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Professional Traffic Building Tips
Let's face it; the Internet is cluttered with all sorts of guides about increasing traffic to your web site. Unfortunately, most of these guides are outdated or incomplete. In fact, many of the techniques being touted in them will get you in serious trouble. Wouldn't you like to build up quality traffic that will stand the test of time? The key phrase is "test of time". You don't want to be a flash in the pan. FIRST THINGS FIRST Before you rush out to tell the world that your brand new web site is open for business, set it up properly. Do not even start to think about traffic if your web site still has broken links, empty content, and other unfinished business. While patience can be a hard thing to control, having some will pay off later. Once your web site is completely operational from top to bottom, you are ready to flood it with traffic. SEARCH ENGINES While there are many web sites out there which claim to be search engines, you only need to be concerned with a few of the major ones like Google, MSN, etc. You do not need to submit your web site to these engines-they will find you on their own once your web site is being linked from other web sites. Never pay for a service or software that does this function because it will be a complete waste of money. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either trying to sell you a product or lacks real experience on the matter. The goal is to get your web site linked on other related web sites, which will cause the search engines to index your web site and visit somewhat often to look for changes. DIRECTORIES Your first step to building a solid traffic foundation is to submit your site to good directories. Doing so will increase your incoming links, page rank and traffic. Many directories charge a fee for a listing-most are one-time fees. Following is a breakdown of some of the more important directories to get listed in. The ODP (Dmoz.org) Submission to this directory is free and it is one of the best to be listed in. It is extremely important that you read their guidelines. All submissions are reviewed by an editor and the approval process can take weeks to months. Many web site owners have waited a long time before having their web site added. It is worth the wait. Yahoo.com Adding your web site to this very popular directory will cost $299 annually. Because of the price, you will want to think about this one. Experiences with Yahoo listings are on both sides of the aisle. The best thing to do is see where your web site will most likely be listed and evaluate the conditions for that section. sbd.Bcentral.com This is Microsoft's business directory and it will be a solid listing for you. The current listing fee is $50, which includes the use of their web site tuning service. This service will evaluate your pages and let you know if the page is ready to submit or contains errors such as under-optimization and spam alerts. It can help you optimize your pages for the keyword phrases you are interested in. SevenSeek.com This directory has a great page rank and many back links. As will all directory submissions, pay attention to the guidelines. The fee for submission is $40. Seven Seek is a general directory so just about any web site will fit here. GoGuides.org Go Guides is another great directory to get your web site into. Their web site is crawled by all the bots daily, which is a great plus. Submission is $40 for this general directory. Wowdirectory.com Wow Directory is a large general themed directory. Web site submissions are free but approval can take some time. They offer an express submit for $20 that will ensure your web site is listed within 24 hours. There are many more directories out there but these are some solid ones to get into first. In time, your web site will begin to appear in the major search engines. Most directories that charge for submission have adopted the policy started by Yahoo where the fee is for "review" only. It is absolutely vital that you read over all the guidelines to be certain that your web site will be accepted. ARTICLES A great way to generate traffic and back links to your web site is by writing articles. Here is the general process of how it works:
As you can see, the process is very simple. When other web site owners place your article on their web site, you will be generating incoming links all over the Internet with no work at all. This will not only lead to possible traffic but help to establish the value of your web site to the search engines-so better rankings. It is very important that your article is written well. If not, quality web site owners are much less likely to use your article and it makes you look bad. Most web site owners skip this important step in traffic building because they can not craft effective articles. If this is you, do something about it-visit Jason A. Martin right now and click on the "Articles for your web site" link. For a small fee, articles can be generated for you-and you retain full rights. Once received, simply slap your name on it and submit to places like Ezinearticles.com, goarticles.com, etc. This is perhaps one of the most important steps of all and after your article is written, it takes no work. The results can be extremely fast. Many articles out there are not crafted well so it is important to not formulate your writing style and perception blindly on the work of others. While many web sites that offer articles claim to "edit" them, it is more of a casual edit. TEXT LINKS The goal here is to increase the number of links from related web sites. For example, if your web site is about hot dogs, you will want to obtain links from web sites that are about such topics as: hot dogs, eating, hot dog buns, hot dog toppings, hot dog contests, etc. Obtaining a link from Joe's Engine Parts will not help much and may actually hurt in regards to search engine rankings. After thinking up words and phrases that are related to your main topic, visit your favorite search engine and search for those items. Visit the web sites that come up and try to get your link on them. Some might exchange a link with you, some might offer a link on their web site in exchange for payment, and some might simply say no. Keep at it. IN THE END By completing these tasks, your web site will have established a solid foundation that will withstand changes the future holds. I invite you to read about ways to promote your web site, improve ad copy, and much more by visiting Internet Business Entrepreneur. Remember to always keep a sense of pride about your web site. Resist the temptations to do actions which will hurt your web site and build it with the future in mind. ©2005 Jason Andrew Martin LLC Jason A. Martin has been conducting business on the Internet for 11 years. He is a free-lance writer on many topics and is currently working on obtaining a degree in Journalism and Law. His official blog can be viewed at: Jason A. Martin
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Reciprocal Linking Techniques Building a successful web site is a process that works best when done in a deliberate, logical step-by-step manner. The first step is to build a top quality web site that is packed with interesting and useful content. Steer Clear of the Internet Traffic Jam Yesterday, I got stuck in a traffic jam. It wasn't the first time and unfortunately won't be the last time! 5 miles of bright beaming red tail lights flickering in my eyes. Just the thought of it makes me kind of nauseas. Especially, when all I was trying to do was go to the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk! Simple Steps to Increase Traffic to Your Website Every website owner wants their website to be popular; some just might not admit to it! To increase traffic to your website, I suggest the following to start with: Using Free Publicity to Build Your Web Site Links and Traffic So, you have a great product or service, yet your web site is not getting the high rankings and traffic you desire from the top search engines like Google and MSN Search. Its Not The Opt-In List That Brings Success, Its Peoples Desire For Your Product Let me ask you a question. What is the most important thing in running a business? Well, obviously selling. Right? Wrong! This is like stating that the most important thing in life, its purpose, is breathing. Build Links, Build Business Increasing your online business hinges on your ability to optimize your web page for the search engines. While different search engines look for different things, some of the larger and more popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo, look for keywords and links. 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Keeping Track of Your Link Exchanges All of us want to increase traffic to our web sites. It helps our search engine rankings, and provides us with potential new customers. One of the best, and certainly least expensive, ways to do that is by exchanging links with sites similar to our own. However, you don't have to accumulate very many links before it becomes difficult to keep track of them all. Many of them have similar sounding (or identical!) names, descriptions and even URL's. Let me suggest a simple way to keep track of them so you don't embarrass yourself and annoy others by requesting to exchange links with someone more than once. Link Building That Makes Sense: Who To Link To When you are building links to increase your link popularity, who do you link to? The question of where to link to increase ranking can be confusing. Logical thinking is needed to achieve link popularity in a natural way. Buying Links for Free Traffic - Is it Worth the Price? 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