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Ganoderma Herbal Supplements ? Natures Gift to Humanity
Use of herbs and herbal therapies has been an integral part of the Asian life and culture from time immemorial. China, India and Japan have their distinct herbal therapies, which have been effectively used to prevent and cure many ailments and disease. The use of herbs and herbal nutritional supplements has now been widely accepted by the western society. It is surprising and ironical that West is now embracing herbal therapies with enthusiasm while east is more inclined more towards contemporary medicine. In this context, perhaps ganoderma is one herbal product that has held its pre-eminent importance in the pharmacopoeia of China and Japan. With increasing research and clinical trials proving its efficacy in a wide range of disease prevention and control, west has shown a keen interest in this mysterious herb. Ganoderma is not just a nutritional supplement but a miraculous herb for its health giving properties and an anti-aging natural food that actually help prevent as well as help reverse many diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, cardiac problems to mention a few of the major ones where clinical trials have consistently established its efficacy. Traditionally, ganoderma grew in dense humid forests on fallen trees in the ratio of 3 to 4 trees out of maybe ten thousand. The Chinese kings sought them out and only the royalty had the access to the rare mushrooms. With the passage of time and the highest degree of curative properties ascribed to the ganoderma by the traditional Chinese medicinal textbooks, research for growing the rare mushrooms began in earnest in China and Japan. Cultivation of ganodrma has been attempted for centuries with least success due to the complexity of the environment and nutrient required to grow the ganoderma mushrooms. During 1970 breakthrough was made by a noted Japanese researcher Yukio Naoi of Kyoto University in growing the ganoderma. Since then the ganoderma mushroom began to be grown in quantity and quality but not enough to meet the demand yet. Another Noteworthy contribution to growing ganoderma has been by Dr. Lim Siow Jin a well know researcher and originator of Ganotherapy. He perfected the growing of Ganoderma in a controlled environment. He is a recognized authority on this unique herb and its health giving properties. The main properties of ganoderma as herbal and nutritional supplements It is the best adaptogen known to man and works on the cellular level. It is not disease specific but health specific and works in balancing the body functions, removes toxins and overall retards the aging process. Ganoderma is classified as a food supplement by most countries, so there is no dosage restriction and can be had in any quantity without side effects. It is also suitable for consumption for all ages from a newborn baby to the most invalid or aged persons with visible improvements in health. This is also perhaps the only single herbal source, which is rich in medicinal components such as Polysaccharides, Organic Germanium, Adenosine, triterpenoids and ganoderic essence. Ganoderma is non-toxic and non-addictive. The Ganoderma herb does not interact with other lines of treatment. It complements the same. Many leading universities and research institutions are working to establish the efficacy of ganodermas curative properties with clinical trials. The internet has made available an abundance of research papers and details of clinical trials for those interested. However, it is difficult for the extensive commercialization of ganoderma as a prescription drug due to it being an herb and a plant source which pharmaceutical companies may not be able to patent. Leaving out the medicinal issues, ganoderma is undoubtedly a herb that needs to be part of every persons diet as an excellent nutritional supplement and a preventive herb for the many health hazards faced by the modern society. This article is copyright © of R.G. Srinivasan a Certified Trainer, Small Business Consultant, Writer and Author. He is a strong proponent of a holistic lifestyle and alternate health practices. Check out his site at http://globalhealthnetwork.tripod.com
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The Liquid Vitamin Supplement Not many years ago the liquid vitamin supplement was unheard of. I remember the advent of the pills years ago and later on the capsule. With constant competition for market share a new and improved product the liquid vitamin supplement surfaced. The Importance of Taking a Multivitamin Supplement It's absolutely crucial that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function effectively and efficiently. The daily stress of pollution, fatty and processed food, and stress deplete your body of nutrients and it's up to you to replace these nutrients. You can do this through healthy nutrition, or even better, through healthy nutrition and proper supplementation. Omega 3s... Fish Oil, and DHA... There is no doubt that Omega 3's can not only help your heart and joints but it will also help your brain. Most people are aware of this, but do the benefits of Omega 3's apply across the board for all types of Omega 3's? There are now many Companies in the world