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Free Tee Shirt
Sorry, there's not really a free tee here, but isn't it amazing how those 3 little words really grab your attention. You may have designed your web site to express yourself on the web, or like most of us, you are hoping to earn a little extra cash; but how do you get your new baby site out there and get it noticed? you do after all want to get some visitors,... don't you? The first thing to do is choose your keywords very carefully, it is by now a well know fact that targeting an audience with the keywords that have less competition will result in a better search engine position for those keywords so you should end up with more visitors. The best resource around is still wordtracker.com, use the trial version and see how useful this site is, if you only have a small site then this may be all you need. The second thing you will need to do is get blogging, why? the subject of blogging and rss feeds to enhance your chances of getting indexed quickly is well covered so all i will do is say that yahoo, google and in fact all the big engines are blog crazy. They regularly send their little bots out to search and index sites that blog in an interesting and relevant way, for example, if you have a web site that tells people how wonderful your region of the moon that you just purchased is, and that you want to let out for family vacations then you would start a blog called vacations on the moon and add interesting facts about space, vacations in space etc. and make sure that you have a link on your blog page that goes to your web site you called vacations on the moon.com You can even sort out a little RSS feed from your blog site and double your chances. More information on RSS you can go to http://www.freetraffictip.com/members ; to get a blog site of your own set up i recommend blogger.com Write, here we go then. No i didn't misspell it. The last thing you want to do is write an article about your cyberbaby and submit to as many sites as you can. A pretty good list is available here http://sunspeks.com/articles/submissions.html . That's it for now, if you follow these easy steps you should manage to get noticed, don't forget me when i want a short break on lunarville. That's it for now, if you follow these easy steps you should manage to get noticed, don't forget me when i want a short break on lunarville. Mark white has worked in IT for 16 years and currently runs 3 websites and works as an SEO / website designer. More information can be found on http://small-website-advice.com or subcribe to the free monthly newsletter here
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The ON World of OFFline marketing Ok, now if you've started reading this article thinking that its going to be the same story about the business cards carrying your logo and company name, you are right. Hey, dont reach for that back button already. Okay, since business cards is one of the best ways to publicise your site, I had to mention that. But that does not mean it ends here. Read on to discover more. Generating Inbound Links Content Set Your Site on the Right Trajectory by Submitting It to Every Directory Webmasters across the globe are involved in a race to the top of the search engine listings. Everyone has their own set of racing techniques that they swear by, some work well, some not so. However, one thing is certain; if you want to get to the top of the rankings you need inbound links to your site. But how do you get inbound links? Well, you could buy them. That gets pretty expensive. For many keywords the top ranking sites have hundreds if not thousands of inbound links, so unless you have a MEGA promotion budget then you will have to find another way. Writing articles and submitting them to resource sites (such as those listed at www.info-sales.co.uk) is another way to get many inbound links. However, not everyone is an aspiring modern day Shakespeare and not everyone has the time to research, write and then submit articles. Okay, so you don't have Bill Gates' bank balance and therefore cannot buy all the links you need. You lack either the expertise or the time to write articles. What can you do? Don't panic! The secret lies in two words, music to your ears and the answer to your inbound links dilemma... Directory submission. Get Ahead on the Web: How To Bring Visitors To Your Website - For Free! Search engine optimisation ? it's the holy grail of website design, or, put another way, a buzzword which means "get listed on Google." Because lets face it; if your website doesn't show up on a Google search, you may as well not have one. It's like opening a shop on the moon. Top 10 Tips to Make Your Web Site A Hit! Professionals in tend to under-estimate the power of the web to bring them business, and to bring them precisely the kinds of clients they want! And, a few, invest in a great web site, but then don't market it effectively! There are some wonderful sites that are virtually "hidden" out there on the web. Web marketing has one thing in common with other advertising: no matter how good the ad, it won't build your business unless lots of people see it. Web Site Promotion: Use Web Site Awards To Increase Your Credibility Web Site Awards are given from other sites to reward your site for a specific reason. Link Building Secrets - Promote Your Website with a Proven Tactic Building links to your website is of huge importance and something you should focus