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Sure! Ill be a Millionaire! Discover Wealth and Prosperity with the Angels of Abundance
I was in the bank's vault. The Brink's armored truck had just delivered several million dollars in small bills. Bags of money waited, stacked in a pile on the small counter. Methodically, I opened each and proofed the total it contained by counting the wads. I then took each wad, removed the wrapper and put the bills through the counting machine. When the machine finished, I hand counted it. The air was filled with the stuffy, musty smell of money. My hands were brown and oily from the invisible coat of dirt each bill carried. I was awash with the money I handled each day in my Head Teller position. It wasn't mine, but it was fun to handle. I was always surprised to find that a million dollars in wrapped 5's, 10's, and 20's stood up on their long edge only occupied a space as large as the top of my desk. I was there, surrounded by it, nostrils filled with the smell of it, fists full of it. Why? Because I'd put myself in the position to do so. Was it mine? No, it wasn't, but the image of all that money in cash, not checks, has remained with me throughout the years since I held that job. It is an image of huge abundance that was there for me to hold in my own two hands. Recently, I attended a rock concert with 30,000 screaming young girls. Throughout one of the songs which was about receiving money on pay day, the huge video screens at the back of the stage showed images of copious amounts of cash pouring down from the sky. Later, green and white confetti, symbolizing money, rained down onto the crowd. It drifted up, inches thick, around the ankles of the spectators. "Money, money, money," the group sang. The girls threw the confetti into the air again and allowed it to pour over them once more. It is an amazing image, that of money pouring down from heaven onto the guys in the group who take the same image and pour it down onto their fans, who are thus figuratively enriched by being there to receive it. The fans received because they were in that particular place at that particular time. Days after the concert, the image stayed with me. I hadn't liked the song before connecting it with the image of huge abundance that could be mine, too. I thought of the paychecks that flow into my hands every other week. I thought of how much money a person actually accumulates in their lifetime. I compared the money video to actually being in the vault with money piled up everywhere. At neither time was the money really mine. In fact, the concert money wasn't even real. Yet the images are powerful ones, which have stuck with me. When we take the time to place images of vast amounts of money into our daily lives we welcome vast amounts of money in. We give ourselves a chance to become used to having it around. We focus on it so strongly that it becomes real. It is not frivolous wishing or hoping but a solid attitude of creation, a powerful focus that makes way for manifestation of the real thing. So take the time to imagine yourself rolling in dough. Imagine your financial affairs awash with so much money that it drifts up around your ankles. Ready your heart with stillness and reverence and respect of money and welcome it in. Think kindly thoughts of it and you'll better pave its way to you. Copyright 2005, Catherine M. Kasper See Catherine Kasper's dynamic new book, Angelic Abundance Treasure Maps: Discover the Wealth Within You, at her web site http://www.angelicabundance.com for powerful revelations on wealth and prosperity.
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The Tess Syndrome There's a lot of talk about angels these days. They're getting some pretty good press. Keeping The Faith Well I had a website that I was posting on but have since decided my writing works should be meant for friends and family .I have been writing articles on and off for awhile now. I used to do it sporadically but then I found it was great therapy and started doing it whenever I felt an ache, such as a heartache .I have changed a lot especially in the past two years. I talk of the past as if it were 20 yrs ago, but I have come such a long way in the past couple of years. I felt the need to elaborate .I feel as if I have lived a lifetime. Two years out of 31, which is now how old I am. The past year has been a major change for me. Why was this past year so much more significant than any of the others? Because I believe that was my year of awakening. Unfinished Woman I'm at that place in life many refer to as "the dark night of the soul". My husband and I just finished and moved into our dream home. It was a life long dream come true for me. I thought my life would never be complete without it. Now here I am, one year later and I am going through the classic "what's next" question. I am bored and tremendously unchallenged by my career. And try as I might, I cannot think of another thing that interest or pulls me. I journal, I meditate, I read, I research and I analyze and still no answers come. I feel like I am going around and around the same old rut, the same old song. Why can I not find my passion? What is the matter with me? Fulfillment A feeling of fulfillment is something we all seek. Here I would like to address this in a way that many of you already know at some level but which I feel is necessary to highlight. Anam Cara - Life as a Box of Paints Lonely Song The Role of the Spiritual Warrior What power do we hold individually in the