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The Top Ten Reasons to Hire a Coach
1. You have a big goal and you want someone to support you. A coach has no other agenda except to help you succeed. He/she can help you to brainstorm ideas, act as a sounding board, help you overcome your fears, and hold you accountable for moving forward on your plans. 2. You feel like you are not moving forward - you are stuck and can't figure out how to get beyond where you are. A coach can help you determine what is holding you back and then will work with you to overcome the obstacle. 3. You think you want to make a change but aren't sure what kind of change you want to make. A Coach can help you to understand exactly what you want. 4. You've just learned a new skill and want to integrate your learning into your work or life. A Coach will work with you to really internalize what you have learned. 5. You are not happy in your job and you are not sure what to do about it. A coach can help you to understand what you want to do and then will help you to do it. 6. You are thinking about changing your career and want to explore what's possible. A coach can help you uncover your life's purpose and then help you find a way to use that purpose in your career. 7. You are so busy helping other people you have no time for yourself. You feel resentful and angry. A coach can help you to understand what is causing your anger and help you to take the necessary actions that will help you to be a happier person. 8. You want to work smarter not harder but you aren't sure that that is possible. A coach can help you to set priorities and find new ways to manage your time, your work and you. 9. You are planning to start your own business (practice) and feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do. A coach can help you plan your business and help you to create a realistic time line. 10. Life feels flat to you. There is nothing physically wrong with you but you know something is missing. A coach can help you to find the vision and the passion missing from your life. About Alvah Parker
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