market today trying to capitalize on the Omega 3 'boom' with such a wide range of products and so many claims that it is hard for the consumer to sift out fact from fiction. What Are Nutraceuticals and Why Are the Drug Companies Upset? If you break the word apart, Nutra has to do with nutrition, and Ceuticals has to do with drug companies ? pharmaceuticals. So what is the big deal? Nutraceuticals are god-given nutrients that are readily available for our good health, but drug companies want to make them illegal to buy and use ? unless they can sell them to increase their bank accounts. Are Fat Burner Products Safe? A fat burner supplement operates by breaking down body fat through a principle of thermo genesis. The ability to stimulate the thyroid into action and raise body temperature is achieved by taking a fat burner product. Why Do Liquid Form Nutritional Supplements Have Much Greater Bodily Absorption Than Pills? Did you know that when you take vitamins and minerals in the traditional tablet or capsule form your body only assimilates 10 to 12% of the nutrients, and that figure drops to 3 to 5% after 35-40 years of age? Liquid (also known as colloidal) vitamin form provides the highest possible assimilation of nutrients into the body. Colloidal minerals and vitamin particles are over 7000 times smaller than a human cell. Approximately 98% of liquid form supplements ingested can be used by the body within 15 to 30 minutes. This percentage is far superior to the 3 to 10% assimilation of traditional pill and capsule supplements and means that you would have to take 10 to 20 multi-vitamin pills every day to have comparable assimilation. That would be like swallowing one or two handfuls of those rock hard pills every morning which is definitely a tall order, especially for older people, children and people who hate taking vitamin pills--well, that covers just about everybody. Not to mention how expensive it would be to buy all of those pills! Creatine Supplementation for Increased Performance and Building Muscle Creatine is an amino acid that is in meat and fish. It is produced by the body in the liver and kidneys and converted in the muscles to creatine phosphate to resupply them with their source of energy. What is Chromium Picolinate? Chromium picolinate supplement combines the essential trace mineral Chromium with the naturally occurring metabolite, Picolinate. Some benefits of chromium picolinate include its ability to keep the body metabolism healthy, while chromium picolinate also assists in fighting off invasive infections. Reportedly chromium picolinate quickens wound healing and chromium picolinate acts as a catalyst in various hormonal activities. Functions such as enzyme activity enhancement are among other essential benefits of chromium picolinate. Are Glyconutrients for Real? If glyconutrients are for real, why aren't they all over the news? Why haven't we heard about this before? These are just a couple of the skeptical questions encountered when sharing the life changing gift of glyconutrients with others. How do we know the science behind these products is real, and has the scientific community really embraced the field of glycobiology? Buy Vitamins Supplements: Tips, Myths, and Facts - An Inside Story! With dietary supplements making their way in our daily life, we find it difficult to survive without them. We have very smartly and effectively heralded these supplements as panacea for all ills. But as the saying goes, too much of even good things can be bad! So, we should be cautious enough not to make supplements our oxygen. To know your thresholds of the supplements, read on. Products and Advancements in the Anti-Aging Marketplace HGH is produced naturally, in everyone, by the pituitary gland. After the age of 23, your natural HGH levels begin to decline and you may start to experience the affects of aging. This includes weight gain, decrease in energy, lack of sex drive, low endurance, muscle atrophy and more. What are Phytochemicals (Phytonutrients)? Don't be overwhelmed by this big word, phytochemicals, there won't be a spelling test at the end of the day. You won't even need to understand all of the powerful properties of phytonutrients to appreciate what they do for you. You just need to know where to get them and you probably won't be surprised to find out that the richest sources of phytochemicals are in fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. How Colostrum Differs From Herbal Remedies At some time or another, most people have taken some sort of herbal remedy or supplement to help support their body in achieving optimal health. Now, however, you may be considering taking a Colostrum supplement, and wondering how it differs from standard herbal remedies, in the way it works to benefit your body. Selenium Can Lift Your Spirits In July of 1995, the United States Department of Agriculture officially published research information, which acknowledges Selenium as "an essential trace element known for its antioxidant prowess." Protect and Improve Your Health With Antioxidants Every minute of every day the cells of our bodies are assaulted by particles called oxygen free radicals, also called oxidants. We can't escape free radicals because our cells produce them during normal metabolism. Additionally, our