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5 Steps to Passing Life Exams
An exam is a test that is given at the end of a class to assess what knowledge was obtained by the student during the duration of the class. Depending on whether or not adequate knowledge was gained the student will pass or fail the test. If the student passes the test he moves on to the next level. If he fails, he must take the class and the exam again, yet he still has the opportunity to pass! I was recently reminded and enlightened to the idea that life too has exams. Because we live in an intelligent universe created by an intelligent God, there are no accidents or coincidences. Everything that happens has been divinely orchestrated by God for our good. However, because of man's blurred perception, because of ego, we cannot see the plan of God in the light of being a benefit. Even the translation of the word coincidence has been blurred. A coincidence is a mathematical term that means to coincide; to angles that come together perfectly. So in our life coincidences are nothing short of miracles planned and placed in our life by God to complete and bring perfection to a given purpose. Have you ever noticed that 99% of coincidences presents us with a favorable outcome? Can you say miracle? Now I want to give you 5 steps to help you pass life's exam. Step 1: Let go and let God. I know this first step may not be as clear, as we would like it to be considering all the things that happen in our lives. However, everything in life has a reason and a cause. In understanding that everything has a reason and a cause, even if we may not understand, it calls for us to learn to let go and let God. By letting go we allow the divine intelligence and the universal purpose of God to be played out in our lives without our interference. God in Jeremiah 29:11 of the Holy Scriptures of the Message Bible translation says, "I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." The understanding, plans, & ways of God are not like our understanding. By letting go & trusting God, we also let go of ego's desire to play God. Ego always has a plan of how it could do things better if it was God. God does not need our help, we must trust and know all things are working for our good. Step 2: Detach from feelings and outcomes. One of the main reasons we fail many of life's exams is because we are too emotionally attached to our situation to hear God. Uncontrolled emotions will always be a hindrance to us connecting to source (God). By detaching from the outcome, we are able to view our situation from the viewpoint of a bystander. As much as we hate to admit it, others always see our situations better than we do. Why? Because they do not have a direct emotional attachment to our situation. This leads me to step 3. Step 3: Always listen to wise voices I read in another eziner written by Diane Diresta, that in China a wise person is called a Sheng jen, which is translated a "one who listens." If you really want to pass life's exams, you have to be open and humble enough to listen to wise voices even when you do not like what you are hearing. Who would not listen to a (Sheng jen) person who is caring enough to listen to you? Isn't it amazing how people that we would normally seek advice from do not sound so pleasant when they are giving advice about situations we are emotionally attached to? Wisdom is still wisdom even when you do not want to hear it. God will always send wise voices, but we have to be willing to hear. Ego wants to try to fix life's problems. The issue that I have with this is the fact that ego is the cause of most problems. In Proverbs of the Holy Scriptures, it says that we should not lean to our own (ego-influenced) understanding, but should trust the Lord with all our heart. Ego sees advice as an infringement on its right to be right. This pride driven ego always makes situations worst than what they have to be. Step 4: Ask yourself what did you experience that you do not want to experience again. To do this you have to be very honest with yourself about your feelings. This is not possible until you have first accomplished step 3, detaching from your feelings and outcomes. To learn the lesson being taught so you can pass the exam you have to ask yourself some questions: >How did it make you feel? >Were there warning signs that you ignored? >In what way did you handle the situation that was not appropriate? >What should you have done differently? >How can you prevent yourself from getting in this situation again? >What people did you not listen to that you should have? Step 5: The information we learn is neither good nor bad. When events happen the information is received through our sensory perception organs: eyes, ears, nose, and touch. In all reality, the information is neither good nor bad. We translate the information according to events of our past. When we do this, we then create what is called an internal representation that we count as the reality of what happen. This in turn triggers our learned responses that label the event good or bad. If God is truly in control of all things and all things are working for our good, what is good or bad? It is all-purpose, timing and destiny. We have to remove the labels that we use to classify events, people, and things because it affects our response. When we stop labeling situations we stop learned responses and allow God's plan to go forth. I hope to see you on graduation day! (c) 2005 Copyrights WilsonMedia Bishop Wilson is the presiding prelate and founder of Unity Fellowship Alliance Int. The Unity Fellowship Alliance International will serve as a place of Fellowship, Training,for not only Christians, but leaders around the world. Bishop Wilson is author, Motivational Speaker, Christian Life Coach, and Personal Mentor. http://www.ufai.r8.org Sign Up for Tele Seminars with M. Christopher Wilson, @ http://www.freedom.ne1.net Interested in being Coached? bishopwilson1@bellsouth.net
