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The Wisdom of the River: Lessons Learned
Over the past few years I have watched the popularity of whitewater rafting grip the vacation market. "Strange", I thought. "Why would floating down a river become such a hotly contested vacation destination?" Today, I understand this phenomena completely. There is a wisdom and lesson that only the river can teach. It is a lesson that I intend to learn as often as possible. Whitewater rafting has become one of America's favorite recreational activities for many reasons. There are several theories on this but I think the majority of them miss the mark. The fans argue that what makes the whitewater experience so compelling, so satisfying, and so incredibly exhilarating is that it is REAL! This primal adventure is beyond comparison. "This ain't your daddy's video game adventure!" Although I consider this to be partially true. I believe that the reason that whitewater rafting has become so popular is because it teaches everyone who travels the river the most important spiritual lesson we could ever learn. All students understand the lesson while they are on the river but often forget it when they return to civilization. On the river, all you have is the "now." That is the ultimate high and profound lesson that the river teaches. The past and the future are of no value when you are amidst the challenge of navigating the whitewater rapids. What happened upstream or what might happen downstream are of no consequence while you become completely absorbed in the joy of the present. NOW. It is all that there is. The river drives this message home with tremendous clarity and excitement. Stop and think of how different life would be for you if you could apply this simple wisdom to your life. I often sit incredulously when I realize how I have let past upsets disrupt my peace of mind. That can't happen on the river! On the river the distinctions of past, present and future become amazingly clear. Very simply you recognize that the wake that is left behind does not navigate the raft. Likewise the future is uninteresting when compared to the exhiliaration of being totally 100% in the here and "now." The metaphor is quite profound. Over the years I have watched tourists navigate the rapids and it never ceases to amaze me! When you watch a group of vacationers all get "the NOW" message together, the exhiliaration is beyond comparison as they leave the past behind and partake in the challenge of the moment. The excitement and enthusiasm is contagious and a wonder to behold. Likewise, I often wonder how these vacationers return to their lives and if they remember the message they learned on the river? NOW. Every time I feel the need to make excuses I remember the lessons that I have learned on the river. NOW. Guess where I am headed for my next vacation? All aboard! NOW. Be careful what you agree with. Harald Anderson is the co-founder of artinspires.com a leading online gallery of Motivational Posters."When Art Inspires, Dreams Become Realities. His goal in life is to become the kind of person that his dog already thinks he is. http://www.artinspires.com
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Who Is He? "What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is he?" --MATTHEW 22:42, NCV We Fall Down -- But We Get Up When I first heard Donnie McClurkin's song, "We Fall Down (But We Get Up), I got goosebumps. The second time I heard it I loved it even more. There is a Gospel House remix of the song that is simply off the hook. Run Forest Gump Run In the movie "Forest Gump" we see Forest succeed in just about every aspect of his life. What we admire most about him is his ability to overcome physical obstacles all throughout his life. But what we didn't see is Forest had much more going for him than just being naive and gutsy. We first see this in a scene where he is a child with braces on his legs. His best friend Jennie and him are walking home one day and some boys are picking on Forest and throwing rocks at him. Jennie yells out, "RUN FOREST RUN", so what did Forest do? He ran, and ran and ran. He ran so much and so hard that his braces broke from his legs and he never had to wear them again. Whatd We Miss? Did we just overlook the amount of love that God has for us? Picture This (Part Two) In part one, I described an existence that is absolute, and a being of perfection that only the creator would know, this is the source of all that is, this is what many would call God. We Have An Emotional Jesus Lately In my email newsletters (available for FREE at http://www.ChristThroughMe.com ) I've been talking about how Jesus has experienced everything that we will ever go through here on earth. Higher Self: Growing Inside of Us Maybe once in a lifetime, we find ourselves seeking spiritual growth mostly when everything we try to do is hard to achieve. Among the many questions that consequently come out are: Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a Higher Power? Elvis Left the Building and Moved in with Me! Years ago no matter where I lived, whether a house was new or not, I'd experience doors opening and closing by themselves, items disappearing only to be found later in the strangest places, seeing people others didn't and being touched by unseen hands. Not only was this unnerving; it was also really frustrating! Each time I moved I'd think "Here we go again! What surprises are in store for me this time?" For I, the Lord, Heal You! With those words recorded in Exodus 15:26, God proclaims to man the source of all healing...Himself! The Divine Holographic Energy Field What is the true nature of any illness? Research in Energy Medicine is showing more and more that it is the result of a disruption in the Human Bio-field. This is the energy and information field that informs and orchestrates the functioning of one's Being at every level i.e. thinking, emotional, physical, spiritual etc. Payday Someday Let us face reality squarely in the face by acknowledging the tragic fact that it does not matter how "good" you may be, folks can always concoct a way to destroy you. If people want to tear down your good name, they will find a way to somehow achieve it. If jealous, envious, greedy individuals want something you have, they will do anything and use any willing body to get you out of the way. Spirituality: Living the Whole The words 'new age' and 'spirituality' can have people running for the hills, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say running to their urban sanctuary of material distractions. They conjure up images of tie-dye, tofu, and a lack of deodorant. So I'd like to dispel a few myths. The Divine Throne-Chariot The following fragment was found in Qumran along with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls believed to be from the sect known as the Essenes. J. Strugnell made this particular translation in 1960, under the title The Angelic Liturgy at Qumran. The words in parentheses are assumed to be what was intended, as the manuscript was in very poor condition. Tibetan Singing Bowls - Learn More Before You Buy I recently had the pleasure to interview Richard Rudis, a Buddhist who has traveled to Tibet many times, who also teaches people how to work with Gongs, Tingshas, and Tibetan Singing Bowls. Recognizing Self I come face to face with self whenever you come into my life and I want to thank you. Discovery of the Soul Imagine yourself marooned on a vast deserted island. You have been there for years, struggling just to survive, living within the most basic surroundings, gathering food, using only your hands and makeshift tools to scratch out an existence. Most of your days are fully taken up with satisfying the basic needs of life. You find some comfort in talking to some of the local creatures and birds that you have befriended. Having proved to yourself that you can survive with just the bare essentials you resign yourself to the fact that you will never be rescued. Anger turns to quiet desperation, then to acceptance as you carry on with your life. Did You Use Your Sword Today? It's real easy to look at the physical world around us and not see swords being used. To even find one it is often necessary to go to a museum. So what am I talking about? From Superstition to Clashing Rocks "Our mind is capable of passing beyond the dividing line we have drawn for it. Beyond the pairs of opposites of which the world consists, new insights begin." --Herman Hesse Getting Back to the Basics of Truth Anyone who has invested time, energy and effort into finding their own truth knows that ignorance is NOT bliss. Understanding the religious environment that we grew up in should be the natural first step towards defining our own belief system. All too often, we grow up getting bits and pieces of religion, but never take the time to look at the bigger picture. Mind Walls Walls as a blockade seem to be an integral part of our society. Almost from the beginning of man's pilgrimage here on earth, there have been walls which have bound and imprisoned mankind. These walls are designed supposedly to protect our society, to safeguard us from taboo and abnormal personality traits. But it should be considered that mankind down through the ages has deliberately and voluntarily erected walls to shut out segments of society. ![]() |
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