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Oh, My Goodness! Where Has the Time Gone?
It's 6:00 a.m. I'm awake. I'm pumped! I'm ready to go. I have a TO DO list that will keep me busy all day. My goal is to accomplish all of the things on my list before I go to bed tonight. I turn on the computer. Wow! I have 67 new emails. Well, I simply HAVE to check my emails. A lot them are unsolicited, but hey, I don't want to miss a great deal that one of them may be offering. I start to read my emails. RRRRRiinnnngg!! There goes the phone. "Hello? Half an hour later? Back to reading emails. Of course there are some that I have to answer back. Then there is Lisa's emails I MUST read because she always send about 10 jokes and I know at least 8 of them will be very funny. HAHAHAHAHA. That was very funny. I must forward that one on to my list of friends. I'm sure they'd get a kick out of it. RRRRRRRRRiiinnnnggg! "Hello! 45 minutes later you look at the clock and? "Oh My Goodness! Where Has the Time Gone?" It's now lunchtime and I haven't accomplished anything. That was me. Everyday I would wake up ready to conquer the world. By lunchtime I had wasted so much time accomplishing nothing that I would give up and figure I'd start it all again tomorrow. But tomorrow would pretty much be a repeat of the day before. That was until I taught myself how to manage my time. You must focus and pay attention to your time, otherwise it has a way of slipping away without being noticed. If you are in any way like I am, a person who can get caught up in spending hours reading emails. And many other hours idling chit-chatting on the phone with friends and family. You must make a conscious effort to eliminate or at least cut down on doing anything that takes you away from your purpose. Make a plan for each day. Schedule a time for everything that is important to you. Schedule time to check your emails. I find that it is helpful for me to check my emails during lunch. Since I am on a break, so to speak, reading my emails will not distract me or take away time from more important things. Limit the amount of time you spend on the phone idling talking with friends and family. I'm in no way suggesting that you do not talk with them but talk with them "after hours." Once you have completed your goals for the day, then rewind by laughing and talking with friends and family. A spouse and kids can also take you off of your course. If you have small children who are home, they can often take you off track. Make sure that the time you schedule to accomplish your goals, you have someone else take care of your children. OR, help them to understand that during this time, you cannot be disturbed. It is important that you make sure you schedule time to take care of their needs as well. Make a conscious effort not to let time slip away from you. For if you don't, you will wake up one morning, 85 years old, and wonder where the time went. Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author, and spiritual life coach. She teaches how to discover and live your life's purpose. Visit the web site at http://www.dawnfields.com. Be sure to tune in on Thursdays @ 9 p.m. EST for her radio show, Your Life's Purpose Interactive Internet Radio Show at http://www.dawnfields.com/radioshow.htm. Be sure to sign up for the motivational and inspirational newsletter, Your Life's Purpose by sending a blank email to dawn@dawnfields.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.
