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Market Timing
Every broker and financial planner will tell you that you cannot time the stock market. I saw John Bogle, the great seer of Vanguard, on CNBC saying it can't be done. Of course, it is easy to understand why he and every other mutual fund manager would say that as they would have a problem managing huge inflows and outflows of money and he was buying and holding during the 18-year bull from 1982 to 2000. Every successful hedge fund managers knows that Buy and Hold is death for capital investment. Hedge fund managers are different than regular mutual fund managers in that they only get paid when they make a profit for their investors. Wouldn't it be refreshing if we could have that happen for the mutual funds you own. Last year 90% of all stock mutual funds lost money and the average fund manager made about $300,000. To be invested in a hedge fund you must be a "qualified investor". That means you need to show an income of $200,000 a year for the last 2 years and have a net worth of $1,000,000. It is the old story of the rich get richer. The reason is simple. They don't put money with money mangers who can't manage money. Hedge fund managers must make profits or starve. The Securities and Exchange Commission should allow this type of investment for small investors, but they don't. Why don't you write them a letter and ask 'why'? To protect your cash in your IRA, 401K, SEP, trust or just plain stock account you can learn to use market timing. There is one very simple timing method that anyone can master and you don't have to be a mathematical genius or even the least bit market savvy to do it. From 1950 to the year 2000 the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 10,534 points. That is a pretty long time period so it is a very good sample. According to the Stock Trader's Almanac (2002 edition) a $10,000 investment using only the S&P500 Index your account would have increased by $11,408 if you had been invested just during May through October. Pretty shabby. However, if you were invested only from November through April that same $10,000 would have gained $314,056. Cowabunga! Who says you can't time the market? If you were invested in a broad market index fund of any kind and switched to a money market during the Spring and Summer periods and been fully invested during the Fall and Winter you could be one of those qualified investors. You could have made an extra 700%. That's real money. And there are better timing models. Anyone can do this, but brokers tell you you have to be fully invested all the time. Nonsense. They are worried you might take your money out. Cash is a position. They will tell you it is too simplistic, but that is the beauty of it. Simple is always better. This is the easiest of all timing models I know and it works. Take some time to study it. It can only increase your net worth. And you will sleep better. Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005 al@mutualfundstrategy.com; 1-888-345-7870
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Stock Market Investing Odds The greatest stock market myth is the idea that investing in stocks is a form of gambling! Performance Funds Mutual funds are doing more and more to discourage investors from leaving them and taking their money to a better performing fund. What does better performing mean? It has nothing to do with who the manager is, what the expense ratio is or how well they performed over the past 5 or 10 years. Downdraft For the year 2000 we have seen hundreds of mutual funds lose 40%, 50% and more of their value. This does not seem right since the fund is supposed to be managed by a professional. How can this "professional" do such a bad job? More than half of the funds this year will not out perform the S&P500 index which closed down about 10%. Online Trading Strategy: Collecting Cash when Stocks Go UP - It PAYS to Know More than Others When it comes to stock market trading it PAYS to have more knowledge than the rest of the pack. Pure gold can be harvested in each profitable trade that you accomplish. Bottoms Ups If you have talked to a stock broker or financial planner in the last few days I will bet they all agree that there are some great bargains out there and now is the time to start buying in anticipation that the market will go back up. You will also find agreement from the talking heads on CNBC and those talk radio station stock mavens. No one says sell. It looks like bottom pickers heaven. The Stock Market Doesnt Care if You are a Beginner?. Get Prepared to Succeed at Trading Stock trading remains a very competitive field and the stock market doesn't care if you are an experienced stock trader or an aspiring one. The rules and the trading opportunities are the same for all of us, so either youre going to make money when you pick a stock and make a trade, or you are going to lose some of it in favor of the more seasoned traders. Why Is The Macedonian Stock Exchange Unsuccessful? The Macedonian Stock Exchange (MSE) is not operating successfully. True, some of the parameters which we use to measure the success of a stock exchange have lately improved in the MSE. For instance, the