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Near Death Experiences: Is there a Logical Explanation? In an edition of Reader's Digest, I stumbled upon a compelling article, "After Life," by Anita Bartholomew. The article takes an intricate look into the controversial world of "after life" or "near death experiences." I found myself being hurled into the riveting article like a child in a candy store. In Ms. Bartholomew's revealing summary, van Lommel (a British researcher) made an interesting statement, "You can compare the brain to a TV set. The TV program is not in your TV set." Thus, where lies the consciousness? God Became Man The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. --JOHN 1:14 The Importance of Honoring Mothers and Fathers With another year full of family events coming upon us, those of us that are lucky enough to have parents to honor will celebrate Mother's and Father's Day. We set aside one day a year for this, but it should be something we do everyday of the year, as commanded by God. There is a good reason for this, or else He wouldn't have commanded it! Integrating Soul And Science "Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond the void, is not an empty nothingness; it is the womb of creation. -- Nature goes to the same place to create a galaxy of stars, a cluster of nebulas, a rain forest, a human body, or a thought... That place is Spirit." (1) The Greatest Gift (Channelled) Christian Love Actually, loving does not take any great effort on our part because it is not something we must put forth great effort to achieve. When God enters our heart, soul, and mind, love is spontaneously produced because He is love. It is a spiritual attainment. It is the result of a cause and the cause is this: God loved us first (1 John 4:19). Ego - Why Do We Have One? Why do we have an Ego? Going Where Youve Never Gone Before One of the first issues people on the spiritual path have to address is a doctrinal one: Is it wrong to ask questions that I've never asked before? Is asking questions about the truth we've been taught "sinful?" Your answer can have a dramatic effect on your ability to explore who you are and what you believe in without guilt! A SPIRITUAL SOLUTION - Wisdom From The Fulfillment Forum Books & Study Courses A few men and women are universally successful but such superior seeming geniuses usually lose so much empathy for we lesser souls that their relationships become selfish and self-defeating. Many end up alone and unloved, in a prison of their own making, as Michael Corleone did in The Godfather. As an ancient African-American gospel song laments, life is plagued with sorrows, complications, and defeats for every person. No Other gods Before Me The passenger had to be carried onto the plane and carefully strapped into a first-class seat. She said nothing. As the airliner achieved cruising altitude, perhaps the flight attendants came around. "Would you like a beverage?" one may have asked. No reply. "What about a meal?" The question was ignored. Undoubtedly, the passenger said nothing. She didn't move, didn't look out the window, didn't make a sound. In fact, she didn't even breathe. Book Ends In the responsibility we have as Christians, we are displayed before non believers as a set of books that should be read. Once the Holy Spirit comes upon us, our library grows into the fruits that are produced in our Christian walk. Unconditional Love Really Means Unconditional Radiance The fastest way to raise your frequency is to do the job you were designed to do. You were designed to love. You were designed to radiate Love unconditionally. Now before you go, "Oh THAT again. I've tried loving unconditionally, and it is impossible," you need to understand that what I'm saying is different. What I'm saying is that you are to love, plain and simple. Not love somebody. Not love something. Just to love. Okay, in a sense, you are to love somebody or something, but not in the ordinary sense. You are simply to love God. Path to Healing Some wounds are embedded so deeply that no amount of professional expertise can cure, much less heal. A famous Yale surgeon says that as a surgeon, he cuts into the body, but he can not order the wound to heal. Ultimately, it is through our efforts that healing can occur.The path to healing is a personal choice. It is a path where you choose to piece together the fragmentsand make it" whole" again. It paves the way to self-discovery, to open the door to your inner selfand experience inner harmony. And ultimately, come tomeet the child within that has longed for your love ,care and attention. The child within that is forgotten,pushed to the background, lurks in the shadows, but patiently waits to be acknowledged.WHAT NEEDS HEALING?Childhood trauma:The imprints of childhood experience is a powerfulforce. An expectant mother who lives through a stressful situation during pregnancy share the burden with the unborn child. Years ago,domestic matters were never discussed openly, especially issues about abuse, violence,neglect , abandonment and other related matters. Today, society is more aware of the potential or actual existence of abuse and violence in the home. Tragic that the innermost and safest sanctuary societydepends upon can be the most dangerous.These are issues that take its toll on the young victims. They growup with wounds, carry them around like a heavy load on their shoulders.Some never get over their trauma,it turns up at the most unexpected moment to haunt them;yet, there are those who are lucky enough to confrontit and use it to propel themselves to a healthier mind,body and spirit, successful relationships and life itself.When love is a venom:How many hearts have known pain all in the name of love. It invades lives from all walks