on significantly if getting ranked high in the search engine results is important to you. If you have a website, then more than likely getting a high ranking is of utmost importance. However, you might not know the best way to go about increasing your links. Consider the following suggestions in order to build your links and promote your website. Write It and They Will Come Write it, offer it for free on your site and they will come. Yeah right and then you woke up. I Need Real Visitors, NOT Search Spiders! The answer to the first question is simple, the difference between spiders and visitors is dollars. Good old fashion sales, cha ching! ring the cash register. Without quality visitors all of your SEO, website analysis, and keyword ranking nightmares, not to mention the 1000's of hours you spent changing and tweaking the look of you website, everything, was a waste of your precious time. Reciprocal Link versus Value Exchange Most webmasters are familiar with the concept of reciprocal linking. Reciprocal linking is the exchange of links between webmasters with the hope of improving their site ranking with the search engine. However, as more and more webmasters use reciprocal links to increase their site ranking, the search engines are also getting smarter and more demanding. How To Use Banner Ads Effectively It's no big secret that banner ads have become less effective than text links over the years. This phenomenon is called "banner blindness". Banners were so ubiquitous in the early years of the Internet that users simply began to ignore them. The Power of Link Exchanges Let's face it. Getting webmasters to link to your site is difficult. Youve Got A New Website, But How Do You Get Folks to Look At It? I took a look at a new Website recently in response to a request for a site review on one of my favorite forums. And, while the appearance was pleasing, there wasn't really much there. Too often, new folks to the Internet marketing world make this crucial mistake. They think that if they build a stay at home job website, customers will automaically show up and start buying stuff. When those customers don't materialize, the site owner often gives up and quits. Success Is Simple: Five Steps to Online Success The Internet can be a confusing place to do business. It often seems like there are a million 'gurus' on the Net, all speaking at the same time, and telling you how they have "the" road map to success. Unlock Your Prospects Mind From The Inside Simply put, it's a fundamental model that you can use as a metaphor to help explain the way prospects govern their inner decision-making. Novel Free-For-All Idea Almost anyone who has tried submitting to free-for-all sites will say that they are no longer worth the effort as a traffic generating tool. Automated FFA submissions to "millions" of sites are also not that useful as most of these sites are only ever "visited" by automated submission scripts and not by human eyes. The only thing these auto submission tools achieve is to get your e-mail address bombarded with "confirmation" e-mail from the FFA page owners. Many unsuspecting users who submitted their personal e-mail address to these submission tools have suffered incredible frustrations because of the "spam" they receive. (Technically they are confirmatory e-mail that the submitters agreed to receive.) Why You Should Learn HTML Do you have a website or are you planning on creating a website in the near future? You owe it to yourself to at least learn some basic HTML (HyperText Mark-up Language). Even if someone else is creating and maintaining your website there are some basics you should know. What if that person is not available and you need to add or make changes to your website? I've always believed if you have a business, computer, website, or whatever, you need to know how it works. Don't depend on someone else. Besides why pay someone else when you can do it yourself free of charge. Has Your Business Hit a Wall? What to Do When Business Slows Down! I doubt that anyone reading this article hasn't at one time or another found his or her business dropping off significantly. For some unknown reason, and without any warning, everything seems to stop. The phone stops ringing, your e-mail box has nothing but advertisements and it appears as if your business has come to an end. What happened and even more important what should you do when it appears as if your business has hit a wall? How To Ignite Your Sales If you own a website, you definitely want to improve visibility and get more traffic. There are a number of ways to do so like using search engine optimization, pay-per-click, submit to directories and more. Here are a list of effective ways to get more traffic and get more sales. 1 Seldom Discussed Method Of Web Promotion So you've made the perfect web site (in your eyes at least) and that all-important traffic is out there just waiting to visit you. You've done your research and followed the usual methods for making people aware about it, and you're now sat there twiddling your thumbs, regularly checking your traffic analysis tracker in case you get a sudden surge of visitors. Of course, unless you're a big business with a mass of promotion behind you, those days of overwhelming traffic are quite a way off. So while you wait for your search engine submissions to reap their reward is there anything else you can do to help yourself? ![]() |
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