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Structured Settlements Information |
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What is a Structured Settlement
A Structured Settlement is an agreement between a personal injury victim ( a Plaintiff ) and an Insurance company ( the Defendant )to compensate the Plaintiff by the defendant with long term periodicpayments instead of a single cash lump sum. Payments can be tailored to each individual plaintiffs needs, to help meet expenses such as on-going medical and living expenses, education, children needs & support etc' The fixed annuity payments are tax-free to the claimant, a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) feature is available, that can help offset the effects of inflation over time, payments can continue as long as the claimant lives thus providing him the maximum benefits. Structured settlements are encouraged by plaintiffs lawyers, Courts, Insurance companies and the legislators alike as they all agree it is the best solution to all parties involved especially for the claimant. If you just been injured and need help and advice on how to file a claim, what are the exact forms you need to fill out and how to go about it without it costing you an arm and a leg in legal fees,Let a very experienced paralegal specializing in personal injury claims, guide you with a step by step process and save a bundle of money. Hear what she has to say at: Settle-Your-Own-Injury-Claim. The annuity can be transformed in part or in full to a cash lump sum via private funds and should be approved by the Court. The funds are most interested to make these deals as they are very profitable to them because they take the long term tax free payments and in exchange pay the annuity holder much less than the face value but in cash. These same funds are handling Lottery winners long term payments into one single lump sum as well as all kinds services of cash against future payments. MBA - International Trade & Finance - Heriot-Watt University. Bsc. Computers and Information Systems - Long Island University - C.W Post Campus. Married with two Children. http://annuity-structured-settlements.blogspot.com/
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Investing in Structured Settlements Often some derelict will be awarded some huge amount of money from a noble company due to a run away jury in a Kangaroo Court. Since many times the company paying the money out agrees on a structured over time settlement, the plaintiff of course is a lowly human and has lots of desires for riches and he has little if any cranial capacity to understand the enormous gift the courts have grated him as our nation turns in to a socialist quagmire of re-distributing wealth to those who do not deserve it. Yes a few have been damaged and do deserve something, but usually not. If you disagree with that, you are wrong and I am right. Unstructured Settlement Me'Lisa Delaney, 43, is brain-injured as a result of a 1984 medical error that caused a stroke during surgery. The hospital agreed to settle via a structured settlement, as overseen by a county conservatorship. Offshore Asset Protection Trusts for US Citizens When it comes to discussing offshore anything and US citizens - from offshore trusts to investments, from offshore banking to company incorporation - it's important to note the following facts: - Structured Settlement as an Investment Vehicle You always hear people talking about the latest investment vehicle they're using. It's water cooler talk, dinner table talk, phone talk, it's everywhere talk. People are always looking for a way to invest their money that might be a little 'different' from what others are doing. Buying a structured settlement is one of those options. Surviving High Debt States Are you more likely to have more debt according to what state you live in? In a recent report done by Experian on the debt averages per state, the answer is yes! The report, compiled from approximately 3 million consumers nationwide, shows that the North East states of New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island have the highest average overall debt in the nation of $16,845, $15,314 and $14,643. The report measures overall debt of a consumer; everything present on a credit report, including credit cards and installment debts but excluding mortgage debt. Massachusetts, Maine and Delaware also followed closely behind the top three. Making Backwards Choices I was reading this past week about a woman who lost 170 lbs in 9 months by eating backwards. She had breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast. She lost the weight without leaning on a typical diet plan. Her result, losing 170lbs, has lasted ten years. It's not so much the weight loss that caught my attention, but the fact that she took responsibility for change in her life. What is a Structured Settlement A Structured Settlement is an agreement between a personal injury victim ( a Plaintiff ) and an Insurance company ( the Defendant )to compensate the Plaintiff by the defendant with long term periodicpayments instead of a single cash lump sum. When Should You Not Cash Out Your Annuity? You should not cash out your annuity when it's not in your best interest. Here are 3 reasons it might not be in your best interest; it's too soon, you don't have a good enough reason, it will cost you too much. Every day someone cashes out their annuity or settlement when it might not have been in their best interest. It's an easy mistake to make when the call of money and burden of financial stress is weighing heavily on you. But read carefully and maybe you can avoid digging the hole deeper. What is Structured Settlement? Because it is tailor-made for individual cases, the structure may also include some immediate payment to cover special damages. The payment is usually made through purchase of an annuity from a Life Insurance Company. Subcontractor A trade contractor such as a roofer who usually subcontracts with a general contractor. Subrogation Once a company has paid a loss for which someone other than the policyholder is responsible, it may have the right to recover this loss. A Structured Lawsuit Settlement Seemed Like a Good Idea at One Time You are receiving payments spread out over months, years, even a lifetime. It's great when the money arrives but the payments are often too small or too spread out to really satisfy your needs. Careful research could yield more of your cash faster. There are some half dozen financial institutions with the knowledge and resources to effectively advance your future lawsuit payments.While the rewards are obvious, the risks