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How To Get Free Traffic To Your Website
There are many ways to get free traffic to your website, but the method that I use beats all the traditional methods hands down - and best of all...it's free! I have used all forms of advertising, but most of the good forms of advertising have cost money. Like all business owners, we have to analyze our investments and try to cut cost in order to receive a larger return on our investments. Now, your probably wondering what I could possibly be doing to bring traffic to my website without spending a dime on advertising. Well, you're looking at it. Do you see it yet? I am writing an article. It's absolutely that simple! I will write an article about a topic that I know and am comfortable with, and then I will go and submit these articles to various websites on the Internet. Are you worried that websites won't accept your article? You shouldn't be. This is a win / win situation for all parties involved. First of all, webmasters love these articles. I have even had webmasters come back to me and ask if I have any more. Why do they do this? Because it helps their search engine rankings by providing visitors to their site good content. After they place your article on their website a portion of their visitors will visit your site. Once you have placed enough of these articles out on the Internet, your traffic will dramatically increase and so will your search engine rankings. I guarantee it! Maybe your new to the Internet business and don't have enough experience to write about anything pertaining to the Internet business. No problem there either. Everyone has some life experience that they can write about. Maybe you're a stay at home mom and your good at changing diapers. You better believe that there is a mother to be out there somewhere who is surfing the Internet looking for information on how to change diapers. Now, your probably not going to be able to write an article about changing diapers and get it listed on a home business website. But there are plenty of websites that will accept an article of this nature and still drive traffic to your business site. I would suggest doing a search on your favorite search engine for "submit baby articles" or something of that nature. Be creative, you will never run out of websites willing to accept your article. After I have completed my article, I will write a short autobiography about myself and include my website address in it. Notice how I have done this at the bottom of this article. The Internet was created with the intention of providing information to the public. Become an information provider and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. Remember that the Internet has created more millionaires than any other vessel in history. Best wishes for your future success and prosperity! Sincerely, Rebecca Gilbert About The Author Rebecca Gilbert has been a successful entrepreneur since July, 2002. Visit her website for more tools and tips for running a successful Internet business. http://www.101homebusiness.org
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Marketing Made Easy Is website traffic convertible to cash? The answer is yes. But that is not the right question every webmaster might want to dwell into, the right question is "How can my site get targeted traffic without me spending too much?" How to Build Web Traffic Daily.. How to Build Web Traffic Daily Build Your Inbound Site Links Without Requesting Reciprocal Links A funny thing happened to me three months ago. I decided to practice what I preach and publish a new article online. Hey, its easy to get sidetracked on other projects online and drop or forget about what works. We all do it. The Most Useful Way To Utilize Traffic Exchanges If you advertise through click-exchange traffic programs or GPTR programs, then you should have an idea of what a timed visit is. Basically, people have to view your page for a certain amount of seconds before they can get credit and move on. And that certain amount of seconds is all the time you have to catch their interest. Lets average it out at 20 seconds that your visitor has to view your site before they can move on so you need to catch them by creating a what is known as a... Free Traffic Programs and How to Use Them I try to use as many free traffic programs as I can to increase traffic to my web sites. But does this traffic actually make sales for me? Probably not directly but indirectly they can. If you need More Targeted Visitors to Your Site this Will get the Free Traffic Flowing If you don't know by now one the best ways to attract free traffic to your site is with articles. You find them in your email. You find them on any website that provides useful content. Take a look and you will see they are all formatted the same way. What Do Your Site Statistics Mean, Anyway? The purpose of analyzing your web site statistics is to look for trends and to research the success level of your marketing campaigns. The numbers themselves can be misleading, as statistical packages count "hits" in different ways. If someone visits a page on your site doesn't mean that they read it completely. What is all the Buzz about LinkedIn and Does It Work? Have you received invitations to join an online networking website? These new websites have created quite a buzz as the next big thing. People brag about having thousands of 'links' on LinkedIn.com. But this article attempts to explain what value, if any, derives from these networks. Basically, people are driven by the system to forge networks with complete strangers. One of the founders of LinkedIN, Konstantin, posted a message on another forum that was filled with idealistic platitudes that do not match the reality of LinkedIn. Here is my response to him. Targeted Traffic for Your Website - 3 Guaranteed Ways to Create Lift-Off Targeting traffic for your website is as easy as knowing how to simply direct traffic to your website rather than another one. The information web surfers are looking for is usually available on hundreds if not thousands of websites, so you have to make sure you are extremely diligent about keeping your website high in the search engine rankings. There are several ways you can do this which include links, keywords, and pay per click advertising. 