads to boredom? Boredom and apathy. This is one of the biggest challenges you'll face when promoting your site in the hit exchanges. So how do you cut through this and get people to read your message and take an interest in what you're advertising? There are three tips listed below on how to make your site stand out and draw people in to see what you're offering, but before reading and applying them, you might find it useful to ask yourself this question: What would make a fellow surfer visit my site even if the incentive of getting a visitor back to their page didn't exist? This last point is pivotal to successful hit exchange promotion. The "What's In It For Me?" (WIIFM) factor has already been satisfied to a large extent, by the fact that the people that visit your page will be getting a guaranteed hit back to theirs. You need to work hard to fuel their desire, interest and curiosity even more! So whilst using the tips listed in this article, try and shape your hit exchange promotion with this in mind. It will help you to come up with the biggest benefits that people will gain from visiting your site AND reading your offer. 1) Be unusual Create interest by writing curious, unusual headlines with pizzaz! Wake people up. Surfers are often in a trance like state and in a flow that you need to wake them out of. In an article called "The Hypnotic Power Of Confusion", by Dr.Joe Vitale, he speaks about the power of confusion to get hold of people's attention, and more importantly to then embed within their minds, suggestions as to what you'd like them to do next. 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 It's a hypnotic technique that helps to make the mind more susceptible to commands and suggestions. If your interested in finding out more about this, you'll find a treasure trove of information at http://self-hypnosis.co.uk I've tried it out and it seems to be working! "Are You Eating A Banana Or Surfing For Credits?" Huh? "Download Your Fre*e Report On How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hit Exchange Promotion!". Does it work on you? Would you be more likely to pay attention to this page and maybe even download the report if you saw this headline whilst surfing? Or would you, very quickly, click away from it?! Headlines that speak directly to surfers are also good attention grabbers. I've seen some nice examples of this whilst surfing such as: "Wake Up Surfers" (and lo and behold, I did wake up!), "Attention Hi*t Exchange Surfers!" and "Are You Still Having Fun Clicking?" 2) Be original It seems that every other page being promoted in the hit exchanges is an affiliate site. Unless its for a relatively new program or the program has a variety of sites you can choose to promote, people are going to get weary of seeing the same pages over and over and over again. Whilst repetition is important so that people become aware of a product or service, over saturation can sound the death knell for your promotion activities. If you're an affiliate, you need to create your own page, with your own take on the benefits of the program, product or service you're promoting. Write your own recommendation and if possible, add on a freebie as an incentive for people to join through YOUR link. Or offer a free gift in exchange for people's email addresses and then follow up with your product/program recommendations. 3) Be short & sweet Shout out the largest benefit of what you're promoting as soon as possible because unless your copy is particularly engrossing, most surfers won't hang around long enough to read it all. Remember, you've only got 30 seconds max for your site to be viewed and WIIFM is very much in full swing! The next page and the guarantee of another visitor back to a surfer's site all beckon. But if you absolutely can not do with out long web copy, then you need to give them a reason to remember your site, to bookmark it and to come back later. This may sound a bit "new agey", but here's a final tip. The obvious reason why people use traffic exchanges is to get visitors to see their sites, but this stems from a deeper motivation. Everyone who promotes their pages in the business related categories of hit exchanges is most likely doing so because they want to earn a living online and fulfil a dream of working for themselves. When you think about it in this way, you can't help but feel a kind of kinship or bond with the owners of the sites that you see as you surf. So wish them well as you look at their sites and visualise people looking at your pages with interest. By doing this you'll be increasing the success of your campaigns and on a more practical note, don't forget to give yourself regular breaks! About The Author Ofa Morgan is the owner of Blue Moon Offers, a site where you can submit your articles, get free content and win a great prize for your "rant 'n' rave". Find out how at: http://www.bluemoonoffers.com. She's also a hit exchange enthusiast and for more details on one of the top traffic exchanges, visit: http://www.bluemoonoffers.com/wmq.html
