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Is A Career a Calling or ChoiceMichelle L. Casto, M.Ed. How much of our career path is destiny and how much is free will In my opinion, it is 50/50. We are given a life map at the beginning of our lives, and there are things we are meant to learn, people we are meant to meet, work we are meant to perform. But many of us are not tuned into ourselves and the signs that are presented to us. We often miss important information, and miss out on those lessons, people, and jobs. The use of free will comes about when we are presented with options. Choices are really curves in our path. We can choose to take the long route, or the quicker, easier route. No path is better, it just impacts how quickly we move along our route, but remember: when climbing the mountain of self discovery, taking the long, hard, scenic route can be a rather enjoyable, enlightening experience. Confucius once said, “Choose a career you love and you will never work another day in your life.” If you think about this, what a different experience we could have in our work lives. If we actually loved the work we were doing, it wouldn’t seem so much like our traditional concept of work drudgery/pain. Think about it! How many jobs have you had that you dreaded going to What are some of the differences between a job, a career, and your life’s work Let’s define it. A job is something you get paid to do money is the primary motivation. It is easy to perform because there is not much challenge, and you will eventually find other work to do. It may or may not fully engage you. Spirit may or may not be present. A career is something you get paid to do that is viewed as a profession status or identity is the motivation. It may provide more challenge, but after a while, you may get burned out, and choose to stop doing it. It may or may not fully engage you. Spirit may or may not be present. Your life’s work is something you do whether you get paid for it or not your soul’s need for expression is the motivation. There is plenty of challenge and personal meaning. You will always want to do it. It definitely fully engages you. Spirit is present. Remember that a job can get you started toward your life’s work. In fact, jobs provide the very important element of exposure to different kinds of industries. Take for example, a woman who started out working in a department store as a clerk, who moved into a management position, and finally created her life’s work as an independent contractor who trains others in customer service skills. Get Smart! If everyone in the world could create their life’s work and they can!—if everyone could find what they were meant to do in life, how much happier and fulfilled we all would be!
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The ‘Stand-Out’ Principle Think for a moment about all the people you know that Stand Out from their peers. What is a Career Anyway A career is the sum total of all of your work-related contributions to society in a lifetime. This includes time and effort spent to provide goods, services, or benefit to others. A career includes paid, un-paid, volunteer, part-time, and full-time positions. Your career includes many life roles you may not think of: student, homemaker, babysitter, office worker, doctor, lawyer, etc. A career encompasses all the roles you play and duties you perform. You may have many jobs or positions that make up your career, but you only have one overall career. There are various career options in the modern world of work: Self-Employed, Organization Employed, or Project-Employed. 7 Solutions for Practical Stress Management Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. How Appetizing is Your Feedback Recently, I was watching a rerun of the successful television show, The Cosby Show. The patriarch of this professional family He is a doctor and his wife is a lawyer. played by Bill Cosby, was just told by his college-bound daughter that the boyfriend she brought home to meet him was really her fiancé. He was disappointed with the news. Disappointed not in the young man or what he did he was a “maintenance engineer”, but in the way he was told about this engagement. Set Yourself Stress-Free Stress in our personal and professional lives is ever changing and constantly on the rise. Everyday we’re expected to do more and more with less and less - less resources, less energy and less time. In order to master the ability to manage stress, it’s important to first remove one of the biggest obstacles that stands between chaos and calm - SELF. Often we are one of the biggest contributors to the calamity and chaos we experience in our lives. Stress management is the recognition that life is all about the choices we make. Starting today, choose to take control and follow these simple tips to help you lead a stress-less lifestyle. The Greatest Gift of All – The Gift of Empowerment During the year, a variety of celebrations – birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions – call for a gift of some kind. We sometimes work ourselves into a frenzy trying to come up with the “perfect gift.” The “perfect gift” is one that doesn’t wind up in the bottom of a drawer or a gift receipt because no one in his/her right mind would return it after all it’s perfect. Or have you ever received a gift and couldn’t wait for the return counter to open Busy Fish: Tips for Changing Your Day from Chaos to Calm Syndicated columnist Dale Dauten recently wrote, “One of life’s great joys that we’ve lost is that of the empty day, a day given over to quiet, to