5 Free Ways to Increase your Website Traffic I don't know about you, but when I first entered the world of internet marketing I thought I could just submit my newly finished website to a few search engines, then sit back as the visitors flocked to my site. Reciprocal Link Exchange Rampup - Winning the Link Popularity Contest Getting links to your website all over the Internet is one of your best methods to get a higher ranking in the search engines. The reason for this is the more links you have, the more popular you are in the eyes of the search engines, and as a result you will be rewarded with a higher relevancy ranking than other websites with fewer links. So, what you want to do is joint venture with as many other websites as possible and get your links out on the Net. This will increase your traffic and ultimately your revenue, so it is certainly worth your while to put some serious effort into reciprocal linking. Follow these suggestions on how you can get started with reciprocal link exchanges and win the link popularity contest. Back Door Google via Overture The importance of link popularity is widely known and many articles, theories and applications have been written on the topic. We all know by now that having many web sites pointing to your web site increases your Google link popularity and can score your web site higher page ranking and consequently the site will be higher in the search engine 'natural results'. Traffic Exchange Primer Traffic exchanges are everywhere. A traffic exchange is a clever way to get hundreds or thousands of visitors to your website. The concept is very simple and the exchange process is easy to put into action. First, you join a traffic exchange program that includes individuals with websites to promote. Next, you set up the website you want to promote. Finally, you visit the websites of the other members and they visit your website in exchange. Free Traffic Course - Day 8 If you have any experience of work with your web site, then you know how many changes must be done on the web site to meet with new demands of Internet market. Sometimes these changes may be tiny, like adding some keywords to your text, but if you are not a programmer, you cannot do it. 3 Instant Traffic Techniques for Mini-Sites When building websites there are two main options: large content site or small mini-sites. Large content sites are normally more "information" focused. Mini-sites, however, normally have one purpose only, to sell. How to Cheat Traffic Exchanges There are many ways to cheat traffic exchanges and generate massive numbers of hits to your website. Some are complex and some are simple. Below is a list of some of the more popular methods of cheating. Alexa: Why You Should be Using the Toolbar Why on earth would anyone want to install a piece of spyware onto their Web browser? No sensible right minded person would ?unless you are a webmaster and you want to improve your SERPS ranking that is. The Alexa toolbar is not "technically" spyware as it doesn't retrieve any private or personal information. It does however log all the sites you visit and as webmasters we can use this to our advantage. It uses this information to compile traffic ranking statistics and a relational list. The relational list is very useful as it shows what other sites people who have looked the current website have also visited. Alexa is owned by Amazon and it is possible to make your own Alexa toolbar with your Amazon affiliate code included. You can then place this on your site and get credited when anyone buys through Amazon using the Amazon button on the toolbar you've distributed, it is also possible to include a link to your site in the toolbar. Alexa ranks sites from 1 to 5,000,000 and sometimes higher. Ranking 1 has the most traffic and so on, anything below 250,000 and you should be getting some decent traffic levels. This information can be used to determine how well your advertising campaigns are going and how traffic levels are growing over a period of time. This information can also be used to determine how you rivals are doing and keep you one step ahead of them. The Alexa information is also picked up by other search engines so you benefit from an increase in you SERPS as your site progresses up the rankings . One drawback of the Alexa toolbar is that it only works on Internet Explorer and not the tool of choice for most webmasters Firefox. However I personally feel this is a small price to pay for the benefits I get when using the tool bar for research and to check my sites daily. Checking the stats of your own site has a positive impact on your Alexa ranking as the toolbar is not generally used by the general public so every extra hit from a browser with the tool bar installed is valuable. I have 1 site that is almost exclusively used by webmasters , As webmasters are the people who use Alexa more than any other group 500 page views a day are enough to get this site into the top 500,000 Another site that has 3 times the traffic but the visitors are mostly the general public so this site is languishing in the 2,000,000 's. Why not try an experiment for a month, Download the toolbar and monitor one of your sites, once you see the data you get and the way it can be used you won't know how you survived without it. Website Traffic: 10 Mind Busting Secrets To Gain More Orders Do you want to generate more orders at your website? Secret to Increase Traffic from Banner Exchanges Introduction A Simple Guide to Analyzing All Those Web Traffic Ideas - Part 2 Just to recap - Part 1 of this article outlined some of the so-called "secrets" of website traffic being offered on-line and what you might expect for your money. If you missed Part 1 you will still be able to view it by clicking on the links appearing in the resource box at the end of this, Part 2. ![]() |
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