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Motivation - The Benefits of Spending Time with Your Team
Benefit 1 - You get to understand them better Almost everyone wants to know that their manager is genuinely and positively interested in them. They may not always give that impression by their demeanour but trust me - they want to know you care; they want acceptance from you. If they know you care about them, then your relationship will be much more productive. Benefit 2 - You find out how they're handling the job As well as getting to know your team from a human or personal basis you need to get to know them on a business basis. How are they getting along with the job? And it's not a matter of asking - "How's the job going?" If you ask that then you may get a list of complaints or you may just get - "It's all going fine." Benefit 3 - It helps you deal with problems One of the main benefits of spending time with your team is that it lets them know you're there to help with problems. Of course, you're not there necessarily to solve their problems but to coach them to solve their problems. Benefit 4 - They get to know you Your team will want to know about you at both a personal and business level. Again, that doesn't mean sharing your intimate thoughts but it's similar to the things you want to know about them. Even although team members don't ask you about yourself - tell them. Reveal bits and pieces about yourself over a period of time. What you're really saying is - "I'm human, I'm like you and I experience the same situations." Benefit 5 - You have the opportunity to give them feedback and coach them This is one of the most important things the successful manager can do. This is your opportunity to tell them the things that you do like about their performance and also the things you don't like. Too often managers leave feedback until a performance review and often these are only once or twice a year. Benefit 6 - They have the opportunity to give you feedback Now this may make you feel a bit nervous and it certainly can be scary when you're not used to it but it is very motivational. If you create a healthy open environment in your team then they should feel comfortable giving feedback to you. It may not always be what you want to hear but it can certainly improve your relationship with them. Benefit 7 - It encourages opinions and ideas to flow from them It's often the case that members of your team have positive suggestions that will benefit the team, the business and you. However, they may not always be willing to seek you out and tell you about them. Perhaps they may feel foolish or embarrassed in front of their colleagues. If you're spending time with them - then this is the ideal opportunity for them to give you their thoughts. Of course, you sometimes have to dig this out and encourage it. Benefit 8 - It allows you to explain the company's mission and the team's role in this. When you spend time with each individual it gives you the opportunity to explain how the business is going and how the team is performing. This is often done at a team brief and that's okay. However in a one to one situation you can discuss in more depth and encourage ideas and feedback from them as described above. Discover how you can generate more business by motivating your team! Alan Fairweather is the author of "How to get More Sales by Motivating Your Team" This book is packed with practical things you can do to get the best out of your people. Visit http://www.howtogetmoresales.com
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Leading To A Preferred Future Last month's edition of Footprints and Monuments illustrated a parallel between leadership in the face of disaster and the voyage of the Apollo 13. As you will remember, an explosion on board forced the crew to circle the moon without ever landing on their prized target. Obviously, they didn't have the preferred ending to their trip in space. But they did get home alive, and were very happy about that. What College Taught Me About Teamwork Training I declared a Communications Major two years into school, after discovering that it was a subject in which I had sincere interest. Now that I have graduated from college, I look back at the myriad of group projects and interactions that I had with the fellow students. I can remember many stressful periods of working together, but also many rewarding times of working together and accomplishing our tasks as a group. In hindsight those tasks would have been much easier to complete had we received some basic teamwork training at the beginning of our program. Team and Organizational Survival Strategies for Turbulent Economic Times Survival: The Name of the New Economic Game The Stages Of Team Development One of the greatest challenges a coaching manager has is in moving his or her team though the various team development stages. If a manager has no, or little experience of teams and team dynamics then taking over a team and then leading that team can be a very stressful experience. Every manager should know what the various growth stages are of a developing team and they should know how best to move the team through these stages with the minimum of fuss and stress. Unfortunately, many managers do not get the necessary training or coaching in this area of team development and as such teams go through a lot of stress and turmoil when perhaps this could be minimised quite considerably. Building Teams -You see it everywhere A college football team has it. A corporation has it. Even a growing family has it. These three organizations share a common desire to build their prospective teams. For example, a college football team continually needs to bring in new players to replace the graduating players. A corporation builds its team to help it grow and meet the needs of clients. Young, married couples who are having children are building their own family teams. Each of these results has a different outcome. In the end, the goal is to work together, help each other, and collectively reach a higher level of performance. Whatever team you are currently involved with, it is surprising at how much organization is needed to build a great team. Furthermore, the following teams have their own equally important approach as to how they successfully build their prospective teams. The Secret of Successful Events Reed Employment made a survey of their clients and compiled a report called Motivating People at Work. This revealed that social events that were both organised and paid for by employers have risen by 31 percent. This included team building days for departments and fun days open to the whole company and their families. There is no doubt that this trend has continued over the course of this year with most event management companies reporting bumper years. Landscaping Business; Employee Relations There are few industries or service type businesses, which are more