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Looking At Time With A Capital T I keep a fossil on my desk at all times. Whenever I feel rushed or find myself creating a sense of urgency, I pick up the fossil and caress its polished surface. It's over 200 million years old. Suddenly, returning that phone call or meeting that self-imposed deadline doesn't seem nearly as critical. My ancient arthropod reminds me that, in the scheme of things, this moment is indescribably insignificant. I find that remarkably comforting. Your Most Important Appointment An appointment is simply a mutual agreement to meet with someone at a specific time. Time Is Everything Time is wealth; Save Yourself Hours of Time in One Easy Step If you have spent any time at all working at marketing on the web, you will have a long list of affiliate programs and membership sites that you have joined. You may also have a long list if websites that you run. Believe me, if you don't yet, you soon will. Other lists that you may have are search engines or article repositories that you work with. The Laundry Has Never Been More Fun Or The Pitfalls To Working At Home As a home-based, self-employed woman, mundane tasks can be as compelling to me as chocolate. Laundry. Dishes. Email. Try as I might to stay focused on running my business, at times, these uninspiring tasks beckon to me as a moth to a flame. Having Time on Your Side Clarity brings accomplishment Making More Efficient Use of Your Time You can lose, damage or waste some things in life, and then, get them repaired or buy them again. With time, you cannot do that. Once time has gone, there is no way to get it back! If you realise that a certain period of your life was less productive, or was lost in one way or another, there is no point in dwelling on it negatively; the best thing you can do is to learn from any mistakes, thus turning them, and therefore your time, into a positive use. Taking Time Out to Play - Summertime and the Living is Easy As the song goes, this is the time to relax, rest, rejuvenate and reward yourself for all the hard work you've been doing. As they say, all work and no play makes Jack & Jill a very dull boy & girl. We all need time to relax and just "play." Biggest Time Management Mistake The biggest time management mistake you can ever make is forgetting your closest partner in life. The one who stays with you all the way from cradle to grave. The one who drives you through your daily and nightly routines, who runs all your habits. You want it or not, this partner of yours is the real manager of most of your time. His name is Your Subconscious Mind. Top Ten Motivators Setting goals is the easy part -- but sticking with them over the long run can be a major challenge! Some people think that motivation requires will-power and dedication. Actually, staying motivated is all about setting up an environment that is conducive to you accomplishing your goals. Here are ten "tricks" for giving your goals staying power past January 31st: More Time Wanted? Deal with Your Time-wasters Now! Ever feel that you spend too much time shoring up the performance of some of your people? More time with one or two than with some of the others. Painful Cost of Working Yourself to Death We all know the harmful effects of overwork. People get tired and irritable. Without enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done -- much less the things we want to do -- life is stressful and unpleasant. Exhaustion and stress can and do lead to illness and lowered resistance to disease. People feel cheated and abused, and they get angry. All too often, the anger is expressed in an aggressive, violent or self-destructive way. How to Conquer the Five Major Time Wasters? * spreading yourself too thin Everythings Blurry Except For You Riding the subway home yesterday, my typically silent car was enlivened by two young girls and their mothers who hopped on. The girls, 7 years old or so, immediately danced over to the upright pole in the middle of the aisle and started twirling around it. After several minutes of this, giggling and talking and having a marvelous time chasing each other (paying no attention whatsoever to anyone else in the car), they settled into a rhythm directly across from each other. Still twirling, but more slowly, one said to the other ... "everything's blurry except for you" ... and the other immediately chanted it back. Back and forth. Their delight in each other's company was glowing in their conversation and lack of interest in anyone else on the train. They truly focused on each other, and discovered that everything else gets blurry! What a delightful example of focusing on someone when you're with them, and giving them 100% of your attention ... fully being there with them. Do You Have The Time? Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. Psalms 39:4. Find The Time -- Before Its Too Late! People always seem to be in such a hurry, everywhere I go. Time Management: A Non-Renewable Resource Benjamin Franklin wrote: "If you want to enjoy one of the greatest luxuries in life, the luxury of having enough time, time to rest, time to think things through, time to get things done and know you have done them to the best of your ability, remember, there is only one way. Take enough time to think and plan things in the order of their importance. Your life will take on a new zest, you will add years to your life, and more life to your years. Let all your things have their place." When you read Franklin's words, what do they mean to you? Do you have enough time to balance your personal needs with your commitment to the outside world? Is stress causing havoc in your life? What exactly does it mean to have your life in balance and how do you achieve it? Benefits of Speed Reading In this digital age, the importance of being able to absorb information quickly and efficiently is more pronounced than ever. For me, I get tonnes of information every single day. It used to be just the simple newspapers. Time Management Tips - How to Have a Filing System That Works Recently I was working with a new client who had invested hundreds of dollars for a records management organisation to set up a filing system for his business. Time Management Training - A Necessary Investment or A Waste Of Money? Many organisations view time management training as something they'll spend their money on, only if they have to. Usually when pruning the company or department budget, training is often the first area that gets the chop. And yet can you really afford not to? ![]() |
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