Evaluation I

An insane person cannot evaluate an insane evaluation system.

As you know I have been trying to restore sanity to the insane premises Wall Street has been teaching its brokers and you for all these years. Their insanity has become so pervasive that it has become conventional wisdom. The brokerage houses have taught everyone to act insanely and to think that what they are doing is sane.

Wall Street has taught you the insanity of doing research, dollar cost averaging and buying and holding. Anyone who can rub two braincells together can figure out that all these are lies. A book written 40 years ago by Nicholas Darvas called "How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market" came to the same conclusions I have, namely, brokers don't know anything and research is worthless. He gives a good explanation as to why he came to those conclusions. You might still be able to get the book at the library as it is out of print.

Why is research worthless? There is one good source of information about almost any listed company as well as many unlisted companies from Morningstar. They are the nexus for stock market information. You can find out more things about a company than you will ever need to or want to know. You will be inundated with information, but there is one thing they do not know. Will the stock go up after you buy it? And that is the only thing that counts.

When you ask your broker about a stock he will go to the company file that has all the statistical information about almost any company. He thinks that stuff is good. If it is so good why doesn't he buy it? Because down deep he knows it is worthless, but he can't admit that to you or even to himself.

His company has taught that you must do research. In his defense he does not realize he has been a good student, but has had a bad teacher. You would think that after doing this nonsense all those years he would catch on, but he doesn't because everyone around believes it is true. He is in an insane asylum. Everyone looks normal.

You cannot evaluate an insane evaluation system with insane evaluation. Once you realize it is insane you must leave it. Don't argue with the insane person. Now you have shaken lose from that weird thinking you will be able to look back on it to wonder why it took you so long to come to your senses.

Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.

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al@mutualfundstrategy.com; 1-888-345-7870

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