Our Body is a Hologram of Living Light

We are apart of all that is, our consciousness spring out of the silence, which is known as the voyd or vacuum in Quantum Physics. This first sprouting of consciousness comes out of the silence as waves, a vibration of light. The photons of light travel till they hit something then change from a wave to a particle and an ante-particle.

These particles cluster together and start to form the atoms of our body: The positive particles to the centre forming the nucleus and the negative ante particles forming the electrons. These groups of atoms cluster together to form our molecules; the molecules cluster to form the cells and DNA. The cells cluster to form the organs and bones etc. and all the parts together form the whole person.

Our body is an interference pattern of light that has changed from a wave to a solid and grown more and more complex. It has built up the layers and slowed down it's vibration from light to solid matter, through evolution and self-knowledge.

Know also that we are a reflection of the whole that at the time of our birth the pattern of the stars are fixed within us like taking a photograph. This is why astrologers can predict our future from the position of the stars. This connection also gives us great power, because each part of a hologram has to reflect the whole. Therefore by changing a part of ourselves the whole universe has to adjust to reflect the change.

If you have a holographic photograph of a three-dimensional object, if you then cut up the photo into 100 pieces, if you get a Laser and shine it through any one piece, you still see the whole image but each piece will give you a different perspective.

Human consciousness is the same, we all see the whole, but each person is seeing it from a different perspective. Pure Consciousness is shining through us like laser light: Shining from the voyd or vacuum outwards. This is what is creating the ever-expanding Universe.

This constant flow of light and consciousness is what maintains our body and what is infect life.

Know that by becoming aware of ourselves at these more subtle levels we can change ourselves just by our intention. If we choose to create from source, to manifest out of the silence, then you could say that we become like gods ourselves or sorcerers or wizards.

Know that this field of silence although it is empty, like a vacuum, is full of neutral or potential energy. This field contains all knowledge and is the source of each of our consciousnesses; gifts like telepathy, knowing the future, etc. work through this field. By changing yourself you change the World and the Universe.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved.HealerGeorge's Blog: http://curezone.com/blogs/f.asp?f=95 Visit the website for more information and previously published ebooks to read, Guided Meditation CD or MP3 file. Request Absent Healing at: http://www.healergeorge.com http://curezone.com/blogs/f.asp?f=95 http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=637

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