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Break Up Your Day And Become More Productive
Often, in today's fast paced world, we forget to take a break during our working day. We simply figure we will get much more done if we eat on the run, have less or no breaks, and work more hours. The real truth, though, is that this is counter productive and ruins the health of those trying to cram more into their day. Quality of work deteriorates and often people succumb to illness due to lack of focused physical activity and poor diet normally brought on by consumption of convenience food. I regularly hear the same old argument as to why these people cannot become more physically active. Lack of time! They say forty-five minutes in a gym is not possible or practical. While, in the long term, what they require is a life style change if they want to enjoy good health as they get older, in the short term such people need instantly accessible methods to de-stress and do some good for themselves physically. If they can do just five minutes twice a day initially it is a start. Perhaps once they experience the benefits of such short sessions they may well be encouraged to integrate more physical activity into their lives. If you are feeling stressed at work (or at any time) and you feel yourself flagging try this simple breathing exercise to unwind and recharge your batteries, mentally and physically. 1.Get comfortable and inhale to a count of three. 2.Breathe deep into your body and feel your stomach expand with your palms placed gently on it. 3.Exhale for a count of six and feel your stomach, this time gently squeezing inwards, eliminating air from your body. 4.As you exhale allow the stresses of the day to leave your mind and body also. 5.Repeat ten times slowly. Congratulations. You've just done something positive for your internal health and stress levels simply by focusing on your breath and body! © Tim Webb 2005 Tim Webb is a fitness instructor, Ju Jutsu instructor and competitor. He specialises in easily accessible deep breathing exercises that combine breath and mind together. His site http://www.breathforsuccess.com/ offers a product that provides deep breathing exercises for invigorating yourself, relaxing, and highlights how your breath can be tied in with your goals to move you towards them in record time!
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Reclaim Your Life - Extraordinary Self-Care Day When was the last time you took a day just for yourself? If you're a small business owner or anyone else for that matter, you answer is probably never. I first learned the principal; of Extraordinary Self-care Day at a workshop given by my friend Terri Levine the author of Work Yourself Happy. Essentially an Extraordinary Self-care Day is taking one 24-hour period where you take care of yourself. You do no work at all. I know, I can hear your protest. I protested too when I first heard this idea "But you don't understand, I have to check my voicemail, I have to return phone calls, I have to answer my emails and on and on." I protested in my very best entrepreneurial voice. The truth is any of us can take a day for ourselves without consequence. Believe it or not, the world will keep spinning. Calls will wait as will email. Stress Management: 4 Steps to Massive Stress Relief by Having Fun Over the years I've collected scores of comics and cartoons about marriage, families, stress and change. There is just something about a good comic strip that can many times explain something much better than I can. Stress Management and Mastery: Breakdown or Breakthrough? Q: "My career, though very very stressful, is one that I thoroughly enjoy and do not want to change. Because I'm under so much stress, my counselor has recommended that I eliminate all stress from my life. This doesn't seem to make sense to me, especially since I like what I do so much. Should I quit my job, or is there something else I can do?" Beyond the Stress of Success - Access Your Thriving Zone Genuine enthusiasm...real feeling of accomplishment...sense of satisfaction and fun. Welcome to your thriving zone! Overwhelm: Love It or Leave It! Amazing thing, overwhelm! How to Cope When Things Go Wrong There are times in every person's life when things do not go according to the way we would like. All of us have our ups and downs. These can consist of periods of poor health, emotional problems, financial struggles, relationship challenges, accidents and the like. Stress Managment: Worry is the Prescription for an Ulcer Have you ever listened to someone, perhaps even to your self, talk about being worried? You'll hear things like, "I'm so worried", "I'm worried sick", or as my mom used to tell me, "You worry me to death!" Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal Strategy Why do we resist change? As the saying goes, the only people who like change are busy cashiers and wet babies. We find change disorienting, creating within us an anxiety similar to culture shock, the unease visitors to an alien land feel because of the absence of the familiar cues they took for granted back home. With an established routine, we don't have to think! And thinking is hard work. Stress Management and Mastery: The Power of REST Rest. Stress Management: How to Take Off Those Masks We Wear The Mask of "I've Got It All Together" Spontaneous Play "We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing." -unknown Panic Is No Laughing Matter Burt Reynolds revealed his vulnerable side when he realized he was being steered into marriage. One day while browsing the furniture department with his would-be bride, he suddenly collapsed onto a bed and doubled into the protective fetal form. Moments later, he was sucking oxygen through a brown paper bag, his eyes wide and darting. Stress Management and Mastery: Frustration or Fascination "Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life than you will by being frustrated by it." _Jim Rohn Stress and Time Management STRESS & TIME MANAGEMENT: Stress is either the source or the catalyst for many emotional and physical disorders, all of which can lead to absenteeism on the job. It is a major factor in the whopping $125 billion America spends on health care for employees - a figure that will rise 15 percent this year. According to the American Medical Association, it is estimated that 93 to 96 percent of all psychological and physiological diseases and disorders are stress related. The situation is complicated further by the fact that not all stress is harmful. Complete elimination of stress eliminates the drive to succeed. The ideal situation is to maintain the creative stress - realistic deadlines, the chance for advancement and recognition, the sense of challenge - and eliminate the stress born out of frustration; the undue stress that saps energy. Stress & Burnout: The Adrenal Factor How to Say No and Let Go of Stress It was one of the first words you learned to say and you used it at every opportunity. Until someone convinced you that you couldn't, or shouldn't. How To Put An End To Loneliness Loneliness and separation are the real illness of our times. While we urgently need true communication, instead we often find withdrawal, games and lies. This is so widespread it is taken as the norm. So often we come away from one another filled with misunderstanding, wondering what really went on. Although we may not realize it, this confusion arises because we do not know who we really are or who the person we are with is either. Stress And Anxiety - Take Charge Of It! Have you ever noticed what occurs when you are suddenly thrown into a high tension situation? Create Reserves for a Stress Free Life One of the ways I have avoided a lot of stress the last two years is to have a stockpile of birthday and all occasion greetings cards in my filing cabinet. When you work at home like I do, you try to have the least interruptions to your day as possible. These cards have saved the day on many occasions. I get them when I am out shopping, I look for the ones I love and sometimes I am able to make the most of sales and cut price items by buying them in bulk. Of course I make sure I also have a big reserve of stamps to go with them. Stress Management: How to Use the Power of Focus Here's a fun little experiment: ![]() |
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