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Why Not Live Vicariously Through YourselfPaul Shearstone Reality programming appears to be all the rage today. Survivor, Sex & the City, Desperate Housewives and the Donald’s You’re Fired; they’re on all the major networks. It seems we can’t get enough of it. Why do you think that is …………………………………….. Reality programming serves as a medium for many people to live vicariously through others. Who among us has not watched an episode of Survivor and said, “I think I could win that game!” Moreover, how many women or interior designers have giggled at what those ‘liberated gals’ on Sex and the City say – and seemingly get away with. Ooooh.. They’re so hip and they all appear to have it sooo together. [Insert reality groan here.] On a basic human level, every one of us share similar motivations. For example, we all would like to be Successful. It’s a common belief that if we can achieve Success, we can achieve Happiness. With success and happiness, we can achieve ‘Anything’. Great words! Other words conceivably more apropos to this are, Blah-Blah-Blah! Despite how we might prevail in a Survivor immunity challenge or whether Jessica Parker’s antics are real, are in the end, moot. What is real is our basic human desire to feel like a winner [Successful] even if it’s done artificially or vicariously through others. No one is suggesting that this is all bad, just simply a fact. Here is another. Most people, not unlike most Companies,
How many parents Say to their children that drinking and driving is totally unacceptable Nevertheless, on the odd occasion, the same parents Do drink and drive because they Think that - at least under those rare circumstances - their actions can be justified After all, they weren’t that dangerous….were they And they did get home safe. So thankfully, that is/was okay. How many companies have mission statements in their foyer that Say, “Customers First”, and Think everything they do corporately, is customer-focused, but make a practice of Doing everything and anything possible to please shareholders Sycophants yes! But to whom Another observation: Most people are driven by their own insecurity. One need not be a psychotherapist to understand the challenges people face with their own private demons. Smokers know cigarettes are bad, want to quit, but Do the opposite. They’ll make a point, however, to purchase the Patch or Nicorette gum knowing it probably won’t work but remain satisfied that they exude the ‘appearance’ of doing the right thing - if only to themselves. Food for others engenders similar activity. Diet in public - gorge in private. We could go on. We could also acknowledge the fact that for many, insecurity can illicit positive results Fear is an excellent, universal motivator. It puts the brakes on for some and lights a fire under others. An example might be Donald Trump. He ‘legitimately’ bills himself as an extraordinarily successful businessman while at the same time bankrupting nearly all of his casino operations - negatively affecting countless hardworking individuals. One cannot argue his talent or success, and still be acutely aware of how tenuous his day-to-day circumstances really are. At any time, his house of cards could crumble. The emperor would then have no clothes. Suffice to speculate, insecurity may make the Donald run. More importantly, it also may make people like the Donald excel. Why People who are not afraid of their own potential are those most likely to succeed The flipside to people out-of-sync with internal Thoughts, Beliefs and Actions, are often individuals instinctively aware of their own shortcomings and potential. They accept the fact that no one is without limitations and the amazing thing is, that does not faze them. In some cases, it actually Motivates them. Saying to individuals like these, “You’ll never make it!” or, “You don’t have what it takes!” provides the spark that immediately lights the fuse, emboldening in them, a passion and desire to succeed - ignoring any limitations - to prove you wrong. So many high-achievers answer the question, “Why did you do it” with, “Because they said I couldn’t!” The important lesson here is it demonstrates, without question, the possibility for any of us to change the way we Think. This in turn, dramatically influences what we Do or to be more precise, bring what we Do more in line with what we Say and Think. By living vicariously through one’s self is simply a process for balancing-out the three human behavioral factors that govern who we really are and where we’re likely headed. We learn to re-evaluate and buy in to our own situations and potential. Most people find the delta between what we Think and what we Say are closer than what we actually Do. In a way, that is good news because it clearly demonstrates we are two-thirds the way there. The more in sync thoughts and talk become, the stronger the motivation to follow through with actions in keeping with what we Say and Think. Bottom Line: The outcome for individuals who live vicariously through themselves is greater focus, success and accomplishment. In so doing, they paradoxically become the icon for the less successful, to live Vicariously through.