labor intensive then that of the Landscaping Profession. Whether it is the installation of new landscape designs or the maintenance or mowing of the existing properties; it is done by people power working with the proper tools. Efficiency is king and teamwork is the key to staying on schedule and wasting little time or effort getting the work done. Working with Difficult People: 3 Questions to Help You Turn Your Tormentors into Teachers The Dance of Conflict Team Journaling The very effective tool of keeping a journal can be used in your workplace as well as at home. It is a powerful tool that can enhance our lives and support our personal and work well-being. Whether you journal your personal work experiences and goals, or use team journaling, journaling can easily be applied to your work environment. Team Work So much has been written on this subject; Team Work, it's almost hard to add any thing at this point. T E A M; TOGETHER EVERYONE ACCOMPLISHES MORE. That is really easy to say and it makes for a great acronym. It seems it has even hit corporate America. They have integrated it into TQM "Total Quality Management". They call it "team building". They talk about quality. They talk about communication. They talk about goal setting. They talk about productivity. They talk about this; they talk about that. That's the problem; it's all talk. The real problem is that you can't talk about team building and downsizing in the same sentence. Building means growing, expanding, planning, etc. Downsizing is tearing down, discharging, shrinking. Which is it? Either you are building a winning team or you are starting over. If they are going to do both, they should downsize first and then team build second. Otherwise, you can talk all you want because no one is listening. The people are: either laid off, fearful of their job or not interested in the B.S. anymore Team Development in the Little Leagues A grassy field, two nets, a soccer ball and some playful youth is the ideal setting for a little league soccer game. You may have recalled yourself of a time when you observed these little league events. You enter a spacious field of green, housing numerous miniature soccer fields all lined up next to each other, and young athletes running after a ball. You may have been more overwhelmed by the abundance of children playing, rather than the actual soccer game itself. But what you can appreciate from this is the sight of children utilizing their endless energy and their parents and relatives rooting for them from the sidelines. Safety First - Five Reasons to Hold a Routine Safety Meeting Workplace safety is important to all businesses for ethical, legal and financial reasons. Keeping employees safe from injury is the right thing to do, it also keeps a business away from civil litigation and can lower costly compensation claims. What Every Manager, Parent, and Teacher Should Know About How to Unify Employees, Families, & Youth Project Head Start has been successful not only for the youthful students, but for the teachers, supporting staff, and families as well. My first job while still in college was as a Teacher's Assistant during the summer of 1968. Years later I was a Mental Health Consultant with Head Start in the US Virgin Islands. Although a bit bias, I have nothing but respect for Project Head Start and their teachings. Secrets of Successful Teams To be a success is not always to be a success individually. In fact, most of the time we achieve our successes as part of a team. That is why I want to devote this issue to the secrets of successful team. Franchisee Relations and Team Work Franchisees of a particular franchise must get along in order for the team to hyperspace the competition. Recently our company; Franchising.org did a study and surveyed the franchisors on our website. As it turns out none of them had any information in their Confidential Operations Manual of any substance on how franchisees could increase their synergies by working very closely together within a region. Only a couple of companies had anything at all on the subject and indeed even these were limited to maybe one page or a couple of paragraphs. The Top 7 Things Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Employees As I work with clients to strengthen their teams and to make their businesses more profitable, I often encounter some serious misunderstandings of human nature. These misunderstandings usually lead business leaders in the wrong direction when they attempt to inspire their employees to perform at a higher level. Fortunately, you can avoid these pitfalls if you understand a few key points about the people you lead. The 3 Secrets of Team Motivation Are workers telling the truth when they say they are ill? This question was posed on the Money Programme on BBC Television in December 2004. British Bosses are reporting that more and more of their staff appear to be skiving off with faked illnesses and many firms are taking new steps to crack down on malingerers. Research by the Confederation of British Industry suggests that workplace absence is on the rise for the first time in five years. Last year we were off sick on average for 7.2 days up from 6.8 the previous year. It costs UK businesses £11.75bn a year, the CBI says. The CBI also estimates that 15% of all illness is due to people taking days off when they are not really ill. Building Teams Young minds are quite easy to shape. International Terrorist recruiters know this and have an abundant source of young men and women to pick from. They use simple brain washing tactics to do this. The United States also has a huge source of young people at its colleges and universities with young open minds, open to both good or evil. The professors use this to help their views and promote their views of the world by imprinting on these minds. Religious groups are also a hot topic on campus and they are quite active recruiting new minds and new souls to their numbers. What Do Trainers Do When They are Not Training? In the new corporate environments where everyone wears more than one hat, trainers are often responsible for a myriad of duties beyond just facilitating new training classes. Their job is often that of Maintenance, IT Guru, Subject Matter Expert, Coach, Instructional designer, and Copy Clerk. There is an incredible amount of work that has to happen for a training event to occur. Let's look a little closer at the process. Always In Motion Is The Future It's the summer of 1973, and a young film director goes searching for a studio to distribute his new screenplay. Many say no, until one finally agrees to take a chance on him. Twentieth Century Fox has such little faith anyone will actually pay to see the movie that it agrees to give him - in exchange for the usual directing fee - 40% of the box office, plus sequel, publishing and merchandising rights. ![]() |
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