monthly money volume has increased together with the number of transactions. But this is a far cry from success. Advisory Service for You? It depends on your level of understanding of the market and the amount of money you have. The Problem With Hedge Funds Are hedge funds a suitable investment for you? Hedge funds are an appropriate investment for qualified purchasers with a net worth above one million dollars and an annual income exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Purchasers are often required to sign an acknowledgement confirming their qualifications to invest in hedge funds. However, just because one is qualified to invest in a hedge fund doesn't necessarily mean they should do so. There is a major problem with this type of investment. Oftentimes, the risk associated with the fund is misrepresented, leading to investors being misguided into skewing their qualifications. How To Make, And Keep, Money Trading Stocks If you are serious about making and keeping money by trading stocks, then there are three things you need to do, and do well. Starbucks Stock is Up Starbucks earnings are up again and so is their stock slightly. It appears they are exporting America's weakness to caffeine and sugar around the world. This seems to serve the company's profits well and nations like China have quite an emerging population to sell to. Think of the exporting of tobacco and the riches the orient has given. Perhaps this is the answer to our advancing trade deficit. Should you have Starbucks in your portfolio? How Commodity Trading Differs from Stock Trading There are major differences between trading stocks and trading futures. While stories of fortunes made or lost overnight on the futures markets are largely untrue, the futures trader, if using a sound trading system, can usually make more money on the futures market and make it much faster. However, if that trading system is not sound the trader can have greater losses. Stock Chart Reading As an investor you will want to check out any equity before you buy it. Many investors go to Morningstar which is one of the largest providers of mutual fund information in the world. It is assumed that their information is correct. After all that is what you are paying for. Maximizing a Stock Market Investment Maximizing a stock market investment Stuff I continually hear from economists, talking heads, other market letter writers, analysts and assorted "experts" that I need to know all kinds of "stuff" about the stocks and mutual funds I am going to buy and I should keep up with them on a regular basis. Forces that Move Stock Prices Among the largest forces that affect stock prices are inflation, interest rates, bonds, commodities and currencies. At times the stock market suddenly reverses itself followed typically by published explanations phrased to suggest that the writer's keen observation allowed him to predict the market turn. Such circumstances leave investors somewhat awed and amazed at the infinite amount of continuing factual input and infallible interpretation needed to avoid going against the market. While there are continuing sources of input that one needs in order to invest successfully in the stock market, they are finite. If you contact me at my web site, I'll be glad to share some with you. What is more important though is to have a robust model for interpreting any new information that comes along. The model should take into account human nature, as well as, major market forces. The following is a personal working cyclical model that is neither perfect nor comprehensive. It is simply a lens through which sector rotation, industry behavior and changing market sentiment can be viewed. Keep Your Profits It looks like we have now entered a new bull phase in the stock market and I have a question for you. Will you give back the profits that you make this time as you did in 2000? You sure don't want to, but you are not going to get any help from your broker. Adding Funds Someday you may want to retire and continue to live in the life style to which you have become accustomed. According to conventional wisdom you will need less money because you will have fewer expenses than when you had to go to the office every day. Maybe. Let's hope so. Trapeze Artist - Swinging with the Stock Market When we go to the circus we see a trapeze artist working on a high wire or swing either alone or with other athletes. They know what they are doing because of constant practice, but every once in a while there can be a mistake, even a small one that can cause one of them to fall. The result is death or serious injury when they hit the ground. Can?t Stand The Heat It seems that every day I turn on the TV and find a Poker game. Texas No Limit seems to be all the rage these days. I love watching it. When I discuss this with others, their response is always the same, "You should play." Ah, but what they don't know is I stay out of the kitchen. As far as risk to reward ratio. That's a gamble I'm not willing to take. I prefer to invest my money. Sometimes I gamble in the stock market, but as long as I stay within my comfort zone (long term), I don't mind. ![]() |
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