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Viral Marketing Technique Creates a Chain Reaction with One-Time Action!
Suddenly your site's traffic multiplies. You get "Money Waiting" emails from your Payment Processor; more sales than you can handle. Your downline increases radically - potential entrepreneurs join your sales force. Your leads-list inflates spectacularly. Your jaw drops as you witness the evolution right before your eyes... You rub your eyes as you are hooked on your screen watching those figures invading your monitor. Your heartbeat boosts uncommonly fast. What actually happened? -- The Chain-Reaction Effect has just Began -- It could happen to you... a 4-digit ($8225 in gross sales) overnight earning was the byproduct of a well-coined viral marketing scheme, which unexpectedly met my wildest crest. I never thought that a (above any logical suspicion) free e-report would multiply among subscribers so virulently fast. Just like an epidemic attacks our immune system belligerently, an alike "power" compelled numerous of ordinary subscribers into acting as active bonds of a chain-reaction... multiplying the report to hundreds of thousands of PC's across the nations! At last... after zealous experimentation, a powerful marketing formula was constituted; all the much-needed critical elements produced an incredible effect in traffic, sales and... ultimate multiplication. Since then, I never spent a cent in publicity - why throw money down the drain when other potential people feverishly pass my free reports with maniac-like fanaticism? Even the most fixated group of rebels would envy of this induplicable contrive. While it's impractical to expand the components of this "virulent formula" over a few paragraphs, one element awed me - "the power of reciprocation goaded people into spreading the news with utter willingness." Can you identify with this "patrol movement"? The colossal muscle of an intoxicating viral marketing scheme can attribute to your income dramatically. For a more analytical reference on "viral marketing" and its' importance, refer to http://traffic-engine.net About The Author George Papazoglou is the author behind www.traffic-engine.net and Creator of the "Hits Tornado Advertising System" [ www.traffic-engine.net/hits ]
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