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How to Pay Less and Get More: Discount Broker vs Professional
How do you invest? What do you really pay? At the end of the day, what are your real results? These are questions smart investors should be asking themselves (but usually don't). In this era of more fees, misc. charges, holding periods and back end redemptions, even at discount brokers, how are you really making out? Working with a new client brought this all to my attention. I know what I found may not apply to everyone; however it will apply to many and very likely apply to you. I need to preface this by saying that, unlike the majority of registered investment advisors, I have built my practice over the past 15 years by dealing with "small" investors. Many of them are first timers because my minimum account size is only $5,000. I targeted this group because I enjoy the educational part of my business. A happy side benefit has been that by providing million dollar service to these so called "small" investors, they naturally refer me to parents, relatives, friends and business associates, often with considerably more assets than the original client. What a happy consequence. Having set the stage, here's what happened with my new client who we will call John. John was 26, newly married with a one year old son. His wife was taking care of the child and John had a good full time job. After selling his house in California and moving to Florida he had $6,000 left for starting a long-term investment program. Though he had been reading my newsletter for about a year, John decided to manage his 401k on his own. It was a noble effort but provided less than desirable results. He then attempted to set up a brokerage account at a major discount broker. With his $6,000 he was told that the quarterly fee would be $45, and, of course, if he sold any mutual fund within the first 180 days, there would be an early redemption fee. $45 per quarter would be equal to an annual fee of 3% of his starting balance. John called me somewhat frustrated and said that he'd be willing to set up an account with me, but how would it make sense if in addition he'd have to pay my advisory management fee? That was a good question because it certainly doesn't make sense to have an account in any type of market environment and pay about 6% in fixed annual fees. However, what John didn't know was that if you have an account with a registered investment advisor who is affiliated with custodial broker, the fee structure changes. What did that mean to him? It meant that I opened the account for him as a new client. He now has no annual fees, other than my management fee, and his 180 day holding period for mutual funds is reduced to 90 days, minimizing, if not eliminating, the likelihood of an early redemption fee. The net result was that he would receive the benefit of my experience-which he already trusted based on my track record of pulling clients out of the market in October 2000-and it would cost him no more, and likely less, than his discount brokerage account. Needless to say, John was very relieved. In essence, he traded broker garbage fees for professional management at no additional cost to him. And, since he itemizes his deductions on his tax return, all fees paid are tax deductible, which is just an added bonus to factor into the equation. It turned out to be an all around win-win situation for John. I encourage you to review your situation and see if what looks like a discount in fees is actually costing you a premium. About The Author Ulli Niemann is an investment advisor and has been writing about objective, methodical approaches to investing for over 10 years. He eluded the bear market of 2000 and has helped hundreds of people make better investment decisions. To find out more about his approach and his FREE Newsletter, please visit: http://www.successful-investment.com; ulli@successful-investment.com
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What I mean is I don't mind losing a small amount when I have to sell a stock or mutual fund that is going down or taking away the profit I have made. During this past 3 years I have made money each year because I was not afraid to sell. The great secret that Wall Street does not want investors to know is all about selling, not buying. Lies, Damn Lies and Mutual Fund Returns How many times has this happened to you? You're at a social function and the conversation turns to investing. Pretty soon, people are comparing how well their investments are doing. As you might imagine, being an investment advisor this happens to me a lot. However, I recently had an experience with it that startled me. Losses, not Profits, will Stop You from Trading in the Market Should the market turn against you, it is important that you design a system that will produce as much loss as you are prepared to take. 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It depends on your level of understanding of the market and the amount of money you have. Choosing a Stock Broker If you were to find that you had some severe illness that required surgery, would you attempt to perform that surgery upon yourself? What if your car broke down and needed a valve job? Would you get out the Craftsman tool set you got for Christmas three years ago and start tinkering under the hood even though you know absolutely nothing about engines? Of course you wouldn't do either of these things because there are times in life when we know we must seek the assistance of a professional. So why is it that so many people try to make their own investment decisions without consulting a professional stock broker? Stocks & Oil, Sat Jun 18th, 2005 Both the stock market and oil prices rallied recently, which seems to be a paradox, because high oil prices are negative for earnings (i.e. a higher production cost and a higher consumer tax). However, the stock market was worried about another "soft patch," of slower economic growth, and the sharp rise in oil prices suggest the U.S. economy is still expanding at above trend growth. Robert Rodriguez Weathers the Stock Market Robert Rodriguez likes to buy stocks at their lows. When there are not enough stocks hitting new lows, he closes his fund and piles up cash. This is what he has been doing lately. His moves deserve attention for good reasons, his $1.7 billion FPA Capital Fund has averaged an annual total return of more than 17% over the last 20 years, net of sales charge, handily beating all the benchmarks by wide margins. Its Better Question: How does it get better when it gets worse? Long Term Investing In his wonderful book, 'Multiple Streams of Income', best selling author Robert Allen advises Investors to divide their Stock Market investment and trading capital into three portions -50% invested long term (forever) in an Index Fund, 30% invested in Accelerated Stock strategies and 20% in options or high risk investment strategies. Parachute Investing Ever jumped out of an airplane? It's OK if you have on a parachute. Pretty dumb if you don't. Stock Market Investments If there is one term over-used when talking about making investments in the stock market I would think that term would be: buy low, sell high. Mutual Fund Honor Roll ? Buy High, Sell Low by Chasing Performance Buy high and sell low -- It's not a typo. The Secret Method to Selecting a Winning Trading System Every successful trader has a winning system. There are of course, as many systems out there, as there are traders. Some systems get you to buy on strength and sell on weakness others do the opposite. ![]() |
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