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The human race had their beginning, and I had mine ? in this lifetime, anyway. Growing up in a cultural melting pot like Chicago set a great foundation for my different drummer to build on. I grew up in a town with six million people; every one of them was different from the next. It became obvious to me, early on, that thinking, feeling human beings are as different as snowflakes. No two snowflakes are alike. No two people are alike, either. Not even identical twins, or soul mates. We're all very similar, in spite of obvious differences. The human race has plenty of sub-races to choose from, in every shape and color imaginable. Our shape and color has a lot to do with being different, even from other people who are the same shape and color as we are. What shape and color we are affects us all in different ways; the different ways we think and feel about our shape and color is one of the things that makes everybody different. There are plenty of cultures to choose from on this planet, too. I get the feeling that if you're an ostrich, you're an ostrich, and it doesn't really make much difference if you're an ostrich in New Zealand or an ostrich in New York. You're still an ostrich, and you still spend your day doing what an ostrich naturally does. Human beings aren't like ostriches. Granted, they all eat, and drink, and think, but how they spend the rest of their minutes depends, pretty much, on the culture they grew up in. Every culture thinks and feels about life differently, so they live different lifestyles. The thoughts and feelings we inherited from the culture we grew up in are another one of the things that makes everybody different. The big differences between human beings aren't on the outside, and are invisible to the naked eye. The big differences in human beings are inside. Every human being thinks their own thoughts, and feels their own feelings. That's what makes every human being unique. Being unique is obviously what being a thinking, feeling human being is all about. Why else would everything ? EVERYTHING ? in our lives set us apart from each other? We could be like antelope, and run in herds, but we aren't. Did we ? before modern technology gave us more options in ways to survive than we had when we were living in harmony with nature? Were we ever all the same? Probably ? if you believe in the Garden of Eden concept. We were all created equal, on the same consciousness level as God. We were One with God; we didn't really think, and we didn't really feel. We just WERE, and what we were was blissful. When we decided that we wanted to be physical beings with a spiritual aspect instead of spiritual beings in physical form, we literally changed the world. Lois Grant-Holland is a Life Path Focus Counselor offering Life Path Focus Sessions, Karmic Astrology Charts, Channeled Guidance, Intuitive Readings and Classes and Workshops to spiritual seekers on all positive paths, and is the site facilitator at The A.N.S.W.E.R. - (The Seeker's Resource Guide to Alternative, New Thought, Spiritual Growth, Wellness and Enlightenment Resources.) You can visit her website at http://www.loisgrantholland.com
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Spiritual Clarity Who is the more spiritual person? The woman out on a Sunday morning excursion for coffee and a newspaper who swerves to avoid hitting a dog, or is it, the man who hits the dog in his haste to get to church on time? Who knows? My point is that going to church has absolutely nothing to do with being a good person. Whatd We Miss? Did we just overlook the amount of love that God has for us? Response - Ability Divine Source The time has come for the mass population on Earth to respond with each of your Divine ability to connect to your Higher Self, God, Holy Spirit, or whatever name you may give to your Highest and purest Spiritual connection to All That Is in the universe. The Healing Power Of Forgiveness Forgiveness breaks all bounds of repression and depression. It liberates the psyche from bondage to the past. Abundance As Spiritual Birthright I am going to remind of some simple, yet important things, that you should already know, but perhaps need a reminding of just now. I know that I need reminding from time to time and suspect that you may also need the same 'straight to the point' reminders. What Part of Thou Shalt Not Dont You Understand? Back in the days of the old law of Moses, God gave him a set of 10 Commandments all of which began with "Thou Shalt Not"...We today, read these and take them at face value without really considering what all is involved in them. What The Bleep is All This Quantum Physics Stuff About? "Quantum Physics is the science of gods? Newtonian Physics is the science of the small minds of men." Enjoy The Journey, As There Isnt A Destination Do you spend your time working towards that "one day when?."