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How To Increase Your Website Traffic With Zero Cost
How to increase your website traffic with zero cost'. It's a bold statement don't you think. But, believe me it's true. You can increase your traffic by 1000% with no cost involved if you do it the right way. Continue reading if you want to know how. I've outlined 5 ways to reach your target. But, please keep in mind that these are not the only ways that you can do to increase your traffic. There are hundreds of techniques to increase traffic. But these one are the proven one. I've used it personally. More importantly, these techniques can get you FREE traffic. You're money is saved in your pocket. Let's go to the first one. Technique #1: Linking strategy Linking strategy is the easiest way to get free traffic. When I say "the easiest way" it does not mean that you can ask everybody to link to your site and do nothing after that. Compared to other techniques that you'll discover, this one will take less time to do. Here's how to do it. First select the site in your niche market. Be selective. Choose one that has a high traffic. Usually a high traffic site is pretty stingy to put link to your site. So, the key here is to be persistent. Ask them how many visitors do they received per month and if they could link to your site. If they don't answer your request, email them the second time. Be persistent. If they don't want to link to your site, ask them to trade link instead (reciprocal link). This is the last resort you want to have. Word of warning: Don't crowd your site with too many links. Only accept link trading if it's really worth it. Technique #2: Offer Free eBooks or articles You'll fall in love with this technique if you see what it can do to your site. This technique can create an excellent'Viral marketing' effect. It can multiply the no of visitors to your site in a matter of days. This most important thing about this technique is that to offer something that is really useful to your visitor. So useful that they can only get that information from you! You need to the 'wants' in your need market. What problems do they encounter? Solve these problems and you have a killer articles or e-book that you can give away for free. Remember, don't sell it. Give it away for free. If you feel really reluctant to give your article or e-book for free, you can give your visitors a partial of it. But, make sure it's really useful. Don't forget to put your name and your contact information in this article or e-book. Usually, if you write an article, you need to include your resource box at the very bottom of your article. The most important task in this technique is to offer a reprint right to your visitors. What this mean is that your visitors can publish your articles or e-book to anyone in any medium; email, Ezine, website or anything. But please state your condition: Include your contact information or resource box. This will create viral effect to your visitors. Before I forgot, there is one particular e-book compiler that is good in doing this kind of task. The name of this e-book compiler is 'E-book Edit Pro'. With this compiler, you can offer your visitors a customizable e-book. This is a great incentive for them to distribute your article or e-book since they can put their name and information in it. If you like to know more about the excellent compiler, please visit: http://www.ebookedit.com/ Technique #3: Classified Ad This is the most time consuming technique compared to all 5. While it is time consuming, it is really worth it. Tips - This technique should be used together with the above technique. Let me explain: First, you need to write an e-book or article that you can give it away for free. Then, you need have an autoresponder. If you don't have an autoresponder (your hosting company should provide this service for free), you can get one for free. Just type 'free autoresponder' in your search engine and you'll get hundred of sites that provided free autoresponder. If you're searching for excellent autoresponder, I'd like to suggest these autoresponder: 1. http://www.getresponse.com - Most online marketers used this service. You pay monthly to them for providing service. The most important feature is that you can personalize your autoresponder with your visitor's name. They also provide a free service. The only catch is that there will be an ad in your email. 2. http://www.aweber.com - One of the first companies to provide autoresponder service. Try to visit their site if you want to learn more. Basically, it offers the same kind of service as getresponse.com. 3. http://www.autoresponseplus.com - You only need to pay one-time fees for this service since the software will be installed on your server. It's great in you don't want to pay high monthly fees. The only drawback for Autoresponseplus is that you need to have a little bit skill on how to install cgi (Common Gateway Interface) on your server. Enough talking. Let's continue. After you have your own autoresponder, place your free article in this autoresponder. Now, you need to advertise your autoresponder address in the classified ad website. Don't put your email address but your autoresponder address. The best part with this technique is that you can capture you visitor's email. You can contact them again and again if you have any offer in the future. Technique #4: Deliver informational pack Ezine/newsletter People surf the net to look for information. Out of 100, only 3 people surf the net to buy something. But others are doing some research or try to find something informational. With this keep in mind, you can attract people to come to your site if you can deliver them timely information. By producing timely information, you glued these visitors to your site preventing them from going elsewhere. This can be done by giving them free newsletter or Ezine. This is not an easy task because there is abundance of free information on the net. You need to give them something different from these 'free' stuff. Try to provide something unique in your Ezine. For example, if you're publishing music Ezine, try to make a deal with music label so that you can give special price to your subscriber. Make sure your subscriber cannot get this of kind if deal in other place. If you can create this unique proposition, you're already on top of the world. Your Ezine will spread like fire. More people will come to your site to subscribe your unique newsletter. Technique #5: Offer affiliate program This is the greatest FREE traffic generator technique out there. With this technique both parties win; you and your affiliate program participant. You get more traffic and sales, they get more money from referral commission. This topic is really a large topic. I can write a whole e-book about how to create a successful affiliate program. But, I'll discuss the basic thing about affiliate program in here. Basically, to create