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Why You Need Submit Articles To E-zines Ezine publishes have large amount of loyal subscribers. If you send articles to ezine publishes, readers have trust their editors' recommendation. In turn, you will get more valued visitors to your website. Every time they publish your article, your website traffic will get boosted. Website Promotion ? The Power of Writing Articles I've been operating two small retail Websites for several years with modest success. Recently, I decided to branch out into a different area of e-commerce. I set up five different Websites at once and I wanted to find a way to obtain a lot of links to my Websites in a hurry. I wasn't interested in paying for promotion, and I don't care for the tedious process of exchanging links. On a lark, I typed the phrase "unusual Website promotion techniques" into Google, just to see what sort of search results came up. If You Build It, They Will Come? Many of you will remember the line from the movie Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come." Many businesses apply this methodology to their business model. I can't tell you how many times I've come across this misnomer in dealing with hosting and web design customers. They figure, "I've got a website now. The customers will start to buy my stuff. I can wait for the orders to start coming in." A few months later they call to complain that it isn't working and it must be something wrong. When I ask them what they have done to get customers, a lot of times they don't know what to say because they never thought of that approach. If we pause to think about the build and wait approach for a moment, we will soon see the error in this idea. Unlike a physical location, where you have customers driving or walking by all the time, online businesses need some way to attract traffic and customers to their website. In this article we will discuss a few methods that can be employed to bring customers to your website. Do Not Build A Website Until You Have Researched Your Keywords Imagine that you have a $25,000 marketing budget for your online weight loss herbal supplement business. Should you invest it in trying to build a site to rank #1 in Google for "weight loss?" NO. 7 Must Knows for Measuring Web Site Activities Record keeping measurements for Internet marketing 10 Ways to Market Your Web Site and Have It Market You Once your web site is done, it does you little good to have it sitting static on the net waiting for those visitor "clicks." High numbers of visits to your site from potential customers or clients rarely happen by accident. They are a result of a well designed internet marketing plan. Website Promotion ? Writing Articles Generates Traffic Four Different Ways Writing articles and submitting them to free content sites is a great way to promote your Website at no cost. This technique generates traffic for your Website in at least four different ways. Ideal Software Archive Website How to build the ideal website for software archives. View from developer. Easy Content Building for the Lazy Webmaster Free content builder. Articles are the best way to add free content to your site. There's hundreds if not thousands of article sites out there on the web that can be searched for free information.The only problem I have with free articles is that you have to add the writers resource box to your site. Now this in itself is not a major problem. You could read several articles and then make your own in your own words. This works well and is a quick and easy content building strategy that I would recommend to anybody. Also if you write your own content this way you should definitely consider posting a few of your own articles to the free article submission sites. This generates oneway links to your own site and over time can really build traffic to your site.Just google "free article submission" or "articles" or anything of that nature to start building a list of article sites. The more you have the better. Building content with ebooks Free ebooks are a great source of free content and there is no shortage of them out there. Most free ebook sites have ebooks that were at one point being sold across the web. These are generally an excellent quality source of information.To really benefit from ebooks you must first read them and take note of the main topics discussed. One way I find that works well is to write up a short report after reading the ebook and then building on that as I go through the ebook a second time. When I find something interesting I add it to the report in my own words. This is great for developing a better understanding of the material.Of course after all this you may want to write a few articles about what you just read. As always you should share these articles with the rest of the web by submitting them to article sites. This isn't as tedious and time consuming as you might think. After your first or second go you will find yourself becoming more confident and this may well lead to you taking a more creative approach to your writing. In time you will be very efficient at writing your own reports and using them to create more articles and content for your websites.I would advise you save every ounce of work you do. The more you write the more content and personal resources you have to pull from this makes it quicker and easier to create your own material. After a while you may realize you could put all your work into a ebook of your own and sell