A Walk With A King

I seemed to have lost my heart. Now this is not just another love story gone awry. This is not another failed relationship or break- up that I usually dwell on. This is one of my spiritual stories, and I am starting it this way because I want to apologize. I want to apologize to God, my Father, my Creator, and to Jesus, my Lord and Savior. I feel the need to express myself because I think I have given them a back seat into my heart as of late and I feel I may have put up a barrier and am distancing myself somewhat from everyone including them, and yes maybe sometimes I need to distance myself from my fellow sisters and brothers but I never have a right to distance myself from the One who created me and the one who Saved me. I do want to say I am sorry. You know my true heart and know whether I mean that or not.

As I take a moment to reflect I am confident in my standing in the eyes of Those that love me unconditionally but need to reflect on myself and behavior in the past few weeks. I always do this. I always take a step forward, two back and then proceed forward, on track again. I would like to tell you a story about a man. A kind man, a good man, a man of morals and integrity, a man who lived and breathed to help humanity, a man who valued friendship and the lives of millions of people. He was a confidant, he was a man of great strength and power, but few knew, he was a man who walked by faith, he was a man loved dearly by his Father. He was a man who gave his life for his friends, and just as a soldier, gave his life for many. He is a man who didn't pride himself on the necessary things of today as others do, he was a simple man with a heart of gold, a man who valued God and his words. He was a man who like many of us, has felt betrayal, has felt love and loss. He is a man that aimed for peace and harmony. A man who valued patience and understanding, who would turn the other cheek when faced with anger and hate, he was a man who was born to love God, a man who felt as you and I, alone at times, a man who was tempted and trialed, he was a man who aimed to please and to serve.

He was man loved by many, who left a lasting impression and who left great gifts. He was a man valued by his friends whom respected his opinions and his work. He was a man who was willing to sacrifice all he had, including his life for those he loved. He was a man who longed for a relationship with all he came across. He was a man willing to suffer great humiliation and death for his beliefs and to see a world changed. He was a man who gave his life and innocent blood for the rights of others to believe. He gave many a reason to live. He gave many hope. He gave many the will. He gave many a great peace. He gave many love, and the greatest sacrifice he made was his life on the cross for the sins of all of mankind and he gave his blood in the place of you with an innocent heart, mind, and body and he did so with 100% pure love, and that man was Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of man.

I hope you will take a moment to reflect on Him today, as many of you do. I try my best to walk with God and Jesus daily. I try my best to have a relationship with my Father and Savior. I do not serve an unkind God, I do not serve a God of rules and stipulations. I do not serve a God that is unforgiving and judgmental. I serve a God of Love, Hope and Peace, an all forgiving God with a great love of the ones He created and a desire to have a relationship with each and every one of you. A God willing to give His only son to the hands of evil men to die for you. A God willing to wait for you patiently and with open arms. I can not begin to tell you of all my blessings I try to write them in articles I try to explain how I get out of my many situations. I am so thankful for my relationship with Him and Jesus. I am thankful for the important things in life, my family and friends. If I would have to go through this life with out a partner to share my life with, without a husband or mate, all I can say on this day is, thank you because I have shared my life with many individuals. I have been given many opportunities to experience love in different forms. I have been able to love passionately as You have loved each of us. I have been able to feel love reciprocated in the purest form, and if I am to walk this earth with friends and family alone, I will always know and believe and appreciate it because it was to teach me about what Jesus felt while He was here and I know when and if the time comes, whom ever drops into my life will be heaven sent, and I also know that, You have always carried me through every single heartache I have experienced. I know You have been there to comfort me and to dry my tears.

I know that with You I will never grow old alone. I will never be alone and I will never, ever want or need for anything. You gave me the greatest blessing in Dakota, that was the best gift of this earth, You gave me a promise that I would never be alone and when I have felt that, you made sure I had friends around me to remind me that I surely wasn't. When I have felt an ache or longing to know a future partner, I have always been reminded of You. I feel one of the most important things I needed to learn here, as well as everyone, relationships make or break some. They sustain us, keep us from feeling lonely, keep us from being alone, they show who and what we are and have become. How you look at others, treat them and how you are perceived in this world is a reflection of who you are and what you have put out there.

My relationship with my Lord and Savior is the most important to me and I have had flack from close people because I say that. I do not care though that is my thoughts and feelings. My family is next and my friends are at the same level as family. I chose my friends, they chose me, my family, well I was born into that and I had no choice, but I give them the love and respect they deserve. I know I will never, ever be alone, and it hurts to know so many people out here feel just that. I am making a promise here and I will stick with it, if any of you feel alone, if you feel no one cares, I am asking you to contact me via email and voice your concern. I may not have all the answers but I will accept you as a person and with an open heart. I have figured my gift I can give to the world and what I was born to do and my purpose here is this, to love. I can give it freely and unconditionally. That is my gift and may it bless all that know me, and those that do, know what I mean by that. Love to all, and God bless each and every one of you!

Vaughn Pascal

To Dakota, I love you forever.
To Friends, I love you too.
To Family, love always.....
To God and Jesus, eternally yours..all my love always..

Vaughn Pascal

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