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Team Building Information |
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Discovering the Truth on MLM
Truth on mlm Did you know that the truth on mlm can set you free? Well, it definately can and here's why. Basic processes need to take place no matter how many different articles, books and websites are devoted to the subject on network marketing. Here's the truth on mlm. You need to recruit and train new distributors into your business. The more of that you do the more success you'll experience in your business. Teaching others while keeping it simple and them helping others is what builds your organization. So in reality you are gradually building the size of your group by multiplying yourself through others, otherwise known as leveraging your time. So frankly speaking its very easy to. Where things break down of course is in the doing of the work itself and a regular basis until such time as your organization is self perpetuating. Not long ago that task was pretty tuff on most people because of time constraints and lifestyle choices. Modern technology has come a long way in plugging up the holes in the "doing the work" phase. We've seen electronic systems automate practically the entire process. The cost and investment return is pretty good and deserves service attention and thought. Being able to work from home is a lot of fun and essentially it gets you out of the rat race. Since we're all so different on an individual level and with our very own constraints, attitudes and habits the time it takes to put together a decent income varies by the nature of the individual building the business. We've seen very aggressive personalities build high 6 figure incomes in less than 18 months and others took (3) to (5) years. Even then most people drop out because they aren't really ready to own their own business. Talks cheap and whiskey costs money. Boy, should that age me. Personally, I'm grateful for the business opportunities available to us all. Not being afraid to work with a certain amount of discernment and patience has paid off in a very huge way. So, you really want a better lifestyle and the funs to go with it? Then apply the truth on mlm I've given you. It works! Rolf's extroadinary success work at home story motivated him to share with you key strategies in avoiding the pitfalls in mlm and network marketing
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Team Work So much has been written on this subject; Team Work, it's almost hard to add any thing at this point. T E A M; TOGETHER EVERYONE ACCOMPLISHES MORE. That is really easy to say and it makes for a great acronym. It seems it has even hit corporate America. They have integrated it into TQM "Total Quality Management". They call it "team building". They talk about quality. They talk about communication. They talk about goal setting. They talk about productivity. They talk about this; they talk about that. That's the problem; it's all talk. The real problem is that you can't talk about team building and downsizing in the same sentence. Building means growing, expanding, planning, etc. Downsizing is tearing down, discharging, shrinking. Which is it? Either you are building a winning team or you are starting over. If they are going to do both, they should downsize first and then team build second. Otherwise, you can talk all you want because no one is listening. The people are: either laid off, fearful of their job or not interested in the B.S. anymore Teams For companies to be competitive, decisions have to be made faster than ever before, and expenses have to be lower. The hierarchical environment did not support fast decision making. Decisions flowed through a chain of command. If a decision was beyond your authority, you would have to refer it to your supervisor, who would then refer it to their manager, who would then refer it to ... and so on. The point is that decisions took too long. Further, considering the time required by the people involved in the process, it was also very costly. Aligning Teams with Organizational Goals Teams don't have to be aligned with the goals of the organization. Teams can work on what they believe to be the right things. They can work diligently on creating the results they think matter. They can be completely committed to success from their perspective. Collaboration Software - Building an Office Without Walls The rise of the internet has given businesses a new way to think and function on both the individual level and as a whole. Today if you are in a business that doesn't have or use the internet, then you are giving up valuable advertising and productivity. Whether or not your company uses the internet we are all aware, to some degree, the effect the internet has on advertising and promoting businesses on a global scale. However, we may not fully understand what else the internet can do. We may not realize that using the internet to our advantage can also include increased productivity by building a virtual office; one without walls. Okay, so how do we build an office without walls then? In this article I will be discussing how to basically build this kind of office and how it can help you be more productive and organized. WIIFM - Making the Whats In It for Me? Question Work for You In the constantly changing world of Call Centers, asking agents to adapt to ever increasing demands, responsibilities and performance can be a challenge to even the most involved of managers. Being able to create buy in is always challenging, but if you can answer the WIIFM question you will be ahead of the game. Working with Difficult People: 3 Questions to Help You Turn Your Tormentors into Teachers The Dance of Conflict Team Development in the