Tax Deduction Information |
Home Based Business Tax DeductionsTara Grant Running a home based business reaps many wonderful tax deductions that other businesses some times may not claim. Unfortunately to many small business owners end up paying the government taxes every year because they are unaware or several small business deductions that are available. Most of the time any expenses that are related to your business can be added as a deduction on your taxes. If you do not pay taxes through out the year, deductions can help you from paying a large amount of taxes each year and can also adjust earned income. Try to avoid paying large amounts of taxes or owning any money by keeping track of simple things! Each business is a bit different so be sure to mention these ideas to your tax advisor or accountant to see if your business can qualify for these deductions. 1- If you join any business or purchase into any franchise, the expenses such as kits, or franchise fees may be claimed as a deductions. 2- Business Supplies. Be sure to save all receipts for any supplies you purchase for your business use. Computer paper, business cards, pens, catalogs, or any items you purchase and use for your business. 3- Advertising- Most advertising can be claimed on your taxes. Keep all receipts for any newspaper ad’s you may run, or any advertising you do online. Advertising is a business expense and in most cases can be written off. 4- Items Given Away- Keep a list of any items you may give away, and the costs of these items. Most freebies may also be written off. 5- Phone bills and internet access- If you have a phone line for business use or have the internet in your home or office for business use, save all receipts for each bill paid. These items are business expenses and may also be written off. 6- An in home office- If you have an office in your home, make sure to let your tax advisor know. Using a room in your home as an office can also be added on taxes. 7- Long distance calls- If you make any long distance calls that are related to your business, make sure you keep all phone bills showing the calls and the amounts charged. If these calls are related to your work, the cost of the calls may also be written off in most cases. 8- Returned Checks and Bank Fees. If you incur and bounced checks from customers and can not collect on them, those amounts may be deducted, along with any fees you were charged from your bank. Be sure to keep the returned check, the letter from your bank and your bank statement to show the fee you were charged. 9- Postage- All postage costs paid by you or shipping fees may be claimed. Keep receipts for all shipping supplies, and postage. 10- Computers- If you purchase a new computer for business use, the cost of the computer may be claimed. You may also claim depreciation for 3 years after the computer was purchased.
Home Business Legalities And Tax Advantages Even if you work out of your home, most cities and/or counties require you to have a business license and/or permit. Check with your local government municipalities to find out what the requirements are for where you live. Depending on where you live, you should be able to get this information from your local courthouse or townhall. Part 2 of 5 On The Home Business Set-Up Guide Dear Reader, How to Check the Status of Your Tax Refund Online So, you were pleasantly surprised to learn that you are getting a refund on your taxes. Congratulations! The IRS expects to issue approximately $54 billion dollars in refunds for the 2003 tax year. The question for most taxpayers expecting a return is, "Where is my refund" Small Business Tax Deductions for Year End 2004 As a small business owner, its wise to familiarize yourself with some key deductions that may reduce your tax bill for 2004. Home Based Business: Your Ultimate Tax Shelter Starting and operating your own home based business is the ultimate tax shelter. Home-Based Business Owners Save Thousands on Their Taxes Do You Qualify For Home-Based Tax Deductions 10 Tips for Investing in Distressed or Foreclosed Properties 1. Search on the world wide web for distressed or foreclosed properties as a starting point. Use a professional REALTOR to identify great foreclosure deals for you. You may be successful at searching the web on your own, but keep in mind some of the information is outdated, some may be incorrect, and some of the available properties are not even listed. A REALTOR subscribes to updated MLS listings and can offer you the most current information available. Tax Advantages In A Home Business Every year, several thousand people develop an interest in "going into business." Many of these people have an idea, a product or a service they hope to promote into an in come producing business which they can operate from their own homes. The Job Loss Myth Presidential candidate John Kerry is fond of stating that “... not since Herbert Hoover has any president lost more jobs than George W. Bush.” And there is a kernel of truth to the statement; thanks to technology, jobs require less human intervention to complete. However, a larger factor in this seeming loss of employment is due to the evolution of the American workforce from a lot indentured to the confines of one company or one job title toward the Jeffersonian ideal of every person being a free agent, or indie. Are You An Innocent Victim of These Popular Myths Misconceptions, misinterpretations and just plain “untruths” are floating about income taxes. Believing them could be costing thousands of tax dollars! Love Of Reading Can Predict Your Online Success When I was a very small child, I discovered that I had a love for reading. There was nothing better then spending an entire afternoon engrossed in a good novel. Reading for me was a pleasure, and magically transported me all over the world. My love of reading from an early age sharpened my vocabulary skills, my spelling, and my ability to learn, without me even realizing it. Keep More of What You Make - Start A Home-based Business The best advantages of owning a home-based business are you can turn non-deductible expenses into tax deductions. The deductions you create for your Schedule C have a more significant impact on the total taxes you pay than do deductions on Schedule A. Schedule C deductions not only reduce federal income tax, they also reduce self-employment tax, Medicare tax, and state and local taxes. What Students and Parents MUST Know about Student Loans A student loan helps you get through college. Then you come out into a high-paying career. Its a great investment in your or your sons/daughters future. Little Known Tax Deductions That Can Save You Big When you say "end of the year", most small business owners think of two things immediately. The *second* is the holidays. The *first* is taxes! While almost all of us pay taxes quarterly, we still have to file in January. That means November and December are spent getting ready. When youre gathering all your information together for your accountant, dont forget about these regularly overlooked deductions. How to DRIVE-HOME Your GOD-given PURPOSE in Life with a MicrofoundationTM How are you going to DRIVE-HOME GODs PURPOSE IN YOUR LIFE Get more active at church ... or at work ... Start a church ... or a ministry New Years Resolutions Ah, the start of another year! In a groggy haze on New Years Eve, I promised someone or was it myself that I would be good this year. I said I would draw up my New Year’s Resolutions – particularly after the roller-coaster year I had last year. Well, a promise is a promise. I can’t very well start the New Year by breaking the resolution that I was going to write my New Year’s Resolutions, can I So, here it is, broken down into months being the control freak that I am. Create Tax Savings And Transfer Wealth To Your Child With A Roth IRA Parents must give serious thought to protecting their family through estate tax planning. While life insurance and trusts should be a part of every plan, Roth IRAs can be a simple tool for passing money to your child on a tax-free basis. Ten Financial Tips for Women On average, women earn 76 cents for every dollar men earn in the workplace. Because women typically spend approximately seven years out of the work force to have and raise children, their earnings are even further curtailed. 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