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Existence of God: Facts and Figures Does God Exist?
Existence of God: facts and figures Does God exist? If you are a theist... you already believe in the Existence of God! If you are an atheist... you look forward to clues which would scientifically or otherwise prove the Existence of God. Both the theories are correct. It is only saying that the glass is half full and the other half empty! Belief in the Existence of God stems from extreme faith in the system of God the Almighty Creator. Being on the highest level of manifestation... human beings understand that nothing gets created on its own. If we believe in the fact that the whole cosmos is the creation of God then we believe in the surmise that "God Does Exist". On the contrary atheists desire a proof of Existence of God. As per Jainism beliefs there is no Existence of God and they do not believe in the existence of a Creator. According to Jainism the Cosmos exists from times immemorial. Believing in the Existence of God is like believing in the existence of a flower. Even though a flower may not be directly visible to us but we can feel its presence by the fragrance it emits... God also exists but we cannot see it due to the limitations of the senses. God the Almighty is beyond the capture of the senses and the mind. Why is it so that strong nonbelievers of God tend to believe in God the moment they face abnormal adversities in life. The sweet small voice which seems to come from within the body... the voice of our Soul (the Atman within)... is it not God in its miniscule form guiding us always and ever? Does it not confirm the Existence of God in its entirety? Why do we at all require more proofs regarding Existence of God? The movement of the stars, the planets and the cosmic system as a whole... is it not governed by the invisible hands of God the Almighty Creator of the Cosmos. Bhagavad Gita... the most sacred of all Scriptures existing on Mother Earth confirms the existence of the Almighty God. As narrated in Bhagavad Gita... God the Almighty explains the reasons of exploding the self... the start of the journey of the various souls (Atmans)... and creation of the Cosmos itself. If there was no God the Almighty Creator... then the concept of big bang theory itself would have failed prematurely. No God... no big bang theory... no creation of the Cosmos and there would never have been a solar system nor our Mother Earth and even us. If we do not believe in the Existence of God it is for the reason that senses and the mind are unable to provide a logistical end to our arguments... we need to believe in the fact that God the Almighty Creator is not the form of a human being... neither it has any other form whatsoever. God the Almighty Creator has to be a gaseous formation! Looked upon from the angle of the senses and the mind we perceive the whole cosmos to be made up of solid matter and it is this surmise which does not allow us to peep beyond the limitations of the senses and the mind. If we are to believe in the Existence of God... we need to remember that the whole cosmos is made up of the basic building block of the nature... the atoms and the molecules. And beyond the clusters of the atoms and the molecules nothing else exists in the whole Cosmos except Ether which accounts for the empty black space in the Cosmos. Whatever be the form of God... it is definitely in the form of energy and that too pure energy. It is a different matter that during the time of the big bang... this cluster of pure energy we know as God (the combined power of all the purified souls Atmans in their pristine state is what we know as God the Almighty Creator) scatters all over the Cosmos. All souls start their cosmic journey of 8.4 million manifestations and it is at the fag end of the cosmic life that the Soul (Atman) comes back to is pristine pure form. At the time of dissolution of the Cosmos all these purified souls combine together to form what we know as God the Almighty Creator. We may not believe in the fact that God does not have power to create... but not to believe in the Existence of God would be an anomaly. The whole creation of God is like a mighty computer which runs on a system of predefined parameters. As you perform so shall you get... nothing more or less! As we pray... accordingly be with the results of the prayers! Sinners cannot expect to be gain Punya Karma (positive balance of Karma) and those indulging in pious deeds do not seem to face the wrath of God most of the time. Everything in the cosmic system is balanced. We may or may not believe in the Existence of God... our journey of life continues unabated. As we cannot see the smell of a flower but believe the fact after seeing the flower... we do not and cannot hope to see God with the limitations of the senses and the mind. It is only when one reaches the stage of Nirvikalpa samadhi can one come across face-to-face with God the Almighty. It is this stage of Nirvikalpa samadhi which confirms the Existence of God. Every enlightened soul like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed never had any doubts about the Existence of God (it is a different matter that the moment they got enlightened they were able to perceive the truth in its entirety! All anomalies fail to exist the moment one realizes God... all doubts about the Existence of God come to an end the moment one becomes enlightened. One may or not believe in the Existence of God but the fact remains is that "the God Does Exist". Vijay Kumar... The Man who Realized God in 1993 discusses facts and figures on the Existence of God. Subscribe free Newsletter "Spiritual Secrets Unveiled" - Explore hidden cosmic truths - Read Glossary of Words in Hinduism at Existence of God
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