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There is Power in Believing
I once read a story about a Catholic priest who was a godly person. He was so godly that when he died people believed that his bones had healing powers. People would line up for days just to touch his bones because they believed that by touching his bones they would be cured of all aliments that were plaguing them. And, sure enough, day-by-day, miracles were happening--people were being healed by touching this guy's bones. One day, the priest came in and discovered that someone had broken into the church and stolen the bones. Yup! Stole them. Because people were always waiting on line to touch these miracle bones, there were tons of people already lined up outside, waiting. The priests were afraid that if they delivered the news that the bones were missing, the people would riot. So, instead of causing a riot, what they decided to do was to tell the police about the stolen bones, ask them to make finding the bones top priority and to keep it quiet -- not let the word get out because they didn't want the people to start rioting in the streets. The way the priest figured it was, in a few days, the police will have the bones back in its place and in the meantime, they would use somebody else's bones. The problem is, the only bones they had were the bones of a thief. But hey, who would know the difference? Yes, people wouldn't be healed for a few days while the police locate the "miracle" bones, but that was better than having a riot on their hands. So, they dug up bones and used those bones in place of the "miracle" bones. The priest nervously looked on as people piled in to get healed by touching these bones. And guess what? People were being healed. People were touching the bones of a thief and were being healed. How could this be? Because it didn't matter WHAT bones were there because there was no magic or miracle power in those bones. The power is in believing. In Matthew 21:22, Jesus states: "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Whatever you ask for, AND BELIEVE, you shall receive. Because those people BELIEVED that by touching those bones they would be healed, they were healed. The power is in believing. If it weren't true, Jesus wouldn't have said it. So, when you say, "Oh, I've been praying for such and such and God isn't hearing my prayers." It's not that he's not hearing your prayers, it's that YOU do not believe that you will receive whatever it is that you are asking for. God hears our hearts and give us whatever we believe. There's power in believing. Develop your belief system and you will see miracles happening in your life. Whatever you ask for in prayer, AND BELIEVE, shall be given unto you. Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, life coach and author. She teaches how to discover your life's purpose and incorporate it into a career, in a really, down-to-earth, no nonsense sort of approach. Visit the web site at http://www.dawnfields.com and sign up for Your Life's Purpose newsletter by sending a blank email to mailto:dawn@dawnfields.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Tune in each and every Thursday to Your Life's Purpose Interactive Internet Radio with at 9 p.m. EST by going to http://www.dawnfields.com/radioshow.htm
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I have more responsibility here than you could possibly fathom. You curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have that luxury of not knowing what I know. And that my existence as grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. I know down deep in places you don't want to talk about, you don't want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like HONOR, CODE, and LOYALTY. We use these words as the very backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide. I prefer you to just say thank you and go on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, I don't give a crap what you think you are entitled to!" (end of scene) Conquer Your Fears I cringed lower into the seat of my grey metal desk, yearning for the faded yellow floor to swallow me into oblivion. 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She's on fire and her excitement floods the room she is in. When she talks something inside you gets stirred - the desire also to be passionate about something. Anything! You don't want to leave her presence because you hope that some of that passion will rub off on you. The Many Waters, Lauretta Lueck The Many Waters explores the universe and sifts through the ancient sands to find the truth about our creation. Careful examination of writings like The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Sacred Books of The Jews, Pistis Sophia, and the King James Version of the Bible, with special emphasis on The Book of Genesis, reveals what once was thought fantasy and myth may actually be truth. The author approaches these ancient texts from a scientific angle to bring together two opposing ideas, science and God. Kachina Doll To a shaman a kachina isn't really a doll or a child's toy. Also, it isn't a collector's piece of art or a decoration. However, it is often used that way, and that's ok too. There is a place for that approach in our lives. They do make a powerful addition to any home's decor, and make a great conversation piece. So, if you are a history buff, especially American history, a kachina collection is most appropiate. Kachinas origionally came from the Hopi and Navajo tribes in the American Southwest. If you enjoy sacred art, like I do, add a kachina to your collection. A People in Exile (Part 1) Second Isaiah, so called because his book of prophecy was affixed to Isaiah's, had the ability to interpret events in the light of the fundamental conviction that God was the supreme director of all movements of history. He spent most of his life proclaiming to his people, their deliverance and restoration. It was all so certain to this prophet that he saw it already accomplished. The power of religion has seldom been more beautifully expressed. 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Healing Your Life You have everything you need: a miraculous body, a phenomenal brain, and a vast and powerful subconscious mind. Now it's just a matter of focusing them in the right direction.~Marc Allen ![]() |
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