are not so easily understood. Once you identify an annuity buyout funding source, consult your attorney for an explanation of the legal requirements. Consider a Structured Settlement? Structured settlements have been around for a long time however their popularity has steadily increased over the past 6 years. In 1999 only 7% of insurance settlements that were under $7,000 were completed as structured settlements. While we don't have hard data for the current year, the number is much higher now. The Cash Now Question If you have ever been in a bind for cash you know the stress, the weight of not being able to pay your bills. In these desperate times, desperate measures are often taken. Expensive loans, overused credit cards, and a snowball of events quickly complicate your financial position. Once the collectors begin their relentless pursuit of your sanity, the road to financial prosperity seems a million miles away. On the scene arrives your hero, the "Cash Now" guy. Keeping the Lawsuit End in Mind 2 key points to stay focused on, as you are settling your lawsuit; a quick and fair settlement and consideration for current and future needs. The process of settling a lawsuit can be a tedious and mysterious event. Relying on your busy attorney to keep you informed can be an exercise in frustration. The entire process can seem as slow as molasses. Compounding the pain could be the financial and emotional difficulties caused by the source of the lawsuit itself. What is a Trust and what are the Benefits? Trusts are becoming a popular way to structure business and personal affairs. If you are considering using a trust in any way, you should be clear on the legal obligations and the relationships involved. Always make sure you obtain proper advice before setting up a trust. Most lawyers are proficient in this area, but it is still advisable to talk to a legal advisor specialising in this area. The Cost of Not Having Money The self-esteem factor of not having enough money is underestimated. You know what I mean don't you? The agony of financially struggling and the ecstasy of financial abundance are dramatically different moments in a person's life. And I for one would choose the abundance over the struggling any day. Structured Settlements Are Like Ants Ants are powerful creatures. The powerful ant legs are able to lift 20 times their body weight, and run the equivalent of a man running as fast as a racehorse. Structured Settlements are strong agreements that turn an agreement to pay a plaintiff into an ironclad guaranteed structured award. Structured Settlements Offer Advantages over Lump-Sum Payments A structured settlement, which offers injury victims cash payments through a long-term annuity as compensation for their damages and medical expenses, offer a number of possible advantages over payment in a lump sum. While the lump sum payment is the traditional way for responsible parties to pay accident claims, the structured settlement offers payments over the span of an agreed-upon period of time. This length of time may span from several years up to the remainder of the life of the injured party, depending on the severity of the accident, the amount of money involved, and the agreement reached between the two parties. Depending on the specific circumstances of the case, structured settlements can have numerous advantages over a lump-sum payment: They are tax free. Thanks to a 1982 change in the Federal tax code, payments on a structured settlement are free of state and Federal taxes. The paying party funds the settlement through the purchase of an annuity which earns the interest to fund the continued payments. This is not the case with a lump-sum payment, which the injured party must invest themselves. Any interest earned on those investments are taxable. They are potentially safer. Most people who come into a large sum of money suddenly find that they are quite popular with long-lost relatives, unscrupulous purveyors of investment schemes, and good, old-fashioned thieves. By receiving payments in substantially smaller amounts, the beneficiaries of a structured settlement have far fewer worries about having others take advantage of them, which could leave them both poor and without adequate medical care. They are simply less trouble. It's difficult enough to adjust to changes in your life if you are seriously injured without having to also take the new responsibility of investing and managing a large sum of money. Not only must you invest the money, but you must invest it wisely, knowing that it must continue to fund your living and/or health care expenses. The regular payments of a structured settlement, along with their tax-free status, simplify day to day living considerably.While they are not ideal for everyone, particularly those who are experienced investors or those who need a large sum of money at once for immediate medical expenses or the purchase of a home, structured settlements can offer a simpler, safer payment solution for many people who are victims of an accident or injury. Structured Settlement Factoring Have you received a structured settlement recently? A structured settlement can be a good thing if you have been a victim of malfeasance, have been severely injured or can no longer physically work. Structured settlements will help you pay bills. But what do you do if you have a structured settlement, which is coming your way and you really have decided that you might prefer to have the cash instead? Well, if this is the case you are in luck because there are companies, which will buy your structured settlement for a discounted price? Should You Sell Your Structured Settlement? The courts have just awarded you a settlement in the amount of $1.3 million dollars for injuries you sustained while using the Widget Corporation's product. However, the terms of the settlement require that Widget pay you a small amount right now, with the remaining funds to be dispersed over the next 20 years. This "structured settlement" works fine for some people, but you have medical bills that need to be paid now. What can you do about it? Answer: you can sell your structured settlement and receive additional cash now. If This Describes You, Dont Cash out Your Annuity There are companies that purchase future payments. Personal injury settlements are often structured to pay out over time. As are a portion of lottery wins, paid via an annuity over a period of 20 or more years. There are companies, under the authority of state and federal regulations, that will accelerate future payments and pay out a lump sum of cash now. ![]() |
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