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Whats with my Hair Falling Out ! “Yeeee gads! My hair is falling out!” This is a cry that can affect your whole family for long, awkward moments. What is it with your hair Is it gone forever Stress Management: A Self Help Guide There have been many words written about stress management, though many people do not realize that it can be managed. In fact, stress is a scary thing but it is also a self-creating thing. The more stress you feel, the less able you are to deal with the things that are stressing you, causing the stress to increase. This is a vicious cycle and the key to stress management is to not get into it in the first place. How do you do that Well, there are many ways. Like it or not…You’re in SALES! Mention the word sales or salesman and two out of three people get a little clammy under the skin. “I hate sales people and I could never do what they do!” is what many say at the mere thought of having to sell something. How wrong they are. Five Leadership Secrets for Challenging Times We consistently face new and ever growing challenges in the workplace such as reorganizing, downsizing, and “left out sizing.” We are faced with the question, “How do we lead in this storm of change” It may seem difficult at times and the decisions we make define our short-term and long- term outcomes. I will share with you five leadership techniques guaranteed to keep you on track during these difficult times. The Greatest Gift of All – The Gift of Empowerment During the year, a variety of celebrations – birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions – call for a gift of some kind. We sometimes work ourselves into a frenzy trying to come up with the “perfect gift.” The “perfect gift” is one that doesn’t wind up in the bottom of a drawer or a gift receipt because no one in his/her right mind would return it after all it’s perfect. Or have you ever received a gift and couldn’t wait for the return counter to open Stress and Depression are Killing Us! A short generation ago, families could set their watch by the time the father got home from work each day. My dad always walked through the front door at precisely 6 PM and supper was served at 6:10. We’d all sit around the table discussing the events of the day and then go out on the street to spend time with the neighbors when the kitchen chores were done. Show Your Customers You Care I recently went to a major computer/electronics store to buy an expensive software package. I felt good that I was able to find the software at a substantial discount. But by the time I was through paying for my purchase I never wanted to come back to the store again. Leave Your “Buts” Behind for Great Customer Service How many times have you heard something similar to this in a customer service situation Anger and Your Health: How Your Outlook Influences Health and Your Ability to Control Anger The situation: Jane and Anthony have differing ways of viewing the world. Jane is a pessimist the glass is half-empty, while Anthony is an optimist the glass is half-full. These outlooks influence how they experience similar situations. To Hell In A Handbasket; Men Who Crash And Burn What’s up with men Why do we push our bodies to extremes Why do we so often ignore our body’s signals that we’re doing too much, going too fast, trying too hard Why do we indulge in excess, and constantly exceed our” envelope of tolerance” Getting Back to Basics: A Customer Service Tale One hot summer day my daughter and I ventured to our local craft store with one mission in mind – purchase velvet covered coloring panels called fuzzy boards. Little did we know this simple trip would turn into such an adventure. The ‘Stand-Out’ Principle Think for a moment about all the people you know that Stand Out from their peers. What is Stress What is Stress Eating Healthy in a Time-Starved World Americans are literally running out of time. Achieving a work-life balance, which is still a luxury for tens of millions of working parents, has been overtaken by an even greater demand: a work-life-nutrition balance. Unfortunately, this increasing demand for nutrition has not been accompanied by a useful strategy that enables people to reclaim time from their harried lives. 21st Century Career Success When it comes to modern career development, one thing we can all count on is change. With the advent of technology, telecommuting, and E-commerce, how work is performed is in a state of reinvention. Self-employment and small business development will become more the norm than big business. And career changes will be more frequent due to rapidly changing organizations and industries. Finally, the line between one’s personal and professional life will become even more blurred. Since the modern world of work is rapidly changing to keep up with the demands of our fast-paced lives and lifestyles, here are some characteristics of what the new work contract will look like: Seeking more meaning from work. Equating “career success” with personal satisfaction over paycheck or status. Everyone will need their own “name-brand.” Increased use of technology. Finding work that needs doing. Changing in the way management and leadership is conducted less arrogance at the top level, more power on lower levels. Increased need for networking and self-marketing. Lifelong “trying on” of various roles, jobs, and industries. Creating a plan that is flexible, and continually assessing the “fit” of the work. Increased representation of women and minorities in the workforce. Changing career fields numerous times in a lifetime. Self-responsibility: Everyone knowing they have to chart their own career direction. However, the 21st century career also offers many advantages: More career opportunities for everyone. Freedom to choose from a variety of jobs, tasks, and assignments. More flexibility in how and where work is performed, i.e. working from home or telecommuting. More control over your own time. Greater opportunity to express yourself through your work. Ability to shape and reshape your life’s work in accordance with your values and interests. Increased opportunity to develop other skills by working in various industries and environments. Self-empowerment mindset. Allows you to create situations or positions where you can fill a need in the world that is not being filled. Opportunity to present yourself as an independent contractor or vendor with services to offer. “What Can I Do To Improve My Job-Interviewing Skills” Whether you’re a student job seeker or a polished and proven executive, the first thing you must come to terms with is, “Regardless of the position you seek, you are now in sales!” The product you are selling is YOU! The interview is your opportunity to differentiate yourself in the eyes of your customer [the interviewer] when compared to your competitors [other job applicants]. Set Yourself Stress-Free Stress in our personal and professional lives is ever changing and constantly on the rise. Everyday we’re expected to do more and more with less and less - less resources, less energy and less time. In order to master the ability to manage stress, it’s important to first remove one of the biggest obstacles that stands between chaos and calm - SELF. Often we are one of the biggest contributors to the calamity and chaos we experience in our lives. Stress management is the recognition that life is all about the choices we make. Starting today, choose to take control and follow these simple tips to help you lead a stress-less lifestyle. Go Ahead… Toss the Starfish! There is an old story that tells of a man walking along a beach when up ahead in the distance, he catches sight of another man acting strangely. As he gets closer, he notices the man is picking things up from the sand and throwing them into the water. Success Tips for Small Business Owners Running a small business requires many skills. However, to do this successfully you need to organize yourself first. Avoid procrastination - read the following and take action. 7 Solutions for Practical Stress Management Stress is amazingly persistent, even seductive. We get used to feeling tight and tense. Though positive thinking has its place, unless it is backed up by practical wisdom it tends to get overwhelmed and fade away. ![]() |
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