every day environment contains an abundance of free radicals. Unfortunately these radicals produce chain reactions that lead to damage of the DNA in our cells. The aging of our cells is partly the result of free radical damage, also called oxidation. Fortunately there are some simple steps that we can take to minimize the damage and to promote and prolong the health of our cells. Oxidation Free radicals are molecules that have an unpaired electron. They are chemically active and can be thought of as scavengers. They easily bond with the molecules of our cells in a process called oxidation. We are familiar with the normal oxidation process of metals such as iron. Iron oxide is called rust, and we know that rust can deteriorate the quality of the metal. Other metals also can exhibit oxidation which we generally call corrosion. We normally take steps to prevent the corrosion of metals. Damage to our cells caused by oxidation is often called inflammation. And we can take steps to protect ourselves from cellular oxidation. Antioxidants There are numerous chemical compounds that will neutralize the effects of oxidation. An antioxidant will bond with the free radical, creating a stable molecule, and prevent the radical from causing oxidation of the cell. This new molecule can then be removed during normal bodily processes. The best known antioxidants are the nutrients, vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium. Numerous other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes perform important protective antioxidant functions. Many of these substances, most notably the above mentioned vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, cannot be produced by our cells but must be ingested through the foods we eat or the supplements we take. The American Heart Association teaches us that atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes, is caused by fatty buildups in our arteries. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol is a large factor in the buildup of these fatty deposits. According to the AHA, vitamin E is the best of the naturally occurring antioxidants for providing protection against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Vitamin C is probably the most potent general free radical fighter. Its antioxidant properties are used by nearly every cell of the body. Vitamin C is a very strong immune system booster. Here's an interesting item from the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. A study investigated the effects of various cooking methods on broccoli. It concluded that microwave cooking depleted 97 per cent of the broccoli's flavonoids, a major antioxidant. By contrast, steaming the broccoli depleted only 11 per cent of the same antioxidants. How prevalent is microwave cooking in the kitchens of our homes? Dr Cristina Garcia-Viguera, co-author of the study, concluded that it is best "to cook vegetables in the minimum amount of water in order to retain their nutritional benefits." What To Do To improve the health of our cells throughout our bodies, to protect our cells from the ravages of oxidation, it is essential to include a rich supply of important antioxidants in our daily diet. Two to four servings from the fruit group and three to five servings from the vegetable group daily are recommended. If you find it difficult to consume an abundance of antioxidants from the recommended food groups, then taking daily supplements should solve the problem. Find easily digestible tablet or gel capsules from major companies or substitute good liquid supplements as a convenient and good-tasting alternative. As always, consult a physician before beginning a major new program. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Tyrosine L-tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that plays a role in the creation of protein. The body can make it from the amino acid phenylalanine but nutritional sources include animal meats, wheat, oatmeal and seafood. Suffering From Osteoarthritis Pain? Natural Relief Is Available It is clearly evident that hyaluronic acid in its oral form supports optimal joint health. The reality of the situation is that after 65 years of age approximately 30 percent of all doctor visits will be related to pain caused by osteoarthritis. Coenzyme Q10 - Learn All the Wonderful Properties of this Vitamin-Like Nutrient Sometimes I ask myself why this wonderful antioxidant supplement was given such a technical name, many people feel intimidated by the name alone, thus refusing to take CoQ10. But the truth is that this nutrient is one of the most effective antioxidants and it has been proven to help many serious diseases. In this issue, we will study in depth the benefits and properties that researchers have found in this "vitamin like" substance called Coenzyme Q10. Zma Fuel Zma is a unique combination of vitamins and minerals that impact positively on athletic performance. Zma is available in supplement form, and zma is readily absorbed by the system. Zma fuel utilizes zinc monomethionine, magnesium aspartate and B6 combined. Zma is an anabolic mineral formula scientifically designed, and zma contains only natural products. The Fountain Of Youth Aging, a steady decline ![]() |
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