an effective affiliate program, you need to create an interest for your visitor's to join your affiliate program. You can do this by giving them high referral fees and marketing tools for them to use. Above all, you need to make them easy to promote your product or service. Don't make them do all the hard work. It is your job. The next thing you need to do is to motivate them to spread the word about you. Contact them in a timely manner. Don't forget them after they've joined your program. Make them feel special. In fact, they are special since they are the one who will do the promotion and advertising. A well designed affiliate program can increase your website traffic and sales by unimaginable amount. But again, you need to devote all you effort in this technique if you want to have a successful affiliate program. Don't do it half way. Even if you've to work 18 hours a day to create your own affiliate program, it's really worth it in the future. The payoff is going to be thousand times your initial effort. All of these techniques are free. You don't have to spend a dime on them. Try it on your site. I've tried all these techniques. And they work! Nas Romli runs a site that help people to start their own home based business within 24 hours.Many have benefited from this service.Drop by at his site for more information about this amazing service:http://www.cashflowsecret.net
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Triple Your Traffic with Top Keyword Strategies Although the topic of keyword strategy and selection may appear to have been beaten to death already, it remains critical to the success of your website. Choosing the best keywords is only "Phase One" of the process. You must also make the most of the keywords you have. Vote for Your Own Website - Nobody Will Mind OK boys and girls. Today we're having a pop quiz. How To Get At Least 50 Visitors A Day Free How To Get At Least 50 Visitors A Day Free! How to Get Your Traffic to Take Off in a Hurry without Paying a Dime The desire of every webmaster and in fact anybody with some sort of web presence, it to increase their traffic in a hurry. Higher traffic automatically means more revenue for the website, it hardly matters what the websites' business is. Increasing traffic is hard work and usually takes time. One can however work hard at doing the following things and speed up the process. 3 Proven Free Marketing Methods Guaranteed To Improve Your Website Traffic Why would you pay for advertising if you could just get it for free? Well, the truth be told, most free advertising methods are mostly alot of hype. You often get what you pay for: nothing! Even the good free methods are often misunderstood & not used to their maximum benefit. How To Increase Your Website Traffic With Zero Cost How to increase your website traffic with zero cost'. It's a bold statement don't you think. But, believe me it's true. You can increase your traffic by 1000% with no cost involved if you do it the right way. Continue reading if you want to know how. Key Words to Build Traffic Much has already been said about having a content rich website using your key words for search engines to find you then direct traffic to your site. Are You Guilty of Stinkin? Linkin? Thinkin?? Do you know what kind of sites are suitable link partners for your site? My Kind Of Targeted Traffic, Cheap There are two types of tools I sometime use to bring multitudes of people to my Web site--with little or no risk to my pocketbook: pay-per-click (PPC) search engines and affiliate programs. 4 Ways To Use Quality Content To Increase Traffic To Your Website There are multiple ways to drive traffic to your website. You can use pay per click, search engine optimization, email marketing, ezine advertising and many more. How to Increase Targeted Traffic that Boost Your Income? To increase targeted traffic is one of the foremost wish lists to the webmasters. And the targeted traffic is one of corner stones that make you rich via Internet marketing. Whether you're an affiliate, selling your own products/services, or a web master who seeks extra income through your web site, these three cornerstones must be obtained. What are they? The Best Website Traffic Sources You have to search a lot to find what is most likely to work for your web site. Once you get an understanding for each type of advertising then you can put it to work. A Simple Guide to Analyzing All Those Web Traffic Ideas - Part 1 There will be a lot of people unhappy about what I am going to reveal in this article. However, I think it is time somebody spoke out about what is happening on this wonderful medium we have come to know as the internet. What I am talking about are the "sharp" practices engaged in by people offering all sorts of dubious marketing plans. How to Quickly Gain Traffic to Your New Web Site Have you spent a lot of money on advertising with the expectation that you would get many sales from the 1000s of web site visitors that read your ad? 20 Easy Ways To Get People To Link To Your Web Site First off all let's define what is a link exchange? A link exchange Internet marketing campaign is the process of exchanging hyperlinks with a quality site that is somehow related to a company's product or service. How To Find Relevant Web Sites For Link Exchanges If you've been on the internet very long at all, you know that one of the very best and certainly cheapest ways of making your web site known is by exchanging links with other sites similar to yours. The more relevant sites that link to yours, the more your rating will improve, the more people looking for whatever you have will find your site, the more traffic you will get and the more sales you will make! So just how do you go about finding webmasters who are willing to place a link to your new site onto their site? Where Do You Get Quality Content? There are three main sources for you to get the content you need. 131 (Legitimate) Link Building Strategies In search engine optimization, "off page" factors have become more and more important as they relate to rankings. In particular, solid link popularity can literally make or break a site with the search engines. No Follow Illustrates Need For Good Linking Plan The blog explosion created a great opportunity for savvy marketers--they could post their URL's in the comments of blogs and reap the benefits of links back to their sites as the search engines crawled through. Winning the Traffic Exchange Game Winning the traffic exchange game can be done. I was just starting out online and had no money so I was looking for a free way to drive traffic to my site. That is when I first found traffic exchanges. I found the concept to be great and signed up for everyone I found and started clicking and clicking and clicking. After countless hours, a blistered clicking finger and a lot of frustration I found the secret to the game. ![]() |
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