it:)What should I write?In short anything you want. Every human on this planet is a powerhouse of information. Even if your young you still have alot of experience to pull from.Some people find that coming up with ideas of what to write about is quit easy but actualy writing it is the hard part. Others find the writing the easy part and the brainstorming the hard part.If you fall into either camp then there is still hope for you, due to the fact that most humans will fall into either camp! Your not any different from me or anybody else out there. The best way to over come either problem is to get comfortable and just start writing. It is not hard!!Pick something and start writing about it. What did you learn after a tragic event in your life is a great way to get your brain setup in the right direction. Pulling from personal experience realy helps to get you thinking and once that starts you will find it hard to turn your mind off.Keeping it fresh. The only way to keep information fresh is to write it in your own words. Add your persona to your material. Play with it before you publish it. Try to write as if you were explaining something to a friend. It comes across more respectful and easier to understand. Also no matter what your writing about make sure you explain everything down to the letter. You may understand what your talking about but your reader wont always be as interested as you might think.Always remember no matter where it is you can generaly go back and change it later. For instance if you have published a 5 page report to the web and your not happy with certain aspects of it well then you can take it down later and add in or delete whatever you want. Get Listed at DMOZ When you are deciding on the major search engine directories that you want your website to be listed in, you should not overlook one of the most important ones: the DMOZ (short form for Directory Mozilla). DMOZ is just another name for the Open Directory Project, one of the human-powered submission directories. The Open Directory Project (http://www.dmoz.org) was designed and is currently operated by a volunteer group of web editors and reviewers. The Power of Link Exchanges Let's face it. Getting webmasters to link to your site is difficult. Successful Promotion is a State of Mind Every good marketing plan should have a section on ongoing promotion and publicity, which outlines ways of reaching your target market. These tools can do many of the same things paid advertising is supposed to do, at a fraction of the cost. With an on-going publicity strategy, you can enhance your image and bring in new business. Web Site Advertising: 5 Innovative Ideas To Advertise Your Web Site For Higher Profitability Hundreds of millions of people have spent thousands of dollars to create fancy websites to promote various goods, products, and services. Internet Directory Submission, Sure Way To Link Popularity Most website owners fail to differentiate between a directory and search engine, failure to do so has resulted in failure to harness the powers of Internet directory effectively. 8 Killer Ways to Improve the Effect of Testimonials on Your Customers! Every web business should be using testimonials. Testimonials are extremely effective in making visitors take that extra step forward to buy your product because they are given confidence by looking at what other people have said. Testimonials can work everywhere on a website; on the homepage or in the sales letter. Good, believable testimonials on your website can spark a great number of extra sales. Here are 8 ways to make your online testimonials more effective. Personalized Search Versus Personal Choice Personalized search is a hot topic especially since Yahoo! and Microsoft have announced they are aggressively developing this service. Most likely, people will be leery of personalized search if they think that this is just be another way for companies to market to them. Search engine research has shown that there are typically two types of searchers: information seekers and buyers. The Importance of Page Content The Importance of Page Content Top 10 Tips to Make Your Web Site A Hit! Professionals in tend to under-estimate the power of the web to bring them business, and to bring them precisely the kinds of clients they want! And, a few, invest in a great web site, but then don't market it effectively! There are some wonderful sites that are virtually "hidden" out there on the web. Web marketing has one thing in common with other advertising: no matter how good the ad, it won't build your business unless lots of people see it. How To Promote Your Online Store OK. So you took the leap and started your online store. But, oops, there are no customers and your store is lost in the crowd. All is not lost. You just need to be very creative in how you market your site. The key thing to remember as you market your site is "people buy from people, not companies." 10 Cool Ways To Attract People To Your Web Site 1. Give people a free subscription to your e-zine. Almost everyone is publishing a e-zine nowadays so it's important to give something extra with the free subscription. You could offer a free gift or advertising when people subscribe. ![]() |
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