Traffic Building Information

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How To Increase Your Website Traffic With Zero Cost

How to increase your website traffic with zero cost'. It's a bold statement don't you think. But, believe me it's true. You can increase your traffic by 1000% with no cost involved if you do it the right way. Continue reading if you want to know how.

How to Cheat Traffic Exchanges

There are many ways to cheat traffic exchanges and generate massive numbers of hits to your website. Some are complex and some are simple. Below is a list of some of the more popular methods of cheating.

Utilize Those Traffic Exchanges.

I`ve had people come to me and say "Traffic Exchanges are useless, and I don`t have time to click anyway", or they`ll say "There are too many of them, and I find it all overwhelming"Here`s what I say: Ok, the traffic may not be 100% targeted visitors, but somebody, somewhere just MIGHT like your product, affiliate program, salespage etc.The more traffic you get, the more likely you are to actually find those people. First of all, whatever you do, don`t just jump onto any old traffic exchange, read it thoroughly, make sure you get at LEAST a 2:1 credit ratio, which basically means: you visit 2 websites, in exchange for one visitor to YOUR chosen website.Next, join 4 or 5 good traffic exchanges,. Read everything you can about using the program, so you know you won`t be breaking the rules.Now on to the hard work bit: Lets call the chosen exchanges A, B, C, D and E. Pull up notepad, copy/paste your referral links to the 5 programs into it (ctrl+c to copy, ctrl+v to paste). Do the same with your surfing links, (sometimes known as startpage links), and make sure you DON`T confuse the two.You need to plug each Traffic Exchange into the other to create a circle. (example: where it asks for website put program A into program B, B into C, C into D, D into E, and finally E into A)So now, each traffic exchange is promoting one of the others. The reason for this is to build your downlines in the various exchanges. Why work hard for traffic if you can get others to work for you?Ok, next step can be tedious, but if you`ve chosen the right traffic exchanges, it can be kinda fun too. Open the 5 programs, using your Surf/Startpage link.Click away at all 5 of them vigorously, say at least 30 minutes per day, for maybe 3 weeks. This SHOULD start building your downlines in the various exchanges. If it doesn`t work at first, keep trying until it does. The key here is to never give up.Once you have a good enough downline (in YOUR opinion), and your downlines are creating traffic for you, log back into the programs, change the website link to whichever program it is you REALLY want to promote.Don`t expect your downline to build ALL of your traffic, you may still have to "click" yourself for a while, but with time, that will change. In my favourite programs, my downlines are getting me 1000 pageviews per day.That`s 5000 pageviews, on average, per day for free, and I rarely click at all any more. Maybe every once in a while just to keep my accounts active, depending on the programs rules.Give it a try, and as I said before: Don`t give up! Have Fun!

How to Build a Website that Get Free Traffic

How to get FREE traffic and vistors to your website without spending advertising cost? The answer is to get good search engine ranking. But how to get your keywords ranked high? Here is the process you can follow for every web page:

How To Generate Loads Of Free Traffic To Your Website

One of the most popular ways to generate free traffic to your website these days is to use a free traffic exchange service.

5 Power Tips To Double Your Online Sales

"How Can I Double My Sales?" - that must be the silent prayer of thousands of webmasters.

Free Traffic Programs and How to Use Them

I try to use as many free traffic programs as I can to increase traffic to my web sites. But does this traffic actually make sales for me? Probably not directly but indirectly they can.

Your Traffic Building Checklist: 15 Ways to Get More Visitors Who Are Ready to Buy (Part 1)

Your Traffic Building Checklist: 15 Ways to Get More Visitors Who Are Ready to Buy (Part 2)

5 Tips For Increased Website Traffic

There are lots of ways to get traffic to your website however most people are interested in getting the most traffic for the least amount of money, preferably for free.

Attracting Traffic with Banner Ads

Internet is an ever evolving business platform. Doing business on the Internet differs in a number of ways from every day brick and mortar business. Change here is more frequent, more dramatic and may have greater impact than in a conventional business. Success in this climate can only come from quick response to the changes. Look at web advertisement! Just in a few short years, we have seen rise and fall of banner advertisement, email marketing, pop-ups, pop-unders and number of other marketing tools.

Online Guru or Scam Artist: How Can You Tell?

You want to start your own online business. You want the financial independence from corporate America. You want to pursue your dreams. You need help. Who do you call?

Marketing Made Easy

Is website traffic convertible to cash? The answer is yes. But that is not the right question every webmaster might want to dwell into, the right question is ?How can my site get targeted traffic without me spending too much??

Good Traffic is Targeted Traffic

Targeted traffic: the demographic

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