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Trading Systems
To become a successful trader you must have some kind of method or system to follow that will keep you on track. You may be buying and selling on tips, the weather or phases of the moon (there is a system like that). The two basic methods are based either on fundamental or technicals. In stock the fundamentals take into account sales, gross profit margins, net profit margins, industry growth, management capabilities, price/earning ratios, etc. In technical analysis you would be computing various moving averages (such as 200-day, 50-day 10-day) of the stock price, trend lines, Fibonacci retracement, support and resistance levels, Elliott Waves, stochastics and many others. There are scores of systems for sale and you can pick and choose among them to see which one suits your bank account and personality. Your choices will range from long-term to day trading. One thing for sure ? don't buy any system that does not have a good exit strategy. Understand that many systems will trade frequently with small losses, but any method must have a won/lost ratio of 3 to 1 to be profitable. That means over the period of one year you must win $3 for every $1 trading loss. You will learn early in the game to love small losses. Never buy any system that allows big losses. There is a magazine published every other month called Futures Truth that prints the trading record for about 200 commodity systems. A great way to find the best systems without losing your money. Most of the systems you find will be based upon some kind of strict mechanical entry and exit computation and will need computer software that you will receive when you purchase it. The software vendor may even provide you with a broker who specializes in trading their method. The reason many of these mechanical systems do not have a better ROI (return on investment) better called ROS (return on speculation) is computer systems adhere to a strict formula for their BUY/SELL signals. They cannot give you a "maybe" because computers don't understand maybe. There is no subjective influence at all. The latter will have both positive and negative results on your returns. Most people don't want any subjectivity and prefer to follow what the computer spits out whether right or wrong; it relieves the trader of the responsibility of the decisions. There are many professional traders I knew when I was an exchange member who traded strictly on "feel" and I know many who made six figure incomes doing it. Many people start with a professional system and will tweak it to better fit their personality. This is very common, but requires personal discipline to remain with those alterations. You can't be changing all the time. Whether for stocks, funds, commodities or whatever you invest you must have an organized trading system that has a good exit strategy. Whatever you buy it is the exit method that will help you keep the profits you make. To be a successful investor you must have a system. Al Thomas' book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!" has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com and discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know. Copyright 2005
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Trading Tips No 6: The High Cost of Low Cost Stock Market Information It has been said that low cost or even free stock market information or trading advice can be the most expensive advice you can get. The meaning is clear. You get what you pay for. Low Tide When you stand on the ocean shore and watch the waves breaking you might become aware that the tide is coming in or going out. It is a slow process to watch the water retreat and when it finally gets to its lowest point it is almost impossible to tell if it has stopped or will retreat further. Plenty of wave action, but going nowhere. Hedge Funds: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Alfred Winslow Jones started hedge funds in 1949. He was a pioneer of non-traditional investment strategies. "Non-traditional" categorizes hedge funds quite accurately. Hedge funds have the potential to make an investor quite a bit of money, but many do not understand the nature of hedge funds. Hedge funds have undergone skepticism because they do not have to disclose their activities to third parties. Prosperity It has fallen upon the consumer to make our economy strong. All the politicians, economists and talking heads on TV are telling him (that's you and me) to get out there and spend your money. Buy that new car, build a new house and fly off to some remote place for an expensive vacation. Enron Cure Let's hope you did not have any of the Enron stock. Maybe you know someone who did and lost everything, but you certainly might know several people who owned stock that lost almost everything. They probably aren't talking about it. Performance Funds Mutual funds are doing more and more to discourage investors from leaving them and taking their money to a better performing fund. What does better performing mean? It has nothing to do with who the manager is, what the expense ratio is or how well they performed over the past 5 or 10 years. Money, Insanity and Wall Street Money: the most charged word in the planet. It means something to everyone. For some, money means a blessing, for others it means a disaster. What To Buy Now I am sure that if you have a brokerage account with a "full service" broker you have been getting calls about what to buy and sell. If you have big losses in certain stocks you might be hit with that great Wall Street lie to buy more so you can 'Dollar Cost Average'. It doesn't work. China Syndrome There has been great condemnation recently because China has been selling its goods on the world market at prices below what other countries, especially the U.S., can produce. It has been called exporting deflation. Mid-Cap Stocks: Asset Class with an Identity Crisis Much like the middle child, mid-cap stocks have long struggled to find their identity. Carved out from the upper echelons of the small caps and the lower end of the large caps, the mid-cap sector has a rough definition of stock with a market capitalization of greater than $2 billion, but less than $10 billion. Taking components from both worlds, some analysts argue that mid-cap stocks can offer growth opportunities found in the small caps and the relative stability found in the large caps. Emotional Trading The single most expensive stock market trades are those made with emotions, but, of course, you are not an emotional trader are you? A Penny for Your Stocks According to Investopedia Inc. the penny stock market has seen phenomenal growth this past decade. From '94 to '03, the Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board trading volume increased an astounding 8900%, equaling a total of 63% of the NASDAQ and 78& of the NYSE share volumes. Many an investor has succumbed to their siren song. Can?t Stand The Heat It seems that every day I turn on the TV and find a Poker game. Texas No Limit seems to be all the rage these days. I love watching it. When I discuss this with others, their response is always the same, "You should play." Ah, but what they don't know is I stay out of the kitchen. As far as risk to reward ratio. That's a gamble I'm not willing to take. I prefer to invest my money. Sometimes I gamble in the stock market, but as long as I stay within my comfort zone (long term), I don't mind. Why This Bear? People are constantly asking me why is the stock market going down. What is causing this bear market? It is relatively simple so don't ask an economist. He will give you a 200-page answer that is undecipherable. Can you understand Mr. Greenspan? What the Hell is a Stock option? A 'stock option' is a contract between two parties giving the buyer (also known as the 'taker') the right, but not the obligation, to either buy or sell a specific quantity of shares at a pre-agreed price (known as the 'strike price' or 'exercise price') by a certain future 'expiry' date. There are two different types of options that can be traded, known as 'call options' and 'put options'. Investing in the Stock Market - When To! Is really not as important as to how you invest in the stock market. And how you invest in the stock market should take into consideration what goals you are setting for that stock market investment. VooDoo Training For the Stock Market If you go to Haiti or other places in the Caribbean you may run into the Voodoo tradition of magic. There are long and mostly noisy rituals with the medicine man spouting words that bring great power and conjure up whatever it is the supplicant desires. Great amounts of smoke and mirrors. Wal-Mart: Discount Store, Discounted Stock? As GuruFocus updates the stock buys and sells of gurus, Wal-Mart (WMT), the discount retail giant, stands out as the stock with a high ValueRank (7 out of 10). Just recently, Clipper Fund's James Gipson and T. Rowe Price Equity Income Fund's Brian Rogers bought Wal-Mart. How Covered Calls Turned a Trader Around Sidney felt sick as she looked at her latest OptionsXpress trading statement. In just 8 months, she had managed to turn her $120,000 account balance into less than $70,000. Stock Market Investments If there is one term over-used when talking about making investments in the stock market I would think that term would be: buy low, sell high. ![]() |
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