Team Work

There's nothing that matches the power of teamwork to accomplish amazing results beyond your wildest goals and aspirations. Teamwork evokes unflagging spirit, selflessness and dedication. If any one watched one of the CBC reality shows series of "Survivor" you could viscerally feel the power of teamwork in action. This particular show was set with all the "superstar" survivors. They were single, powerful players with well honed survivor skills. The game changed when two players formed a much deeper alliance becoming a couple. As their bond grew the caring, support, and selflessness heightened their senses as they strategized to win. The other 'trojans" became almost laughable, as mere pawns of the couples' strategies. The couples results were stunning. They won almost every "challenge" they faced.

In the end they were the last two remaining survivors. At which time he proposed to her so they both won the million dollar prize and all the other prizes along the way. Not to mention the commercial endorsements they probably won becoming "suriviors" first couple. The show actually became laughably predictable as you watched their power play out.

The take home: create a deeper bond by setting goals together and get strategy. Set New Years Resolutions together!!! Set goals and discuss them together. Give yourself mutual goals and work on them as an ongoing project. Don't keep it to yourself, share, share, share.

Both partners find pictures of how you want to look. Put them up on your fridge or where you dress and internalize that vision. Set a date to accomplish this goal and discuss what it will take to get there. You're a team with a project and a real goal. Now plan your strategy. Map your meal times, foods, workout regimes, how you'll handle certain situations. Share your weaknesses so you have a partner who'll help you overcome them. Monitor your progress. Compare and support each other's results, setbacks and improvements.

Make it fun! Make a bet "if I reach 24% body fat by this date you will come with me to the opera 4 times this year and I'll go to 4 jets games with you if your bodyfat reaches 12% " Talk about why you need to accomplish this goal, let your partner feel your pain, then he or she will be on your side feeling for you, supporting you. Get you partner to share their weaknesses for you to support. No one wants to be nagged and no one wants to nag, so it's just a matter of getting into "this is for us", make an alliance and get strategy. Your partner is your live in coach and therapist. Work together, strengthen your bond, deepen your relationship, and set your strategies. Not only will you reach your goals but with the power of team work, only your imagination limits what you can accomplish.

Never Think Like a Victim, You're Always in Control. I often hear "Oh my husband always has a drink and I feel I have to have one with him." If you blame your husband you are making yourself into a victim! You always have a choice.

If my husband drinks and wants me to join him, I just say "no thanks, I'm having a Pellegrino with lime, Cheers" I get my buzz caring for my needs, he gets his and we're both happy. I don't have to change him nor him me. No blame. No resentment. We respect and admire our differences. I also hear "My husband comes home late to eat dinner and though I'm not hungry I sit down and eat with him again. " My strategy is I know he'll be late so I save something to eat with him and chew slowly (it comes with listening). If I'm doing all the talking I hardly eat.

"When I go out to a restaurant they always serve these awesome fries with the food." You know it's coming and you'll be too tempted to resist so tell them to substitute the fries with a grilled veggie. The same thing goes with bread! Order a veggie or protein appetizer instead.

"When the kids come home from school I have to feed them and I end up eating their left overs." If your concerned about waste think of the expense of burning these extra calories and how you'll ruin the really good stuff at your dinner. Not to mention the extra cardio time tomorrow or the cost of an extra training session. You might be better off planning your snack time with the kids time and prepare a small protein snack for yourself instead of eating those fat making carbs. That way your sated while you feed the kids stopping temptation. Plus you'll have room for the good stuff later on.

If you absolutely have to have a drink avoid the sugary ones, drink slowly, drink wine and enjoy it, cut the carbs in you entre and know you have to pay in cardio time tomorrow.

My husband has forbidden foods everywhere in my kitchen, and in my mind I just label them 'Johns' or 'inedible' with a big X over them?this works for me, they're just not my choice.

DEBORAH is a highly respected authority in personal training for overall health and fitness, with more than 22 years of experience and success. Her credentials include...

Currently licensed Registered Nurse specializing in Rehabilitative Nursing Medical Exercise Therapist: certified by AAHFRP, an internationally recognized physical rehabilitation certification Maternity Specialist Pre & Post Natal certified by Maternal Fitness Personal Fitness Specialist: certified by NASM, an internationally recognized certification Yoga Teacher Professional Health Member, National Organization of Fitness Instructors (IDEA), a leading membership organization of health and fitness professionals Deborah Caruana RN, AAHRFP, NASM, ACE. email call 212-677-3185 Get Free Fitness Tips, Strategies and Secrets from a recognized expert at my web site:

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