midst of the havoc being wreaked upon our world? What steps can we take regarding the anxiety people feel all across the nation? Spirituality at Work Because You Cant Leave Home Without You Several years ago after I presented a workshop entitled "Spirituality at Work: Because You Can't Leave Home Without You?" I got a phone call from someone who saw the program booklet. She was very interested in the topic and wanted to know how to "get it" at her company. She went on to ask, "How can I implement spirituality in our organization?" My response was simple. "You can't. Spirituality isn't something you implement; it's something you are." The Death of God, the Mission of Modern Psychology, and Me The question, "Is God Dead?", first entered my consciousness when I was ten or eleven years old. I saw it on the cover of a Life magazine, and it's lingered in my mind ever since. At the time, though, I wasn't too concerned with His possible demise. I had pretty much determined that God lived inside each of us. No matter how hard I tried, I hadn't been able to find God in the lukewarm rituals of the Protestant faith. Instinctively, I knew God wasn't dead, He was just hiding within each of us, waiting to be discovered. About Divine Communication - A Special Q & A 1. How can anyone receive direct communication from Divine Source, God, All That Is? 5 Shortcuts to a Life of Charity Charity isn't the easiest virtue to master. And with St. Paul's warning that our good works mean nothing without charity, we see how important it is to practice. Here's a few practical ways to install charity into every day life. Its Ok To Be Human One of the things I have had to deal with since I was old enough to know the difference between good and bad was that it IS NOT OK to be human. There is Power in Believing I once read a story about a Catholic priest who was a godly person. He was so godly that when he died people believed that his bones had healing powers. Higher Self: Growing Inside of Us Maybe once in a lifetime, we find ourselves seeking spiritual growth mostly when everything we try to do is hard to achieve. Among the many questions that consequently come out are: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a Higher Power? Natural Talent Before Donna was born she took with her a dollar, Peter took with him a pen and Harry brought along a hammer. These were the only significant things that these people brought with them into their physical lives from birth. A Word Filty Spoken A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Proverbs 25:11 Getting Beyond Imperfect Examples & Resistance, to Receiving Loving Guidance & Help from the Father As soon as he saw me I saw him. It was freaky. I must have looked like the anti-son. Long hair hanging out from a bandanna, dark sunglasses, rolling with a couple of older guys I hardly knew. I was even embarrassed that he sighted me. I think he tried to make a gesture of reconciliation. He made a motion towards me and yelled out, "Ronnie!"...I was just gripped when I heard his voice...saw his frame. Then I just slow mo-ed like before a car crash "Nooooo!" It was like a soul Brown-Out. I fazed. It was too much for me. No chance would I go towards him, instead I just ran away...I just bailed. I bolted. There might have been some love there, I just couldn't cop to it. It was gritty. (recalling an unexpected encounter with my father while I was a 17 year old runaway) A Mothers Battle The tongue is such a tiny little organ. Yet, it can be one of the most powerful weapons. James 3 has a lot to say about the tongue? I suggest that you read the entire chapter. (It's very short)? Anyway, verse 6 says; And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is a world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body? Whew, those are some strong words?but, wait, that's not all. Proverbs 18:21 tells us; Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it for death or life. It is scary to think that my mouth has that much power. Bringing Heaven to Earth: Becoming a Spiritual Scientist Would you like an exciting and wonder-full resolution for the new year? Become a spiritual scientist. Choose to learn the skills of self-mastery, so you can shift out of story-based reality and cocreate your personal heaven on earth. Dear Lord As I sit here and ponder my existence my heart is burdened by much. See I seek you but feel so unworthy of you, unworthy to be looked on by you. My Lord, I too know the pain of betrayal. I know the feeling of deception. I cry out to you in my need and feel humbled in knowing that You first felt the sting of betrayal, You first knew the look of deception and You first were the one to confront the one whom had betrayed You. My heart grows weak with an ache that only You may know Lord. I have my friends as You had Yours. I know the love of family as You knew Yours. I cry out to You, take my pain away from me, then I stop and reflect on the day Your's was given to You. Am I worthy to know the feeling of this ache? Do I need to suffer my own iniquities to feel closer to my Lord? For to know anyone is to walk a mile in the shoes they wear. For as I long to know You, I also long to be as You were. I carry the burden of my own sins, where You carried that of us all. Am I worthy to ask You to walk along side me? I feel that I am not. When We See Jesus As He Is You know that the Bible tells us a lot about Jesus, who he was, who he is, what he did and what he said... ![]() |
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