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The Best Medicine For Stress ( A Daily Dose Of Gratitude)
There is one sure fire medicine that cures all difficulty and opens the way for your greatest good. It allows you to sleep well at night, wake up refreshed and filled with enthusiasm. Obstacles evaporate and wonderful possibilities appear. This medicine is abundantly available, has no side effects, can be taken in large or small doses regularly. You need no one to prescribe it and the more you take, the sweeter it is. The medicine is a good dose of gratitude, taken daily, at least three times a day. For example, if you are having difficulty in your relationships, a strong dose of gratitude will help a lot. Depression and thankfulness cannot exist in the same mind at the same time. When you are continually aware of the good you are receiving, complaints, resentments and demands become a thing of the past. As we go through our day it is easy to focus upon what is wrong ? when things do not go our way, we become upset, criticize others, demand what we want and sometimes even start to push others around. Very few stop right where they are and begin to think of what is going right, what they have to appreciate and then offering thanks. But the very best medicine for stress is a grateful mind. Here are some simple steps to take a dose of gratitude today. Step 1: When stressed, immediately stop and see what is going right today. The more stress we feel, the more we find things wrong. We can nip this at the bud and begin to consciously look and see what is good about the day. By taking your attention off the negativity, you are taking the energy and power away from it. As you change your focus you change your life. Step 2: Give thanks Make a list of each person in your life you have to thank for something. Then, stop, take a few minutes, call one person and offer thanks. Offering thanks is powerful. We forget about ourselves and think of the other. Not only is it uplifting to be in touch with them again, but the fact that we've focused upon giving to them and offered thanks to them, will turn your day around. (And theirs as well). Step 3: See a problem person in a new way. Usually, when we are stressed, we feel some person is causing to it. Find something valuable about the person who is bothering you. Remember the times they helped you, or cared for you. Think of ways they've made a contribution. Realize that your upset belongs to you, it is not necessarily because of them. Let them be who they are. Realize they are doing the best they can. Cc/author/2005 This article is based upon Dr. Brenda Shoshanna's new book Living By Zen (Timeless Truths for Everyday Life), http://www.livingbyzen.com Dr. Shoshanna is a psychologist, therapist in practice for over 25 years, a speaker, author and long term Zen practitioner. Her work integrates Zen and everyday life. The relationship expert on i.village.com, she is the author of She is also the author of Zen Miracles (Finding Peace In An Insane World), Zen And The Art Of Falling In Love, (Simon and Schuster) and many other books. She can be contacted at topspeaker@yahoo.com. Personal website is http://www.brendashoshanna.com
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Stress - What We Say is Half the Problem Everywhere I go, I hear the same unpleasant sentence repeated over and over again. I think it has to be one of the most frequently used sentences. What is it? - I am sooooo s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d. Combat Stress by Creating Your Own Oasis Stress and anxiety can prematurely age our mind and body. If not dealt with effectively, chronic stress and worrying can place undue strain upon our cardiovascular and immune systems. It can also make us prone to mood disorders and negatively affect our cognitive functions. Having a safe and comfortable place where we can relax and unwind can help improve our well-being and produce feelings of peace and tranquility. Beyond the Stress of Success - Access Your Thriving Zone Genuine enthusiasm...real feeling of accomplishment...sense of satisfaction and fun. Welcome to your thriving zone! Control Stress or It Will Control Your Business When we think about stress in the workplace, we usually refer to ulcers or heart conditions, but stress has a much broader impact. It is known that stress is linked to cancer, lung ailments, cirrhosis of the liver, immunity to common illnesses, back problems, and many other medical problems. 4 Steps to Teaching Your Family to Treat You Better Case #1- Elizabeth, a 40 year old homemaker was always feeling angry and "used" by her family, constantly saying that everybody took advantage of her. She felt that she worked like a slave but her family showed no appreciation or acknowledgement of her many efforts. Spontaneous Play "We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing." -unknown Balancing Acts: Keeping Work and Life in Equilibrium In the fast-paced world that we live in today, it seems as though it's hard to find enough time to do everything that needs to be done. Days at work are long, but too often don't seem to be long enough? we bring home what we can't finish and end up creating highly stressful situations for those around us. Even worse, it seems like medical science is constantly finding new problems that are caused by overworking and the stress that results from it. If only there were some way to reduce