Affirmations for Emotional Hygiene

Last week I talked about the need to practice emotional hygiene, that is -- emptying your head of all toxic emotions such as jealousy, resentment, envy in order to create a kind of "blank slate." You need to clean your conscious mind of these emotions so that you can use the power of your subconscious mind to manifest more positive events in your life. I talked about the power of words, and in particular, how negative self-talk can hold you back and disconnect you from the intuitive wisdom of your higher self.

It is the words we speak that create our experiences. Saying or practicing these affirmations, several times a day, particularly when you feel particularly hard done by, might help you raise your vibrations and reconnect you with the more angelic energies in your life. Even if you do not feel these thoughts, "fake it til you make it." You don't even have to know what the words mean they are from ancient or wise texts, the part of you that pick ups on the goodness in the divine collective consciousness will recognize the positive message. It helps.

Here are a few of my favourites.

"Infinite Spirit, open the way for my right home, my right friend (soulmate), my right position. I give thanks now as it manifests in a perfect way." Scovel Shinn

(To attract soulmate) "I and my father am one, I and my mother are one, I and my twin flame are one. We are one here and now." Elizabeth Clare Prophet

(For better finances) I know that God's power is limitless; and as I am in made in his image,I too, have the strength to overcome ALL obstacles. I possess the infinite power of Spirit. The Infinite Intelligence will guide me and solve every problem. God is my own inexhaustible Divine Bank. I am always rich for I have access to the cosmic storehouse. I will go forth in the perfect faith in the power of Omnipresent Good to bring me what I need at the time I need it. The sunshine of divine prosperity has just burst through the dark sky of my limitations. I am God's child. What I have, he has." Parahnahansa Yogananda

(For cash flow problems) "I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity and abundance.I create what I want with energy. Good things come to me easily." Sanaya Roman

(For prosperity) God is my unfailing supply and large sums of money come to me quickly, under grace and perfect ways." Scovel Shinn

(To let go and for health) I am the one with the Power that created me, and this Power has given me the power to create my own circumstance. I rejoice in the knowledge I have the power of my own mind to use in any way I choose. Every moment of life is a new beginning as we move from the old. This moment is a new beginning point as we move from the old. THIS MOMENT is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now. All is well in my world." Louise Hays

(For freedom from negative emotions and the past -- if you only say one affirmation at all I recommend this one, particularly if you feel overwhelmed by problems. ) "I cast this burden on the Christ (power) within and I go free!" Scovel Shinn

(The Golden Rule) "I expect only the best to happen and it does" Sanaya Roman

Master Affirmation-- created by Sam (the idea is these positive words will help you overcome fear of the future)

I, (your name) DESERVE TO BE AND NOW AM, happy. My life is rich, rewarding and full of joy, pleasure and fun. I live in the present. Any and all negative unwanted thoughts and fear has left or is leaving my body and am beautiful, vibrant and healthy. I am calm, peaceful and look forward to the future. I thank (God or Higher Power) every day for all my blessings and fully accept even those blessings which seem to be in disguise. I enjoy abundance and success. I am free from fear and disease and I trust that I will be safe. I am not helpless, and can handle anything that comes my way. I do not need to desire because I am perfect as I am now. I am the perfect manifestation of God's divine plan for my life. I forgive all those who have hurt me and I wish the same blessings for all that I do for myself. I accept this done in this hour in full power according to the divine will of God."

Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

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