reading and contemplation. Our planners and PDAs give the illusion of importance and of being in control.” A beautiful statement but what Dale doesn’t acknowledge is that we’ve become such slaves to busyness and mental stimulation that spending “a day given over to quite” would drive most of us mad! It would be nothing short of a drug detox. How Important Is It To Stand Apart From Others In An Interview And How Difficult Is It Q: How important is it to stand apart from others in an interview and how difficult is it 5 Steps to Adjusting Your Expectations Dateline: January 4th. Orange County Anger Management class participants review anger triggers of the week. The Cat in the Hat Will Help You Get Your Point Dr. Seusss "The Cat in the Hat" Will Help You Get Your Point Across! Yes you can, here is the Plan Copyright © 2004 Ed Sykes. All rights reserved It’s the Most Wonderful Gift of the Year It’s the most wonderful time of the year. As we deck the halls and fill the malls, we’re filled with anticipation, joy, and excitement. The holiday season is upon us, and it’s a special time we choose to show our appreciation and share our love with the special people in our lives. However, with all of the joy the holidays bring, this still tends to be one of the most stressful times of the year. Why Change Your Inner Conversations to Control Your Anger Every Holiday season Vicki found herself angry and silently seething at her older sister, Susie, and mother as they were merrily chatting about Susie’s successful life. Five Leadership Secrets for Challenging Times We consistently face new and ever growing challenges in the workplace such as reorganizing, downsizing, and “left out sizing.” We are faced with the question, “How do we lead in this storm of change” It may seem difficult at times and the decisions we make define our short-term and long- term outcomes. I will share with you five leadership techniques guaranteed to keep you on track during these difficult times. Whats with my Hair Falling Out ! “Yeeee gads! My hair is falling out!” This is a cry that can affect your whole family for long, awkward moments. What is it with your hair Is it gone forever 4 Steps to Assertive Communication “Dr. Fiore,” my 42 year old married patient Mary began, “once again my family expects me to host Christmas dinner and I am simply too exhausted; what should I do” Stress Strategy: Flex Your Spiritual Muscles In his book, Stress Without Distress, Dr. Selye suggests that a person’s interpretation of stress is not dependent solely on an external event, but also depends upon the perception of the event and the meaning he or she assigns it. So, how you look at a situation determines if you will respond to it as threatening or challenging. Anger and Your Health: How Your Outlook Influences Health and Your Ability to Control Anger The situation: Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist the glass is half-empty, while Anthony is an optimist the glass is half-full. These outlooks influence how they experience similar situations. Success Tips for Small Business Owners Running a small business requires many skills. However, to do this successfully you need to organize yourself first. Avoid procrastination - read the following and take action. 21st Century Career Success When it comes to modern career development, one thing we can all count on is change. With the advent of technology, telecommuting, and E-commerce, how work is performed is in a state of reinvention. Self-employment and small business development will become more the norm than big business. And career changes will be more frequent due to rapidly changing organizations and industries. Finally, the line between one’s personal and professional life will become even more blurred. Since the modern world of work is rapidly changing to keep up with the demands of our fast-paced lives and lifestyles, here are some characteristics of what the new work contract will look like: Seeking more meaning from work. Equating “career success” with personal satisfaction over paycheck or status. Everyone will need their own “name-brand.” Increased use of technology. Finding work that needs doing. Changing in the way management and leadership is conducted less arrogance at the top level, more power on lower levels. Increased need for networking and self-marketing. Lifelong “trying on” of various roles, jobs, and industries. Creating a plan that is flexible, and continually assessing the “fit” of the work. Increased representation of women and minorities in the workforce. Changing career fields numerous times in a lifetime. Self-responsibility: Everyone knowing they have to chart their own career direction. However, the 21st century career also offers many advantages: More career opportunities for everyone. Freedom to choose from a variety of jobs, tasks, and assignments. More flexibility in how and where work is performed, i.e. working from home or telecommuting. More control over your own time. Greater opportunity to express yourself through your work. Ability to shape and reshape your life’s work in accordance with your values and interests. Increased opportunity to develop other skills by working in various industries and environments. Self-empowerment mindset. Allows you to create situations or positions where you can fill a need in the world that is not being filled. Opportunity to present yourself as an independent contractor or vendor with services to offer. Develop Your Childs Critical Thinking Skills 1. Encourage Questions. ![]() |
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