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Celtic Mythology: 7 Ways to a Wonderful Life
In Corrogue, Celtic mythology helps me live a wonderful life. As a storyteller, writer and Anam Cara (soul friend) I am blessed with the gift of taking the road less travelled. My companions on this road are people of magic and miracle. They are 'the beautiful people.' In Ireland we call them the Tuatha de Danaan. They teach many ways to live a wonderful life. Let me count the ways. There are seven in all. 1. Celtic Mythology deepens the connection to the eternal Many people today seek to find meaning in life through genealogy. A deeper connection is available by embracing the stories within your personal cultural heritage. All cultures have mythological stories that will connect you to the heart of your belonging. This connection is not only timely but it is also timeless. 2. Celtic Mythology honours the Divine Ours is a society which is work obsessed. We have become a species that 'does' life rather than 'live' life. Real life includes the balance between the masculine and feminine. When these types of energy are in harmony, then life is wonderful. Celtic mythology deeply honours both the masculine and feminine and helps you experience this unity. 3. Celtic Mythology allows you to cross thresholds. You live in two worlds and know only one. Celtic mythology allows you to enter the magical and miraculous world of the timeless. It allows you to journey in the world of the heart beyond past, present and future. It takes you placed beyond belief into the wonderful world of your creative imagination. You become the flow of creation. 4. Celtic Mythology embraces love of the body In Celtic mythology there is a love of that which is sensual. It teaches one to honour the body and allows you to live a sensational life. This goes beyond common sense and embraces delight in sexual love and sensual love. 5. Celtic Mythology gets you out of your head Most of the time we 'think about' living our lives. Celtic mythology reminds us that we are beings in nature. We are not simply logic shoppers who spend most of our lives thinking about the future and regretting the past. Celtic mythology invites you to embrace the moment and become a wondrous presence. It is in a sense totally illogical. 6. Celtic Mythology encourages you t to be a hero/ine Celtic Mythology tells us we can be heroes even just for one day. We can learn to embrace our unique talents. We can journey in this world and learn to move beyond limitation. It shows us how we can learn to cross the thresholds of magic and mystery at the rising of each new day. We can enter dark places and become enlightened. 7. Celtic Mythology allows you to be you Celtic Mythology embraces the beauty of words and the deep silence between words. The poet was honoured above all else. Theirs was the language that transformed. Theirs was the language that allowed you to see that the blessing is here and you are it. © Tony Cuckson 2005 Tony Cuckson is an Anam Cara. This Celtic term means "Soul Friend." He specializes in providing insight for the spiritual journey, Blessings for YOU, words of wisdom and finding inner peace. Visitors to Irish Blessings Matter website and Tony's Blog get the opportunity to develop a purpose driven life through articles, newsletters and other programs. Get your free report called "7 ways to it's a wonderful life" at http://www.irishblessingsmatter.com - Blessings for YOU or go to Tony`s Blog at Blessings for YOU Blog where you will find links to information related to spiritual guidance, spiritual coaching and spirit in business.
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