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What L Glutamine Powder Can Do For You
L glutamine is an amino acid occurring abundantly within the human body. This acid L glutamine is important for overall well-being and bodily health. Also available in supplement form, l glutamine powder is readily absorbed by the body. When extreme muscular stress occurs, the need for l glutamine can exceed the systems ability to synthesize and produce enough l glutamine. This lack of readily available l glutamine can cause mental sluggishness, physical exhaustion and mood swings. Many immune cells are reliant on l glutamine for their energy requirements and a lack of l glutamine could result in an impaired immune system. Cells within the immune system depend on l glutamine to provide the metabolic fuel necessary for their proper functioning. Although adequate levels of l glutamine are usually maintained by the bodily system, these l glutamine levels could be depleted by infection, injuries and surgical procedures. L glutamine levels present in the body fluctuate all the time. Available l glutamine can plummet during extremely stressful situations, including physical stress, which occurs during training. Glutamine powder intake is beneficial in maintaining sufficient l glutamine levels safely. Overstressed athletes benefit from l glutamine powder and recover from injury quickly. L glutamine aids with wound and burn healing and glutamine powder reduces the risk of infections associated with surgery. Conclusive testing of l glutamine shows the unique ability of l glutamine powder to boost growth hormone levels. This growth hormone aids in building and strengthening muscles and lowering acid levels present in body fluids. L glutamine powder can raise growth hormone levels by up to 400 percent. The body's natural production of l glutamine decreases with age, muscle loss and increased body fat. Taking l Glutamine powder can rectify this decline of l glutamine, and keep levels of growth hormone steady. The benefits of l glutamine include prevention of muscle breakdown and decreased risk of over training in athletes. High concentrations of l glutamine are found within the brain, intestinal mucosa cells and smooth muscle. L glutamine is important in muscular growth, and in maintaining muscle health and strength. In cerebral fluid, l glutamine is the dominant amino acid found there. Studies conducted on the benefits of l glutamine indicate that normal brain functioning is reliant on steady l glutamine levels. Maintaining a healthy digestive system is one of l glutamine's important functions. L glutamine powder meets the high-energy requirements of the intestines and l glutamine powder plays an important role in these necessary functions. Large levels of l glutamine are also found in immune cells and skeletal muscle. Large concentrations of l glutamine are stored in muscles and manufactured in the lungs. Within the body, l glutamine sends extremely valuable nitrogen to areas that need and request it. Because l glutamine can serve as a precursor to glycogen production, l glutamine helps keep energy levels stable and efficient. Clinical tests involving l glutamine report an improvement in the electrical patterns of the brain occurring in test subjects who used l glutomine powder. Cancer research shows that many cancer patients have extremely low levels of l glutamine. This lack of l glutamine puts these patients at risk of impaired immune function, which they scarcely need. Some researchers have indicated that these patients might benefit from glutamine powder supplements, when so advised by their physician. L glutamine, as an addition to conventional cancer treatment, is often used to combat the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. These abilities of l glutamine powder aids malnourished cancer patients and l glutamine powder generally helps with an increased resistance to infection and illness. Research on l glutamine shows that people with advanced stages of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) might be aided when battling with extreme weight loss. Ongoing research indicates that l glutamine, when combined with other important vitamins and minerals, might be helpful in reducing weigh loss in these patients. L glutamine plays many important roles in the body and research proves that glutamine powder is necessary for maintaining excellent health and physical strength. Copyright 2005 Health-Focus
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(Jan 2005, Annals of Internal Medicine) I was immediately suspicious because I have studied the scientific literature on vitamin E for over two decades and have come to the exact opposite conclusion. Hundreds of studies have shown the beneficial effects of vitamin E on numerous modern diseases including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, claudication, arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease, epilepsy, infertility, intelligence?you name it. This evidence comes from carefully controlled clinical trials and meta-nalyses and is published in peer-reviewed publications. So what gives with this new "scoop?" Why did it receive the headlines while all the other studies aren't? Vitamin Treatment Guide Vitamins and minerals play a major role in becoming healthy and remaining healthy. Weather your new to nutrition or you've been a health-o-condreact for years, you know how hard it is to find the right supplementation that fits your specific needs. What is HGH? 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