Little Leagues A grassy field, two nets, a soccer ball and some playful youth is the ideal setting for a little league soccer game. You may have recalled yourself of a time when you observed these little league events. You enter a spacious field of green, housing numerous miniature soccer fields all lined up next to each other, and young athletes running after a ball. You may have been more overwhelmed by the abundance of children playing, rather than the actual soccer game itself. But what you can appreciate from this is the sight of children utilizing their endless energy and their parents and relatives rooting for them from the sidelines. Downsizing Your Team Team Building Question: Station Teams: Assembly Required Too often teams aren't assembled. They just happen. A project comes along and a team is assigned to work it. The group gathers and attempts to figure out a solution, but trouble starts brewing almost at once. Only some of the people do any work. Some people don't get along. Meetings are frequent and mind numbing. No one is quite sure what the assignment actually is. Leading the Witness: How Asking Questions as a Trainer Can Limit Learning and Reduce Trust "Asking questions can be a means of establishing authority, fulfilling leadership functions, and ensuring effective learning. In fact, asking questions is probably the most subtle power you have for controlling people. The person who asks questions always controls the conversation... if we could discipline our minds to ask questions instead, we could lead any conversation to wherever we wanted it because the other person would still be wrapped up in thinking what he or she wanted to say next...One of the rights you have as a trainer is to ask questions and expect answers. This is why question-asking is such a powerful tool. It challenges and avoids confrontation at the same time." Motivate People with Feedback Someone once said - "Feedback is the breakfast of champions." Personally, I think that pancakes, crispy bacon and maple syrup are the breakfast of champions. However there's no doubt that giving people feedback is absolutely vital to ensure a motivated team who'll deliver results. Team Member Feedback: A Priceless Communication Tool Feedback is such an important communication tool. Openness, honesty, candor, trust -- all of these are hallmarks of high performance teams and organizations. Good feedback skills are essential to any relationship. The 3 Secrets of Team Motivation Are workers telling the truth when they say they are ill? This question was posed on the Money Programme on BBC Television in December 2004. British Bosses are reporting that more and more of their staff appear to be skiving off with faked illnesses and many firms are taking new steps to crack down on malingerers. Research by the Confederation of British Industry suggests that workplace absence is on the rise for the first time in five years. Last year we were off sick on average for 7.2 days up from 6.8 the previous year. It costs UK businesses £11.75bn a year, the CBI says. The CBI also estimates that 15% of all illness is due to people taking days off when they are not really ill. Presenteeism - present in body absent in productivity Presenteeism is alive and 'not well' in many businesses today. It will visit your business or may even be present as you read this article. Virtual Team Work At a time when many companies are scaling down their marketing budgets, big design firms are finding it harder to win new clients and projects. Things maybe tough for the larger design firms, but the situation could be ideal for freelancers and other smaller boutique operations that can operate virtually. Dealing with People that Drive You Crazy! We all know someone who just drives us batty. Perhaps the person is too noisy, too borish, or too flashy. Perhaps the person is too gossipy, critical, or lazy. There are hundreds of reasons why we may not relate well to a person. Working as a Winning Team It's a great sunny day so it's time to get out and enjoy the weather. Many of us would like to, but we have projects due, tasks that need to be done, people that we need to see, and money that needs to be made. What if your company gave you that time off as compensation for the great effort that you gave to the team to finish a project on time? Discovering the Truth on MLM Truth on mlm The Stages Of Team Development One of the greatest challenges a coaching manager has is in moving his or her team though the various team development stages. If a manager has no, or little experience of teams and team dynamics then taking over a team and then leading that team can be a very stressful experience. Every manager should know what the various growth stages are of a developing team and they should know how best to move the team through these stages with the minimum of fuss and stress. Unfortunately, many managers do not get the necessary training or coaching in this area of team development and as such teams go through a lot of stress and turmoil when perhaps this could be minimised quite considerably. Leadership, Genuine, Meaningful and Productive One of the best lessons I have learned is the impact and importance of leadership. It is so easy to identify dysfunctional leadership in a company (or of a governmental entity!). Many times, the common misconception is that the executives in the "ivory tower" sit around and relax, while the "workers" do all the work. Of course, happy and motivated employees are essential to a company (I still teach that in seminars that I conduct). But I have observed and learned that it is the leadership in an enterprise that makes the difference ... and that is not exclusive to commerce. ![]() |
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