the effects of this stress and make life more work-friendly (and vice versa)? Everything You Always Wanted to Know About How to Get a Life, But Didnt Know Whom to Ask Question 1 I?m Gettin? Really Torqued! For those of you who have been living in a cave for most of your lives, you can translate the "torqued" in the heading of this article to "mad" or "angry". For today's discussion of anger, let's quantify the intensity of our focus with the words "downright, PO'd!" I think that's quite clear. Let's proceed. Children Playing - How Play Is Important To Kids And Adults You can learn a lot by watching children playing. There is no greater sight than to see children pretending to be superheroes or digging for treasure in a sandbox. To hear the laughter and see a child's excitement can bring a smile to any adult's face. An important part of a child's development is through play. A child's problem solving skills are developed through play. Children are able to work on relationships, build self-esteem and decrease their anger. In the course of a child's life adults usually teach children, but on the playground children can teach adults how to have fun. Unfortunately, some children had to grow up so fast that they never had the experience of play. When this happens, they often miss out on a healthy part of their development. These children often grow up to be adults who are more angry and depressed. Whether you are an adult who missed out on play as a child or an adult who lost site of the importance of play, take the time out of your busy day to watch children playing. By watching children play you can regain some of that fun, enabling you to see how carefree and fun life should be. To incorporate play in your life, think back to your childhood. * What did you do for fun? * Did you experience play or did you observe children playing? * Ask yourself how you can bring play into your adult life? If you are having difficulty in your life and are in need of a break just take the time out of your busy unrelenting day to watch children play. If you feel comfortable doing so, join in the fun. The stresses and strains of your daily life will just slip away. What is Stress? Stress is an interpretation of an event or circumstance which is understood to be a threat. It can be any force or pressure put on a system (living or nonliving) which may result in a need for the system to adapt or change. Stress on human beings is like a rubber band. You also stretch to meet the environment around you, the demands of your lifestyle, and the pressures you put on yourself. If pulled too far, stress manifests itself in real conditions mentally, physically, and emotionally. Like a rubber band breaks when stretched too far, human beings have a breaking point too. The secret is to learn how to handle stress in your life and avoid becoming over-stressed. Stress Managment and Mastery: Progress vs. Perfection David Bowie once sang, "Ch-ch-changes, tryin' to face the strain." Planning Stress Management Deadlines at work, demanding bosses, bills to be paid at home, kids demanding for time and attention, changes in the environment, etc. AAARRRRGH. These are the realities of everyday living that people in an industrialized world have to constantly contend with, if these factors are not handled properly this will lead to stress. 5 Steps to Stress Relief Take a moment to think about the week that just passed. Are your first thoughts of long hours at work, driving your kids to every kind of practice imaginable, hurrying to make dinner, clean the house, do laundry, vacuum and wash dishes? Is it any wonder that in today's busy world, more and more women suffer from stress-induced anxiety than ever before? Stress Buster Tip: Relax From The Weekday Stack! Everyday can be full of stress but we all deserve a break from life's daily deadlines. Whether you're at home or work we all need to take the time to unwind. Dealing with stress through simple relaxation exercises is a very effective and rewarding approach. I've put together a brief outline of some "Stress Busters" that can help you relax from the stressors we encounter everyday of every week. Stress Management Have you ever said the words, "This job/my life is so stressful!" Or something else along those lines? 10 Ways to Benchmark Workplace Stress With almost 50% of workers complaining that their jobs are very stressful, it is no surprise that more than two-thirds of all medical problems are stress related. 7 Solutions for Practical Stress Management Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. Self Indulgence: It Isn?t Just About Chocolate It's no secret that we women, by virtue of our genetic make-up I suppose, seem to feel it is necessary to be superwomen-simultaneously balancing the demands of managing a home, caring for children and aging parents, and usually working in a demanding profession. This syndrome, which was first labeled in the 1980s, continues 20-some years later despite zillions of articles and talk shows discussing it. Stress Management and Mastery: 3 Powerful Tools to Beat Stress Q: We recently had someone come to our company to talk about stress management. All he did was talk about the physical results of stress and tell us we need to not be so stressed and to relax. It really wasn't very helpful, and I was wondering if you could offer some tips on how to handle stress. ![]() |
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