of life, social status, add to that race or creed.No one wants to suffer pain, but it does happen. Healing a broken heart, picking upthe pieces of broken hopes and dreams, suffer the betrayal ,endure shattered self-image, re-live the haunting nightmares, the violation of one's innermost being,soul and spirit...it can take a lifetime to heal.The most traumatic of all is the violation that comes from those who are supposed to provide a nurturing environment to those who are entrusted to their care.All in the guise of love.GriefThe loss of a loved one can be most devastating. Sometimes one did not have a chance to bid their last farewell. It was all too sudden.Or one passes away after a lingering illness, with the relief that the suffering is over comes the grief of the loss. At one point and time in one's life, grief is a reality.GuiltWrong turns, wrong choices, wrong decisions-we all take wrong turns, make wrong decisions and choices.This is a human trait, even the saintliest of the saints has experienced this. We stumble, we fall, but many of us manage to get up and get on with life.The losses incurred at times may be life-threatening, or at the costof financial comfort and security or worst, relationshipsare threatened, lost ,sadly but innocently or unconsciously someone else has to bear consequences and the sacrifice.Wearing guilt on your sleeves, in your heart, in your beinginvites negative vibrations and digs you deeper into the mire.Take a look at those sad eyes,the window of the soul ,and you'll know. However,this is not a dead-end!Unfulfilled dreams and hopesLive your dream,ride on the wings of hope- this willnot always work out. One day you wake up and realize your dream never materialized and now you languish over the many years you spent trying to pursue that dream! All this while, time, opportunities and life passed you by .Hope can lead to disappointment- realize this. When all hopes are dashed , what have you got?PATH TO HEALING:Healing is a complex matter. Who has never felt the pains of suffering, be it physical, mental, emotional, material and spiritualEven our dear Mother Earth is in desperate need of healing from the abuse inflicted upon her through man's recklessness,negligence and lack of respect.There are avenues open to healing. One may choose to spend time with a professional, seek comfort from related groups,from family, but always, healing has to startwith oneself, from within that deep well of strength .It takes determination to face up to your dilemma,but, ultimately,it is most rewarding to regain your personalpower, self-confidence, learn to love yourself and enjoythat inner peace and calm.It is important to acknowledgethe pain, to recognize the cause, to be able to integrate the fragmented pieces and be willing to take it to the next step to be "whole"again.Then, you will be able to share love and peace with the world once again.Healing extends beyond the physical state- when the painis so deep, the spirit, the soul also bear the pain. It comes in hauntingly in the dark of the night , it fills a once loving heart with venom, it could ravage a once healthy mind and body. Beneath a once beautiful and graceful soul is the mask of vengeance.Venom for venom.BLOCKS TO HEALINGSometimes, the path to healing is full of potholes. Indeed, the path is covered with blocks, where healingcan not be accomplished,it's almost out of reach.Impediments on the path:denial, apathy, self-absorption and self-indulgence,addiction, putting up walls and barriers, busy-bee syndrome, compartmentalizing, isolation,withdrawal from society, cynicism, loss of faith, trust and compassion,self-pity, poor ?me syndrome, anger, fear of gettinghurt again, martyr complex, neurosis or psychosis, aggressive/ oppressive behaviour, confrontational attitudeguilt complex, resignation, loss of motivation.Sometimes, we hurt those we love most deeply, likewise, we bear the pain they cause. Time is a great healer, but don't take the painfully slow route and miss out on what the world holds for you.Let life flow for you and with you.E N D . Why Keep a Journal What purpose does keeping a journal serve? I Can Do All Things Through Christ Jesus Who Gives Me Strength "...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4: 11b - 13, NIV. Recognizing Self I come face to face with self whenever you come into my life and I want to thank you. Anamchara - The Value of Ritual Let me explain my approach to the practice of ritual. For me ritual is an act of presence. It is presenting myself fully in this moment. It is bringing focused attention to what is now. This is assisted by symbols and representations that I imbue with meaning. This is a feeling engagement with what is of real value in this life. A People in Exile (Part 2) Mother Nature has this uncanny tendency to turn upon herself ? undoing with her left hand what she has made with her right. She sends hailstorms to the destruction of her own blossoms. She unleashes a tempest upon the crop that she herself has ripened for the harvest. Lightning splits the trees that she has nurtured and sets the forest aflame. You Are What You Think One of the first things you will find that God will start to do with you if you have decided to enter into a true sanctification process with Him is to try and put right thinking into your thought process. God Loves You With the Love of God Do you ever feel that what you read in some Christian books is not really God's truth at all, but is merely the opinion of the writer, dressed up in the clothing of truth? Such books are merely imposters and are like the fig tree Jesus cursed-they look promising on the outside, but when you get up close, you find that they, like the fig tree, are barren, written for the glory of the writer and his or her ideas, not for the truth of God and his glory. ![]() |
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