? One day, when I have enough money I will be happy. One day, when I have the house paid off, I will be able to relax and enjoy myself more. One day, when I get a better job???. These may all seem like good destinations and desires. But when we live in this way we are 'future living'. Waiting to live the life we have always wanted sometime in the future. Unfortunately the way our brains are wired can mean that we are as soon as we arrive at one destination it doesn't seem enough, somehow we are just not as satisfied as we thought we would be and we start going after the next goal. The S Word We all sin. To avoid using the "s" word, we may call it by other less penetrating names; politically correct names. But sin by any other name remains what it is, sin. It is not uncommon for man to blame external causes and conditions for our troubles and sicknesses, while all the time the real trouble is sin. Jesus The Great Comforter! When Life is not fair! We see it all the time in people's lives some unwanted circumstance enters and life is turned upside down. A loss of a job, an unexpected bill, sickness you name it. I think we have all said at one time or another, "gosh, life just doesn't seem to be fair. It does not suppose to be this way; it wasn't what I had planned." The Star of Bethlehem It was said that Caesar Augustus one night consulted his personal sibyl (fortuneteller) and asked her if a prince greater than he would ever be born. As she searched for an answer in her sacred books, the place was lit up by a meteor that flared in the dark sky. She put down her book and told him that he had just received his answer. Angelic Art - Alternative & Spiritual Healing Therapy As more and more alternative and spiritual healings are being studied and documented they are finding that all forms of upliftment heals the body, mind and spirit. Angelic art falls within this category by uplifting the spirit. I do not claim Angel paintings create physical healings. Angel paintings soothe the emotions and create a more peaceful atmosphere helping today's society deal with the stressful world we now find ourselves in on a day to day basis. Who Has The Greatest Job In The World? I have, in my opinion, the world's perfect job. Just look at the evidence. I love people and I love God. I love talking to people about God and I love talking to God about people. Spiritual Surrender: Living a Peace Filled Life Are you at a crossroad in your life where you want the after to be better than the before? Do you feel as though your life is not on "purpose"? Are you scared of what the future may hold for you or angry at what has happened in the past? If any of these themes ring true for you, than I would ask you to let go, and surrender. When Bad Things Happen (Part 1) Rabbi Kushner in his book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People," describes how he learned one day that his three year old son would die in his early teens of the rare, but lethal disease called progeria. Progeria is a condition which accelerates the aging process. Medical authorities informed him that his son would never grow beyond three feet in height and would look like an old man while he was still a child. It was this spirit slashing and heart splitting news that prompted the Rabbi to seriously question his faith and God. The Winds of Change Humanity is entering a very critical time in its path of evolution. The winds of change began to blow over eighteen years ago at the event you call Harmonic Convergence but the only ones who felt this at first were those many call star-seeds or light workers. Today almost everyone on the planet is being swept up into them. The third dimension world of duality is beginning to be blown away so to speak. The Divine Self Many look outside of themselves for an experience of the Divine. Many turn to religions. Others invoke "inner guides" or a "higher self". I would like to propose that the Divine is not only inside you, it is You! True Will Some may ask what is the true will of God and how do I obtain it? Well let's see what the Bible says. Look at Psalms 40:6 it says Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but my ears you have pierced; burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not require. Then I said, Here I am, I have come-it is written about me in the scroll. I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart. I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly I do not seal my lips, as you know, O Lord. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart. The Trouble With Tarot Reading Anything can be used for divination; coins, tea leaves, cards, the flight of birds, the spilled entrails of captured enemies. The objects used are a focus for the psychic talent of the seer. Or rather a distractor, so that the everyday consciousness is pre-occupied, and something else can give its opinion. What Is A Power Song and Where Do I Get One? All Shamans have several power songs because the vibration of the notes in the voice and in the fourth chakra of the throat stimulate sympathetic vibrations in the universe to respond. Everything is connected. What you put out comes back to you. When a butterfly flutters his wings in Cost Rica the winds of Africa are stirred. And when a sound is offered, the universe responds. ![]() |
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