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The Surgeon General
The Surgeon General of the United States says that smoking cigarettes is harmful to your health. It is printed on every pack of smokes you buy. When was the last time a smoker read or paid any attention to it? Don't you wish your brokerage account had some kind of warning telling you when to sell out of a stock or mutual fund that is going down? How about "If this stock falls more than 12% below its highest closing price the Money General says it should be sold and the money reinvested in a different equity"? Think of what that would have done for your financial health during the past 2 years. Most people would be feeling a lot better. Your broker is supposed to be a doctor of finance and should be concerned about your financial well being. When you ask him why your portfolio has gone down you probably will get one of two answers ? "Don't worry, the market always comes back" ? except when it doesn't. And "Buy and hold is the best strategy when you are in for the long haul". That long haul may be 20 years to break "even". Of course, that does not make you feel any better when you see your money disappearing. It all comes down to the fact he does not know how to do this and has not been trained by the brokerage company. The same goes for most financial planners. Financial planners will tell you how to split up your investment among stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate and so forth, but they have no idea when to sell out of a losing position. Neither brokers, bankers nor financial planners have ever heard that cash is a position. Yes, cash in a money market account will not make big returns, but it will protect your money while the stock market is in a general slide down. Think about this: what if your money had been in a simple 3% money market account for the past 2 years. Would you have more money today? Probably. It is very difficult to find a broker who has any training in protecting your assets. If you ask to see the training manuals for brokers you will find two. One concentrates on learning all the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission so they will not be sued and the other is a Sales Manual on how to open new accounts and get investors to put in more money. No instruction on how to protect the investors money when a stock or fund starts down. The one thing they are never taught is when to sell. If you expect to have financial health you must learn how to wisely invest your money. There is no Money General or Easter bunny. You cannot rely on any "expert". Just as you are responsible for the health of your body by what you put into it so your financial health is up to you by making sure you do not lose what you are putting away for your retirement. Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005
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Fake Money Reach in your pocket and take out that big roll of bills. Depending on how many of them you have you feel pretty good. BUT did you know they are not worth the paper they are printed on? Huh? Let me explain. Dont Ask Your Broker Unfortunately, most of you who are reading my column are suffering some substantial losses in the stock market. Whether it is mutual funds or individual stocks everything with mighty few exceptions is going down. Maybe you are just giving back some nice profits, but maybe it is beginning to bite into your original principal. Advisory Service for You? It depends on your level of understanding of the market and the amount of money you have. Staying Sane While Wall Street Crashes Everybody is riding the Wall Street Roller coaster. Even if you are not invested, the headlines scream out one word: PANIC! Moving Averages Every day on CNBC-TV they show a 200-day moving average line superimposed on the stock price history. It seems they give great credence to this manufactured line as it represents 10 months of price action. What is it? Does it really mean anything? Look Out The Window Quick, look out the window. It's raining. No, the sun's out. No, it's cloudy. Wait a second, it is changing again, but I can't tell what it is going to do. Stock Valuation using the SMP Model Disclaimer: Please note that I do not necessarily purchase, own, or partake of any of the securities or other financial instruments mentioned in this article. I also do not take any responsibility for any actions resulting from any actions taken by anyone who reads this article. You are responsible for your own finances - no one else. Do your yown due diligence when researching financial matters. Fools Gold The stock market has been in an up trend for more than a year. Almost everyone is feeling good and many believe we are back in the old bull market with the previous high of the Dow Jones Industrial Average just about to be broken. Exchange Traded Funds Primer Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a group of passive index funds that trade on an exchange like an individual stock. At the time of writing there are 162 ETFs with $220 billion in assets under management trading on U.S. exchanges. What Can Model Airplanes Teach You About Trading? I was devastated! The Great Stock Market Secret When the stock market is going up and all your stocks and mutual funds are making money you feel like a genius. It is too bad that some folks don't remember what happened in 2000. Of course, right now we are in one of those genius phases. Its A Duck If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck it must be a duck. Its Better Question: How does it get better when it gets worse? NASDAQ 800? In November of 2000 when the NASDAQ was trading at 3000 I wrote in this column that the NASDAQ Index would fall to 1500 and I got lots of heat for saying it. Microsoft had fallen from $129 to $60 per share. You know where they are today. The Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Mutual Funds Everyone who follows the financial news has heard of mutual funds and knows the stock market has generally risen (with various ups-and-downs) for over 200 years. In fact, by most measures, the stock market has made more money for more people, and done it more reliably, than any other investment over the past 100 years! If you want to accumulate substantial wealth, you must include stocks in your investments! Buying Stocks and the Importance of Correct Timing An investor can find and research the best stock on the market, one with huge potential but if the general market indices are negative, it will most likely be the wrong time to buy. A stock with tremendous accelerating earnings, rising sales, an up-trending chart pattern and a strong industry group may sound excellent to buy but will mean absolutely nothing if the market is positioned to move in the opposite direction of your expectations. As soon as a stock is purchased, the time comes for an investor to make a decision to hold or to sell. If the position shows a profit, hold as your judgment is correct. If the position shows a loss, cut it quickly and don't rationalize the situation before it doubles in size. Timing will play an important role in determining if you are right or wrong. A Common Misconception about Stock Prices I cringe every time I hear a novice investor tell me that they only purchase low priced stocks because they offer higher potential gains. A common phase I hear is "I like to buy $1 and $2 stocks because they can double easily and I will make a 100% profit". Pension Plans If you have a pension plan at work you will want to read this and if you don't you will still want to because it affects your retirement account. Humpty Dumpty the Stock Market Falls Down Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and all the King's horsemen could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again. How To Make, And Keep, Money Trading Stocks If you are serious about making and keeping money by trading stocks, then there are three things you need to do, and do well. ![]() |
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