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Todays Overload: Tommorrow
Whatever providence has in store for us tomorrow is not meant for us until tomorrow. It is foolish to burden ourselves today with cares and concerns that belong to another day. Today's challenges are sufficient for today and it behooves us to refrain from creating problems for tomorrow and then adding our creations to those of today. Understand, I am not recommending that we should not use practical foresight or thoughtful future planning. Reckless prescience has its own inherent difficulties. But what I am suggesting is that we could alleviate much of the stress and strain and illness we bring upon ourselves by not worrying or fretting about tomorrow. Doing so, not only debilitates, but it steals the wealth of delight reserved for you in your today. You overload your today with anticipatory thoughts of things to happen tomorrow that is not intended for your attention today. We do not know what tomorrow's issues will be, but whatever they are, tomorrow is the time to deal with them. Today has its own built-in support. God promises us daily strength for daily responsibilities. He provides daily grace for daily needs. Do not cross the street before you get to the curb. God knew what He was doing when He created the day and night division for our lives. Our responsibility is only for today. You did not wake up this morning in your tomorrow; you woke up in the actuality of your today. We cannot live tomorrow today because tomorrow does not yet exist unless we create it in our minds. And, if we choose to create troubles we expect tomorrow in our minds, we threaten our well-being and virtually assassinate today's blessings. Why pay on tomorrow's account before it's due? When tomorrow comes, we may discover that whatever was owed has already been paid. Would it not be prudent to just put your trust in the One who holds tomorrow? I Need Not Trouble For the Morrow I need not trouble for the morrow, I need not either thirst or hunger; I need not an abiding city, O may my faith increase before Him, I know that He provides the lilies, Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. http://www.clergyservices4u.org. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: A Grief Healing Workbook, will be available soon.
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Time Management Tips for Busy Moms If you are like most moms I know you think to yourself, at least once a day, "I wish I had more time!" Most of my clients come to me at some point asking how they can get more hours in the day. Unfortunately, the truth is you can't. There are only 24 hours in a day and it is impossible to make more. That being said, there ARE ways you can cheat and create more time for the things you want to do. Work Smarter Not Harder To work smarter all you need is the consciousness of the present. This is possible only when you cast off your emotional bindings, this helps you relieve your prejudice. This is key to work smart. This combined with your "common-sense" completes the puzzle to work smart! I know it is hard to believe that these factors will help you work smart. Try for yourself, the next time you get angry over a shoddy work of your sub-ordinate. Six Foundational Reasons for Managing Your Time Most of us know how to manage our time. It is pretty simple really. What most of us miss are compelling reasons to manage our time. We know the "how" but miss the "why." Here are six foundational reasons I have that motivate me to manage my time and myself properly. 3 Ways To Do More With Less Time We live in a world where more is expected of us every day. Take Back Your Time "You will never find time for anything. You must make it." -Charles Buxton Time Management: Setting up your Schedule for Success Would you describe yourself as extremely busy? Do you often feel tired and stressed out? Sometimes our ambition is our worst enemy. Many of us with big goals try to do way too much. We spread ourselves a mile wide and an inch deep. We are involved in many different things, but aren't excelling at any one thing. Beware of mediocrity. Most of us want greatness. If that describes you, then you must prioritize your endeavors and adjust your schedule accordingly. Assess your current schedule. Make a list of everything in your life that takes time. This includes school, work, extracurricular activities, sleeping, eating, studying, exercising, talking on the phone, hanging out with friends, chores, bathing, etc. List EVERYTHING. Then note how many hours per week you need for each item to do it well. Add up the hours. While there are only 168 hours in a week, many of us need two or three times that to accommodate our schedule. This is where stress and mediocrity come from. Make your list again, but this time, find a way to limit yourself to 168 hours. There are only two ways to do this: reduce the number of weekly hours per item, or reduce the number of items. I recommend the latter. Cutting activities you enjoy out of your life can be painful, but it's necessary. Effective Use of Your Online Time The Internet is increasingly becoming a major time killer for many of us. Involuntarily, we started to spend more time online than we really can afford. Your Most Important Appointment An appointment is simply a mutual agreement to meet with someone at a specific time. Organization Tips That Add More Hours To Your Day One of the most common complaints that small business owners have is lack of time. What most don't realize, however is that their lack of time stems from a lack of organization. But with a few simple tips - that you can implement immediately - you can literally add hours to your day. 7 Ways To Improve Your Life In 7 Days Choose to be Happy Vilfredo Paretos Principle: The 80-20 Rule: 80% of Results are Produced from 20% of Efforts Vilfredo Pareto's Principle, or The "Pareto Principle," is more commonly known as the 80-20 rule. It suggests that a ratio of approximately 20% to 80% can be found as an effective measure for most things in life. Whether revenues generated per customer or value for hours worked, it usually can be found that 80% of all of our results in business and in life come from only 20% of our efforts! Peace Of Mind At The Workplace Work brings together people of different characters and behavior, and this often causes friction, resentment and stress. Sometimes the boss is too demanding, colleagues may be unpleasant, there might be too much work or the working conditions may not be comfortable. The job may be boring, there might be competition or envy between the workers or the customers may be uncongenial or unfriendly. No wonder there is tension and stress. Managing Worry: Productivity Tips for High Achievers Who Worry Are you a worrier? Do you frequently spend time and energy worrying about your finances, your children, your career, world politics? Worry can be a highly useful, brilliantly engineered cue to action or a useless and destructive energy drain. The challenge is to decide which it is, on a case-by-case basis, and manage yourself accordingly. Time Well Spent It is common knowledge that creating and living according to a financial budget is a requisite for fiscal health and well-being. Budgets enable allocation of resources according to priorities. $x for shelter, $x for food, $x for clothing, $x for education, $x for savings, $x for transportation, $x for entertainment, etc. Whats Keeping You At The Office (9 Tips To Get Home Quicker) "Work smarter, not harder" is a cliché that has darted in and out of the workplace for years. But it's still as true as ever. And it's often overlooked advice that truly works. "Working smarter" means think strategically about how to improve your productivity. For starters, think about how you spend a typical day. Then eliminate the time robbers. How? Like this... Get More Done at Your Office: Focus on These Eight Areas for Increased Productivity Your productivity depends on good tools and effective environments, and on using them both well. It can be overwhelming to get your office into shape and still get your work done. Try attacking one of these areas each week. Pick one where you can make a positive change right now, to keep you motivated. Making Headway on a Slow Day: 9 Ways to Turn Down-Time into Productivity Time If you work from home, you know the kind of day I mean. You made the calls. You revised those drafts. You sent out the emails. Where is everybody!? As much as you used to relish a slow day when you were corporate, it's a little different when you're playing boss to yourself. Your mind gets to wandering. Should I head out to the park? Should I hit the mall? Should I... file for unemployment? Do You Over Promise and Under Deliver? A new client recently admitted to me sheepishly that she often didn't get to complete a client's work until the client called to see if it was ready. I admired her honesty if not her time management skills. Are You Always Late? "Fashionably late" is no longer in fashion. In today's heavily scheduled world, it is the punctual who are respected and admired. Even though most of us know this, some people are always late, no matter how much time they have to get ready. You may be one of them. Do any of the following sound familiar? Tips to Manage Your Time Time and money are both very important in business. Yet, like me, many business people tend to give a lot more specific thought as to how to spend their money. Too often, how we spend our time is only thought of in terms of "What am I going to do today?" or "What should I do next?" ![]() |
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